
GData & Multiple Accounts Selection

Hi guys, i am using the Python lib to access Gmail and Contacts. Is it possible to bypass the screen that allows the user to select among multiple google accounts. I already know the account he wants to import so I ld like to display the Grant Access screen after the redirection as some other apps do. The code i use now is: google = gd...

link jumps on hover google chrome and safari

Trying to create a vertical drop down menu purely with html/css. the coding is quite clean as far as i can see, and works well in ff, ie (not 6 ofc), and opera though on google chrome and safari the "toplink" jumps to the left on hover. html: <div id="topmenu"> <ul> <li class="toplink"><a href="about.html">About</a> <ul class="s...

GAE+Django server getting called twice for every request

I am running a GAE server with django (locally on my dev machine). The view corresponding to every requests is getting called twice. any idea on how to orrect this. I am using firefox 3.6.8 on ubuntu 9.10 for this. the following is the debug output -> ...

Ajax Google Visualization API Gauge with jquery

Hello, I am looking to create a dashboard gauge that updates via ajax. Below is the code I have. I have the ajax code but just am unsure on how to update the gauge. Any suggestions? google.load('visualization', '1', {packages:['gauge']}); google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { ...

open-source equivalent of the way Google / Typekit does their implementation

Is there any open-source equivalent of the way Google / Typekit does their implementation? ...

Sending a large email mailout through Gmail or maybe even Google App Engine?

I have a client that I'm wanting to move to a virtual private server. I'm trying to keep his server as simple as possible, not even having an email server on there (or at least that is the plan). The reason being I've read that email servers are complex to setup and take up alot of resources. I'm not sure what to do here. He has a newsl...

How to load markers dynamically for current position in Android google-maps?

Hello everyone. I'm currently developing an app for Android which uses google map service. Because users will be able to see thousands of markers I would like to load only those which are currently within the map bounds (i.e. when user look at specific map tile). I know how to do it with javascript/html. However, Android doesn't seem to ...

js force page into iframe - will google crawl it?

Helo all - thanks for stopping by. Basically my question is as follows: I have a script that reloads a blog page if its not in an iframe on my site. Will this interfere with search engines crawling the blog? My gut says that this script wont keep the blog from being crawled, but it will interfere with any resulting links generated by ...

Google Map invalid argument on IE6/7/8

Dear all, After hours of debugging, I have to ask some help... I try to make this work on IE : (user and pwd : ferc) It works fine with FF, but with IE6/7/8 I have the following message : Line:133 Character: 18 Error : invalid argument After some investigation, I found that the problem ...

Google Analytics Cross-Domain Tracking Without Appending Cookies To URLs?

Is there a way to track two domains in Google Analytics without passing the cookie information in the URL? ...

DotNetOpenAuth + MVC2 + Google App Standard

Hi, I'm trying to authenticate users to my ASP.Net MVC2 app throw a google apps standard edition account. I could not found examples nor documentation to achieving. I looked into DotNetOpenAuth Samples Solution, but did not found an example according my needs. All the examples were working against google accounts, but no with google app...

can anyone reccommend a Google SERP tracker?

I want to track my website's position in Google's search results for around 50 keywords/phrases and am looking to a nice webapp/windows app to automate this process? Ideally i want to see pretty javscript or flash line graphs for my keyword/position. I'm currently free-trialing: Raven Tools and Sheer SEO but am not particularly impresse...

Custom Variables and Utm.gif request

I thought my custom variables were finally working, but I'm not sure anymore. As someone suggested I used fiddler to check the utm.gif request to see if my custom variables were sending, but I can't tell for certain. The utm.gif request does not contain the "utme" parameter that is used for events and custom variables, but it does have ...

How Can i integrate a Google Login Method in PHP Application?

How can i integrate a google login Method to my PHP Application? how can i work with that?what i mean is how my program will understand this is a particular user? ...

Google Search Injection

Hi I'm writing a chrome extension to inject information into google search results. The only problem is that searching is now done through ajax instead of http. This means my code is only being executed once. This is a problem because my script needs to render on each new page. The only way to make it work is by refreshing the page manua...

How does google's search knows what you want to say?

Possible Duplicate: How does the Google Did you mean? Algorithm work? Anyone knows the ideia behind google's search when it appears to know what you did mean? i.e:You type Michxael Gekson and it find Michael Jackson ...

IPhone Development - Chart From Google API

Hi all, I'm trying to use the Google API to put some graphics in my application but it's not workig. I tested the code for other images on internet and it worked. Code: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; UIImage *myimage = [UIImage imageWithData: [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL: [NSURL URLWithString: @"http://chart....

Adjusting a php function so that it displays link in the form of:- '/widgets?pg=2' instead of 'products.php?cat=20&pg=2'

I added the following .htaccess rule:- RewriteRule ^widgets$ products.php?cat=20 [QSA] So now I have a simple link called 'widgets' which leads to the 'widgets' category 1st page. However, the links to the 2nd page looks like the following:- products.php?cat=20&pg=2 What I would like is for the subsequent pages to be rather in th...

Google Maps API, distance from metro stations

How can I get the list of e.g 3 nearest metro stations from specified point and the distance from the point to station? ...

Google like autosuggest with Solr

I'm currently using Solr with Terms Component and Jquery Autosuggest which works quiet good. However, this construct is limited to one autosuggest word (it autocompletes only the first word). Is it possible to implement a Google like autosuggest with multiple words/terms so i can autocomplete multiple words? ...