
Change font size in Google Visualization Motion Chart

How can I (if anyhow) control the font size of axis in Google Visualization Motion Chart? In several chart types I can change the text size with property axisFontSize bit it does not make effect to Motion Chart. ...

GAE Datastore Table Display using JSON and Google Visualization Table?

GAE Datastore Table Display using JSON and Google Visualization Table? Anyone has experience on this? How Google Visualization Table will render pagination with JSON? Really need an example on how to do this or another solution on achieving same result? I just want to render my table just like this sample using above methode and source. ...

[Google Visualization API] Format Y axis tick mark numbers

Hello, I am using the annotated timeline visualization and I am wondering if it is possible to format the numbers that are on the side of the Y axis ( on the Y-axis 'tick marks'). What I need explicitly is a way for these numbers to be truncated to whole integers, and not display the decimal parts, so they do not take as much space. I...

Easiest ways to generate graphs from Python?

I'm using Python to process CSV files filled with data that I want to run calculations on, and then graph. I'm looking for a library to use that I can send processed CSV information to, or a dict of some sort, and then choose different graphing styles with. Does anyone have any recommendations? ...

Is there a way to download the rendered view of a google motion-chart as a .png?

I am using Google motion-charts in a web-site developed in python/django. Is there a way to save the rendered view of a google motion-chart as an image (server-side)? For the more basic chart types - such as scatter diagrams - the command'scatter-random-marker-sizes.png') works fine, but I have not found an equivalent f...

Loading Google Visualisations via Ajax

Hello, I have several tabs in my application, and each tab loads a different sub-page via jQuery load() function. My problem is that some of the pages contain Google Visualization plugins and these will not work. My first approach was to have the JavaScript for the Visualization API in the sub-page being loaded, but that did not work...

Google Visualization API chart in Blogger / Blogspot

Is it possible to embed (chart) visualizations created by the Google Visualization API in a Blogger post? I tried stripping out the <head> and <body> tags (and closing tags) from the pie chart example, however, the pie chart visualization fails to render, even on a published post. NOTE: I'm asking about the Visualization API, rather th...

Is there was way to get the leftmost column in a Google visualization table to stay fixed while side-scrolling?

I'd looking to emulate the standard google visualization table header row behavior, but have it apply to the first column. This doesn't seem to be a built-in feature, but I'm wondering if it can be accomplished with some custom CSS? ...

jquery google visual api graph's data rows does not work.

Hi! I'd like to use google drawVisualization API. Example: var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string'); data.addColumn('number'); data.addRows([ ['a', 14], ['b', 47], ['c', 80], ['d', 55], ['e', 16], ['f', 90], ['g', 29], ['h', 23], ['i', 58], ['j', 48] ]); ...

Using Google Visualization in GWT 2.0

I'm working on learning GWT (total newb) and have a question regarding the Visualiztion API provided by Google. This page: Describes getting started with a pie chart (which is what I need). However I'm trying to do this in a composite UI using UiBinder. To that...

Looking for a visualization and charting package

I have some specific requirements, with the most important at the top: Can plot line and stacked bar charts Can customize mouse events (hover, click) on chart data Compatible and performant with IE7/8 (likely will use excanvas.js) Can optionally control label formats, legends, colors Open source preferred, or at least can purchase the...

How can I create a Google Visualization intensity/heat map using a KMZ document?

I'd like to create a Google Visualization API intensity/heat map based on UK counties. To do this, it appears that I need to use a custom KML/KMZ file that contains the county mapping data (which I've located). Could anyone provide me with a sample of how I can display an intensity map based on a KMZ file? I know how to display Google ...

Google Visualization Annotated Time Line, removing data points.

I am trying to build a graph that will change resolution depending on how far you are zoomed in. Here is what it looks like when you are complete zoomed out. So this looks good so when I zoom in I get a higher resolution data and my graph looks like this: The problem is when I zoom out the higher resolution data does not get cleared ...

Any good Google Visualization Annotated Timeline tutorials?

I've been playing with google visualization annotated timeline and so far I'm comfortable displaying the data and adding annotations, but I'm fairly confused about how to implement getting additional data when the user zooms the chart using either the zoom links at the top of the chart or the timeline below. A great example of the imple...

How to create a chart from mysql data? (using Google visualisation api)

Hello, I have some data and want to create some dynamic charts. I have looked on Google visualisation api .. It looks great but the problem is I am not very familiar with it. Any ideas, how I can set the data.setValue from mysql data. <script type='text/javascript'> google.load('visualization', '1', {'packages': ['geomap']}); ...

Google Chart APIs for plotting data in local machine

Hi guys, Preface: I am a system programmer (who has just started his career as a S/W Engineer), so not very good @ web scripting languages, though I have just started learning them. Problem Synopsis: I want to write an app that keeps track of what I am doing and records it allowing me to analyse my time spending pattern and could he...

Populate google.visualization.DataTable for a AnnotatedTimeLine using JSON

Hi I have a HttpHandler which returns some JSON in (i think) the correct format for a google.visualization.DataTable, but the AnnotatedTimeLine fails to work? This is the JSON returned by the Handler: {cols: [{id: 'DATE', label: 'Date', type: 'date'}, {id: 'KEYWORD51', label: 'vw cheltenham', type: 'number'}, {id: 'KEYWORD52', label: ...

Google Visualization Spacing

I have a chart similar to the one below using the Google Visualization API. My problem is that on the right side of where the key is for this chart(where it says low, medium, high) there is too much white space. How can I get rid of this white space? ...

load google annotated chart within jquery ui tab content via ajax method

Hi, I am encountering an issue with trying to load a google annotated chart ( within a jquery ui tab using content via ajax method ( If instead I use the default tabs functionality, writing out the code things wor...

Google Visualization API - Line and Scatter on one Chart.

Does any one know if it is possible to use the Default Google Scatter Chart in the Google Visualizations Gallery to draw a scatter chart that has both a series with points only, a series with a line of best fit and on top of this a set of lines across the chart indicating limits. i.e. at +/- 20% etc. The chart we need is actually a Con...