
Absolute GradientStops in LinearGradientBrushes

How can I go about specifying absolute Offsets for the GradientStops in my LinearGradientBrush? I have a GridView with a LinearGradientBrush as the background: <Grid.Background> <LinearGradientBrush StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1"> <LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops> <GradientStop Offset="0" Color="White" /> ...

WPF: How do I bind the color property of a gradientstop that is located in a controlTemplate in vb code?

I need to do this in order to create a dynamic background brush for a custom control (inherits ContentControl). My custom control has two dependency properties: StartColor and EndColor. In the control template for the custom control, the control is wrapped in a border that's background is a RadialGradientBrush with gradient stops. one gr...

How to bind GradientStop Colours or GradientStops Property in Silverlight?

I want to be able to have a dynamic Gradient in Silverlight, such as below: <RadialGradientBrush GradientOrigin="0.20,0.5" Center="0.25,0.50" RadiusX="0.75" RadiusY="0.5"> <GradientStop Color="{Binding Path=GradientStart}" Offset="0" /> <GradientStop Color="{Binding Path=GradientEnd}" Offset="1" /> </RadialGrad...

OpacityMask from LinearGradientBrush with Absolute GradientStops in Silverlight 3

My question is similar to this one. However, the answer in that thread does not work for me, because I'm using the LinearGradientBrush for an opacity mask. I've got a grid with three rows: <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="50" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="50" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> ...