
How can I stop Google Toolbar offering to translate my app?

How can I stop Google Toolbar offering to translate my web app? I've tried adding this tag to the top of every page: <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Language" CONTENT="en-GB"> but it makes no difference. I'm developing a web app in ASP.NET which displays a lot of data from various languages - things like names, locations, etc. If the use... broken on FireFox with Google Toolbar installed

Just now I started having problems with a site I'm working on. The problem occurs when opening a window with a simple var popup ="picture.php?id="+id, "gallerypicture", "width=737, height=543, top="+top+", left="+left); popup.focus(); For some reason Google Toolbar starts breaking stuff as soon as the wi...

Google toolbar reporting "This page is in Filipino" when it is English

How does Google Toolbar determine the language of a page to offer translation from it? Google is mis-identifiying a simple login page on our site as Filipino and offering to translate it into English. I've tried added a lang="en" attribute to the <html> element of the page, but that seems to have made no difference. Anyone know why thi...

Using google toolbar from webbrowser control?

I have a C# winform with a webbrowser control on it. I'd like to know if it is possible to add the Google Toolbar to this winform and have it interact with the webbrowser control, specifically for the "Translate" functionality. Is this possible? ...