
Does GRASP Creator really decouples?

I'm learning GRASP pattern at school and I have a question about the Creator pattern. Let's say you have three class, Computer, UserRespository and User. One of the rules of the GRASP Creator pattern tells you to assign the responsibility of creating an object to the class containing those object. By following this guideline, UserRepos...

Grasp Controller, Does it really need a UI to exist?

I have a Domain model which can be in multiple states, and if these states go out of a given range it the domain should automatically react. For example I have a Car which is made of multiple things which have measurements the Engine - Rev counter and Temperature the Fuel Tank - capacity Is is plaseable to have a CarStateController,...

Facade controller, is it efficient?

Using a facade controller pattern in .net. It seems as if though it is not efficient BECAUSE, for every event that happens in a domain object(Sales, Register, Schedule, Car) it has to be subscribed to by the controller(use case controller) and then the controller in turn has to duplicate that same event to make it available for the prese...

What exactly is GRASP's Controller about?

What is the idea behind Grasp's Controller pattern? My current interpretation is that sometimes you want to achieve something that needs to use a couple of classes but none of those classes could or has access to the information needed to do it, so you create a new class that does the job, having references to all the needed classes(thi...