
Graph API PHP SDK - How to get FB.streampublish style box.

Hi, I am trying to get a streampublish box with facebook's new graph api example. I am using this code but its not working. Any help guys! <script> FB.ui( { method: 'stream.publish', message: 'getting educated about Facebook Connect', attachment: { name: 'Connect', caption: 'The Facebook Connect JavaScri...

Creating Facebook event for specific page with FB Graph API

I need synchronize events from my CMS to Facebook specific page. I'm trying to create an event for my created page but still have no result. I can simply create events, related to user, but not to page. Code uses Facebook PHP-SDK. $page_id = '31337'; $page = $facebook->api("/{$page_id}"); $event_data = array( 'name' => 'Eve...

Need Help with graph-api implementation for iphone

Hi all, I am trying to have an iphone application using Graph API where in a user can get his/her facebook wall updates.(Something similar to functionality of Home Tab on Facebook). I have gone through this tutorial of Graph API for iphone Here the problem we are facing is...

Problem trying to post in facebook trough AMFPHP

I'm using AMFPHP, and wrote a small function in php to post in facebook whenever it's called: function postear($pregunta,$winoption,$loseoption) { require_once("../../facebook.php"); Facebook::$CURL_OPTS[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = false; $facebook = new Facebook(array( 'appId' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'secret' =>...

Facebook Graph API, pull information anonymously

Hi there, I know that this question could have been asked a million times before, but unfortunately I can't compile all these answers to get it working. I want to write a PHP code that uses facebook graph API, to search for a profile (by name for example) and then grab this information to a local store. I revised facebook graph API but...