
Reverse Geocoding With Google Map API And PHP To Get Nearest Location Using Lat,Long coordinates

I need a function to get an nearest address or city from coordinates(lat,long) using google map api reverse geocoding and php... Please give some sample code ...

Associating correct labels with markers in Google Maps

Hi - I have a little problem with a Google Maps page I have put together. Here is the test URL - I want to have multiple locations plotted on the map by referencing their UK postcode. Each marker will also have an associated label when the user clicks the marker (usin...

Google Maps API direction limit

I've used the Google Maps API to make a map that displays direction polylines for multiple users to a common destination. So each user has their own polyline displayed on the map at the same time. The problem is that there appears to be a limit of how many polylines get returned. When I have more than about 10 users, i stop receiving po...

Google Maps API - Markers Weird?

Hi, I just create map using Google Maps api, but...markers are not in the same place. I think I did everything ok, taken coordinates from but on my custom map it's over 3 cm on the right...Why? Second question... What is the best method for adding markers? ...

How to get the address of a latitude and longitude in an iphone application

I am getting latitude and longitude using CLLocation. I want to know how I can get the address by using this latitude and longitude. Please help me. ...

How do I fix bad character interpretation in Google Maps?

I'm building a map of clients for my company and have a .xml file storing all the data which is subsequently loaded into a google map. I have a problem in so much as some of the characters aren't appearing as I expect them to. As far as I've seen so far, the following characters appear to cause issues: - ø For example: <marker lat="...

A crowdsourced Map Edit application for enviornmental cause

I want to create an application where users can mark on map location of polluting factories. Google map provides a MAP editor feature. We would like to have our own website like where people could mark these locations. What would be the best approach for this? Additionally we should be able to backup this database whic...

Get DOM Element of a marker in Google Maps API 3

Hi, I'm trying to find a way to get the DOM element of a marker. It seems that Google uses different elements for showing a marker and one of handling the event. I've figured out 2 things so far. There's an generated variable called fb that holds the DOM element on a marker object, but I think the next time Google updates the API, it...

Open info window if user hovers longer than x milliseconds

What I'm trying to do is very simple: open the marker's info window only if the user has hovered on the marker for longer than x millisecond. I can't find how to do this anywhere. I would appreciate a little code snippet to show me how to set this up! ...

GIS, Mercator projection, calculate Y position

I am doing some stuff with GIS(or map), and I know how to calculate Y position from latitude in mercator projection. But I don't know how it comes? Why it is ln(tan(x)+sec(x)) ? I couldn't figure out why there is a 'ln'? I know it is not directly related to programming, but I hope some one could help me understanding about this (bett...

Google Map View Error when running - Droid

I want to learn some programming for my android phone. I was successful doing the hello world app. Now I wanted to try the mapview found here: My code is the following: package com.example.hellomapview; import android.os.Bundle; import android.widget.LinearLayou...

Im looking for documentation on Goolge Maps API ver 3 infowindow tabs

Im looking for documentation on Goolge Maps API ver 3 infowindow tabs See here for proof that they do exist:;viaProduct=2&amp;viaSpecial=-1&amp;strCountry=ZAF&amp;lat=-29.8570032&amp;lng=31.0247936&amp;gCountry=ZA ...but nothing in the google maps ver 3 api? ...

How to make a mutable ItemizedOverlay

Hey all, I would like to make a Google map overlay with changable pins. An easy way to visualize this would be to think of a near real time overlay, where the pins are constantly changing location. However, I can't seem to think of a safe way to do this with the ItemizedOverlay. The problem seems to be the call to populate - If size(...

Google sky alternative

Hi , I am looking to develop a commercial game using the sky map (google earth) , from what i understand , google sky can not be used for commercial applications . Is there any alternative ? thanks ...

Which Google Maps API key should I use for development?

I got an API key for development using localhost, but I want to be able to hit my server from different machines on my local network so I can test it. When I go via a local 198.162.. IP address on the network Google throws the error saying I need another API key. What should I be getting for development purposes so a single server inst...

Plotting shapefiles on top of Google map tiles

I have some shapefiles I want to plot over Google Maps tiles. What's the most efficient way to do this? One path might be to use the pkg RgoogleMaps, however, it is still unclear to me how to do this. I assume using PlotonStaticMap with some combination of reformatting the shapefile data ...

Dynamically adding listeners in goole maps where iframe src is set differently for each marker

Hi I've read the articles and the excellent piece on scope and closures by Robert Nyman. However i cannot get this to work. I'm trying to assign a mouseover event to various markers and then set an iframe src depending on the marker moused over. I get the infamous last entry for every mouseover event. I've played with it for the better ...

GTK interaction with Google maps

We are trying to make a GUI application in C using GTK that would use google maps api to download a map and find the shortest path between the source and the destination. We have implemented a mini web browser in our application using web toolkit. What is troubling me determining how would our application interact with the google maps ap...

centering a google map based on marker lat long values

I'm plotting about 20 markers on a map, locations in a city. When I use getLatLng to find the city center it's always a little removed from the locations I'm plotting, which means the markers are usually located in a corner of my map instead of in the center. is there a way to center the map on a location that is more central to my loca...

Google Maps API v3 - IP-based Geolocation

Has anyone been able to get geo-location based on a person's IP to work using Google Maps API v3 JavaScript? It seems to me that even the google provided example doesn't work. Question: Does this example work for anyone? How do I get geolocation based ...