
Updating Google Chart dynamically with PHP and JavaScript

I have a Google Chart (using the Google Visualization API, not Google Charts API) that populates on page load. After which, the user can select options from multiple drop-down menu's. I would like the user to be able to update the Google Chart based on their selections. I've already created the PHP code to grab the new data via MySQL ...

Updating Google Visualization API with <div> button

Fellow Coders, I'm trying to update a Google Visualization API that has already been populated with data. Here's the background: The user get's to choose several options from drop down menu's. After which, the user may select to update the Google API from a button. Do I need a QueryWrapper function, initiated through the button...

JavaScript Charts API: Flot jQuery Plugin OR Google Visualization ?

Hi, I am looking for a charts library to be displayed on a website. I will use intensively this library (for area, line and bar charts mainly), so I prefer to secure my choice before starting implementing. The list of website chart libraries that I have initially considered are: Plotkit Emprise JS Charts Sparkline Protochart gRaphae...

Googe Visualization - Multiple lines on a AnnotatedTimeLine

Can someone give me a simple example of a AnnotatedTimeLine visualization? All the examples I can find have only one line, despite the docs talking about multiple lines. Adn if you're feeling particularly kind, you might give me an example of what a (python) datasource schema looks like for the example. Thanks in advance. ...

Displaying scale within the range selector of a Google annoted timeline

I want to visualize where the user currently is located on the range selector slider at the bottom of the timeline. Google uses this method on the Finance site. ...

Using Google's annotated timeline in the Visualizations API, can you insert annotations irregardless of data set?

I can insert annotations on specific datasets on the graph but I wish to have multiple lines on the graph without associating the annotation with a specific line, but with a date instead. Here is an example of what I want to do. Notice the bubbles appended to the x-axis and not a specific line on the graph. I've read through the API an...

How to customize tooltips(text and Format) in Google Vizualization Bar Charts ?

I am using Google Visualization Bar Chart and I would like to customize or change the tooltip text and format that appears when clicking on a bar. I have been through documentation but I didn't find a way to implement this. Do you know: if it is possible? if yes, could you write me (or give me a link to) some code examples ? Thx,...

Google Visualization API - Org Chart Layout

Using the Org Chart in the Google Visualization API, is there a way to flip the chart to a vertical layout instead of horizontal. ...

Is there any way to export a Google Visualization org chart as an image?

Is there anyway to have an export function to export the Google Visualization organizational chart as an image? I want this as a feature of my website, so people can click a button or a link and have it save as an image or a pdf file ...

Open source 'Motion Chart' or 'Trendalyzer'?

If you don't want to, or can't use the Google Visualization service, are there (preferably open source) substitutes to use to have motion charts? ...

does google org chart visualization api support mutliple managers (coheads)

is there a way to support the use case where there are a bunch of people that report to two co heads of a group. it doesn't look like it from my initial testing but wanted to verify to be sure. i have a use case where some people report to Joe and some people report to Tom but some people report both to Joe and Tom as they are co heads...

Google visualization api on app engine not working... (python)

I'm trying to render the sortable table that's provided in Google visualization API in my app on app engine, but it's not working. The app is written in python and uses the django framework. When I copy the generated HTML/Javascript and save it as a plain html file locally, it works just fine. This leads me to believe that the problem i...

jQuery load Google Visualization API with AJAX

Hello. There is an issue that I cannot solve, I've been looking a lot in the internet but found nothing. I have this JavaScript that is used to do an Ajax request by PHP. When the request is done, it calls a function that uses the Google Visualization API to draw an annotatedtimeline to present the data. The script works great without...

Problem with Google visualization inside Ajax Toolkit Tab Control

I'm trying to use a google visualisation, the column chart, inside an AJAX Toolkit Tab Control, but I'm having small (literally) problems. If I add the visualisation to the tab that's displayed by default when the page loads, the bar chart displays correctly, however, if I add the same control to another tab and reload the page...

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<a Document> has no method 'write' ???

When trying to include google visualization api into a page on google app engine, getting this error in the developer tools console in Chrome: Uncaught TypeError: Object # has no method 'write' In FF 3.5 the error is "n.write is not a function". A bit of a noob here and have no clue how to troubleshoot this. Any ideas? Code can be foun...

How to create the Google DataTable JSON expected source using C#?

How can I create the JSON source expected by the google.visualization.datatable using C#? Obviously using the JavaScriptSerializer is out of the question since the expected JSON has a weird structure as described on the documentation: var dt = new google.visualization.DataTable( { cols: [{id: 'task', label: 'Task', type: 'st...

JQuery and Google Visualization

Hello, I am using JQuery in my page. Part of my page is a Google Visualization table, and trying to use JQuery from within this table causes an error.. Basically I used a form submit() event to all forms with class "lala". As you can see in the example below, the two forms outside of the Google Visualization table work fine. However, th...

Loading Google Visualization before JQuery

Hello, I was having problems with the DOM since elemnets inside of google visualization tables/graphs were loaded before jQuery. Therefore, i realized that i need to load google visualization before jQuery .ready().. Loading Google visualization is done by: google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:["linechart","table","piechart"]})...

Google visualization API Junk characters in the generated graph

I am using google visulization API for one of my project in Arabic. My problem is in the generated graph Arabic characters seems to be Junk characters. data.addColumn('number', 'مباعة'); data.addColumn('number', 'انتهت'); I am using Visualization API for generating Line and Bar charts. Can anyone please suggest a solution for this? ...

ColumnChart google visualization column color change

Does anyone know if I can hack google's visualization ColumnChart api chart somehow, to make a single column stand out with a different color, like so: I know you can do it with ImageChart, so I don't need that (it fires no events and has no x/y labels). Can I traverse the result with javascript somehow and change the CSS style, if i...