
revokeApplication Using Facebook's Graph API

I'm in the final stages of converting our site over to Graph API from the Rest API. The last piece I'm missing is the old "revokeApplication" call used for when a user chooses to "remove connection" from our site. Despite my desires to completely remove the Rest API, I thought I might just fire it up for this, but it requires a sessio...

Facebook Friends.getAppUsers using Graph API

I have an application that uses the old REST API call Friends.getAppUsers to get the list of friends for the current user that have authorized my application. I have read the docs, but I can't figure out how to do this with the Graph API. Can someone give me an example? ...

Cannot get a session with Facebook app? (using its Graph API)

I have really simple few lines of Facebook app, using the new Facebook API: <pre> <?php require 'facebook.php'; // Create our Application instance. $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => '117676584930569', 'secret' => '**********', // hidden here on the post... 'cookie' => true, )); var_dump($facebook); ?...

Facebook Graph API: Get user's profile url?

The Facebook Graph API lists a 'link' parameter in its documentation, which is the user's profile url. Mine is This is not listed as one of the available Extended Permissions, so, presumably, it's available without asking. I believe it's publicly available as Google results would reveal this. However,...

Facebook Graph API With iPhone SDK

Hi, Has anyone been able to implement Facebooks Graph API in a native iPhone Application? The documentation is pretty sparse when it comes to iPhone integration, but the calls to get users information looks a lot more light weight than the previous method of using FBConnect. So i would like to use it. I have seen a few posts about bu...

Posting status via Facebook's graph api

In PHP, I am trying to post a status to our Facebook fan page using the graph api, despite following the intructions facebook give, the following code does not seem to update the status. Here is the code; $xPost['access_token'] = "{key}"; $xPost['message'] = "Posting a message test."; $ch = curl_init('{pag...

Facebook Graph API authentication in canvas app and track session

Short question is: how can i use graph api oauth redirects mechanism to authenticate user and save retrieved access_token and also use javascript SDK when needed (the problem is javascript SDK will have different access_token when initialized). I have initially setup my facebook iframe canvas app, with single sign on. This works well wi...

Cannot access facebook data through chrome extension

I've so far suceeded in getting a valid access token. Now I'm just trying to get a JSON response using jQuery. This is most of my code. It is called on load from a window created by the background.html: $.ajax({ url : '' + access_token, dataType: 'json', error: function() { alert(...

How to integrate Facebook the new Graph Api with Authlogic in Ruby on Rails?

I've began with a new project using Authlogic system for Authorization. And I'm now wondering how could I connect Facebook oAuth sessions with my Authlogic session! First of all I want to use and Authlogic-oAuth Gems/Plugins, I what I want to use are just and the interesting

is OAuth required in Facebook Graph API ?

Hello i have a problem .. i want to get all the feeds from a facebook page using fb graph API without OAuth but i have a problem[page ID]/feed i get the following response { "error": { "type": "OAuthAccessTokenException", "message": "An access token is required to request this resource." ...

Graph API - Get events by owner/creator

Is there a way with the Facebook Graph API to get a list of all events created by a single profile? Our client creates a bunch of events and we want to pull a list of them all. I said that they would just have to make sure they set themselves to be attending the event, because then I can easily pull the list of events that profileId is a...

User must have accepted TOS - Facebook Graph API error when posting photos to group page

Hi all, I've been struggling to upload an image from the user's computer and posted to our group page using the Facebook Graph API. I was able to send a post request to facebook with the image however, I'm getting this error back: ERROR: (#200) User must have accepted TOS. To some extent, I don't believe that I need the user to authoriz...

facebook graph api results retrieving

Hi, When we use Graph api in Facebook the results come in the following format. IS there a convenient class built to retrieve them in iphone? JSON parser? { "type": "audiotrack" "name": "Without Me - Eminem", "metadata": { "trackinfo": { "title": "Without Me", "artist": "Eminem", ...

Facebook Graph API - Photo Upload

Hello. I have an application that uses the old Facebook API but now I'm migrating it. The application works good until I try to upload a photo. I knew how to do it in the old way, but now... I'm in troubles. This is the way I used to do it: $args = array ( 'method' => 'photos.upload', 'v' => $ver, 'a...

How to add a "Suggest Our FaceBook Page to A Friend" interface on a website?

With the many programming tools from FaceBook, like FaceBook connect, graph api, etc... Is there a way to create a form on a website that does this: I. Website visitor logs into FaceBook (from my website) II. Form changes. Website visitor is presented with button: "Invite FaceBook Friends to Like Our FaceBook Page" III. Form changes...

$me = $facebook->api('/me') does not return any value

Hi, I am developing a facebook iframe application with the New Graph API php sdk. I am using the basic code to just display my name. But it does not return any value. Some one please help me with this. <?php include_once 'facebook.php'; include_once 'config.php'; $facebook = new Facebook(array('appId' => FACEBOOK_APP_ID,...

Facebook - why if i connect album or photo, returning false

Thursday i could connected with user album and photo. but Friday & today (Monday) i can't.. there is something bug with Graph API?? and how to create album in page (business page) with Graph API?? i got the identifier and i can access with but if i check manually in my page, i couldn't find tha...

facebook: PHP graph api getting NULL session

I am following this tutoril. Though the user is logged in into facebook, but the session is showing him not logged in(NULL session). Please someone help me out. My code-segment is as follows- $facebook = new Facebook( array( 'appId' => $app_config['app_id'], 'secret' => $app_c...

How to use Facebook Graph api

Hi, I am using facebook graph Api for my application where i want the data of this page. In this page there is option TV SHOW I want collect all information of that page. But i didn't any graph api method for this page. Please help me for this problem. ...

Unable to retrieve "me" profile information in Facebook via PHP

Hi folks, I am trying to get some profile information in my Facebook via PHP as specified in, $user = json_decode(file_get_contents( '' . $cookie['access_token']))->me; When I run this code, I am getting the following warning, Warn...