
ruby on rails gravatar_image_tag

Hi, I am following the tutorial. While I am able to see the gravatar on the webpage, my rspec test is failing. Here is the user_controller_spec.rb test: describe "GET 'show'" do before(:each) do @user = Factory(:user) end it "should be successful" do get :show, :id => @user response.should be_suc...

Umbraco UComment in IIS7 Application (Not Default Web Site)

Hello, I recently installed Umbraco 4.5.2 into an IIS application, not as the default web site. The main Umbraco CMS seems to work as expected, I can add and remove content, and all kinds of other wonderful things. However, when I'm trying to use the UComment module, it can't seem to locate the following two resources: /base/UComment...

Finding google profile image url when user is logged in using Google's OpenID provider

is there a way to find the the profile image of a user that's logged in using his/her google account (through OpenID). I've checked stackoverflow and it seems they're using gravatar service to assign an avatar to the email address. but it should be possible to fetch the user google profile image directly from google. any clue? ...