
Changing the StartPoint/EndPoint of a LinearGradient brush in Expression Blend UI

Seems like as really simple thing to do, but I just can't track it down in the help or online. I know how to change the XAML to set the StartPoint and EndPoint of a LinearGradient brush, but I don't know how you do it using the IDE in Expression Blend - does anyone know the keyboard/mouse actions that you use to do this? ...

SVG -> WPF linear gradient

Does anyone know if there is an equilant attribute of SVG's "gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse" in WPF for a LinearGradientBrush? I can't seem to find this. If not, does anyone know about how to calculate it in (C# or VB.NET)? For example if I have a StartPoint of 0,0 and EndPoint of 1,1 on a Rectangle that is 100x100, the angle is 45 degree...

How to paint a precise Gradient with LinearGradientBrush in C#?

Hi, I'm painting this object in C# using GDI and I need to have precise pixel painting. However, this is not working... I don't know if it matters but the object I'm painting is a ToolStrip, I'm doing a custom ToolStrip render. I drew a horizontal blue line at y-pixel 1, than a yellow one at y-pixel 2 than a red one at y-pixel 3. These...

Color Code Rows in a Data Grid Based on a Gradient in VB.Net Forms

I have a grid containing rows flagged with different priorities. I want to color the high priority rows red, low ones blue, etc. I'd like to set the shade based on a mathmatically calculated gradient rather than arbitrarily assigning colors to specific priorities. How can I extract a single color from a single point along gradient? ...

Can you set a gradient brush for a listboxitem background in silverlight?

I am looking for a way to set a gradientbrush as the background for a listbox item. I have a DataTemplate defined and have specified a gradient brush but it always appears as the listbox background (i.e. it never shows as a gradient brush). I have been able to set the background of the listbox itself, and I can set the listboxitem's ...

OpacityMask from LinearGradientBrush with Absolute GradientStops in Silverlight 3

My question is similar to this one. However, the answer in that thread does not work for me, because I'm using the LinearGradientBrush for an opacity mask. I've got a grid with three rows: <Grid.RowDefinitions> <RowDefinition Height="50" /> <RowDefinition Height="*" /> <RowDefinition Height="50" /> </Grid.RowDefinitions> ...

How to change colors of a GDI+ LinearGradientBrush?

I have to write several small vertical gradients (on a loop) and so I think it's faster to re-use an existing LinearGradientBrush (correct?) But this isn't what I expected to happen... Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush myBrush = new Drawing2D.LinearGradientBrush(new Rectangle(0, 0, 200, 200), Color.Red, Color.Black, Drawing2D.LinearGradi...

Is it possible to animate a LinearGradientBrush in WPF?

Is it possible to animate the StartPoint or EndPoint of a LinearGradientBrush? If so, what is the type of the Storyboard object used to animate the Points, as when I try the following I get "0,1" is not a valid value for Double, and I do realize I shouldn't be using the DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames type. Current Code: <UserControl.Tri...

Apply Brush to Two Objects At Once

Hi All-- I'd like to apply a Brush (LinearGradientBrush in this case) to two or more objects (TextBlocks) at once. The effect that I'd like is something like this: Edit I cannot simply apply the same brush to both objects, as this will make both of them start red and go to blue (instead of the second one starting at a shade of purpl...