
Run Javascript on the body of a Gmail message

I want to display LaTeX math in the gmail messages that I receive, so that for example $\mathbb P^2$ would show as a nice formula. Now, there are several Javascripts available (for example, this one, or MathJax which would do the job, I just need to call them at the right time to manipulate the gmail message. I know that this is possibl...

Greasemonkey script to change a variable in the URL

On some pages in Google Analytics, there is a variable shown in the URL. The default value is 10. The URL always looks something like this: ...&trows=10&... is there a way to change that to trows=100, so that the number of rows displayed by default is 100? Thanks ...

xpath - limit search to node not working?

What am I doing wrong here? I am trying to limit my xpath search to a specific row in my table but my query always returns the content of the span in the first row: var query = "//span[contains(@id, 'timer')]"; var root = document.getElementById('movements').rows[1]; document.evaluate(query, root, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TY...

firefox: How to enable local javascript to read/write files on my PC?

well, since greasemonkey cant read/write files from local hard disk. I've heard people suggesting Google gears but i've no idea obout gears :( So, what i've decided is to add a script type="text/javascript" src="file:///c:/test.js">/script> Now, this test will use FileSystemObject to read/write file. Since, the "file:///c:/test.js" is...

new page/forward in javascript

I am making a greasemonkey script and i would like a link to go forward and modify the current html and allow the user to click back to go to the original page. How might i do this? using jquery + greasemonkey + javascript. Targeting firefox mostly. -edit- seems to do it. If you write random html in the html sectio...

Answered: Greasemonkey,jquery and param from links to new link

Hi all, I'm pretty new to jquery and greasemonkey. So if someone could help me out it would be great. Here is an example url I get values from. Org: Result I want: link:// example: var sid=document.URL.subst...

Problems crossing the boundary between protected greasemonkey execution space and the unsafeWindow land

Hi guys. Here is my problem: I've registered some callbacks into a Yahoo event driven webpage ( market views) and am trapping the betsPlaced events with a handler. So far so simple. Next stage is to get the event back into greasemonkey land, and while I know that from greasemoney space you can call unsafeWindow.stuff, ther...

Capture form fields and repopulate the form with them

I am currently testing a large web form and would like to be able to easily populate the form with several different lots of test data without having to type them each time. Is there a generic way to capture form inputs on a web page and have them repopulated on a different page load? I thought a tool like greasemonkey might be able to...

Greasemonkey script not executed when unusual content loading is being used

I'm trying to write a Greasemonkey script for Facebook and having some trouble with the funky page/content loading that they do (I don't quite understand this - a lot of the links are actually just changing the GET, but I think they do some kind of server redirect to make the URL look the same to the browser too?). Essentially the only t...

Custom Alignment and Backgrounds Through Greasemonkey

I'm trying to implement something in greasemonkey and it is giving me a fair bit of trouble as I can't get it to work. I frequently use Wolfram Alpha ( for a lot of things. They have recently updated the home page with a new style. There are settings that you can edit on this page (

Greasemonkey is getting an empty document.body on select Google pages.

Update The root cause appears to be a bug in Greasemonkey. Essentially, GM would start running in the main document space (window.self ==, but never finish! Instead, GM would switch over to an iframe, on the select Google pages, and finish there. This does not seem to be 2 instances of GM, otherwise there would be no prob...

greasemonkey insert javascript

I have a bookmarklet, clicking the bookmarklet includes a PHP script (evaluated as a JavaScript file) to the page few table values and select values passed as GET parameters. The PHP script writes the page data to the MySQL database, and outputs a success message that is treated as JavaScript code and executed by the browser. Is there an...

getting BR-separated text via DOM in JS/JQuery?

Hi all, I am writing a greasemonkey script that is parsing a page with the following general structure: <table> <tr><td><center> <b><a href="show.php?who=IDNumber">(Account Name)</a></b> (#IDNumber) <br> (Rank) <br> (Title) <p> <b>Statistics:</b> <br> <table> <tr><td>blah blah etc. </td></tr></table></center></table> I'm specifically...

Greasemonkey: Re-write all links based on param

Hi, I need alittle help with getting a script that will take param from the orginal link and re-write them into a new link. I guess it should be pretty easy but I'm a noob still when it comes to this. Here is the orginal HTML code for 1 link. (should be replaced globaly on the page. image1.jpg, image2.jpg etc.) <div align="center"><a ...

XPath expression for a phpBB forum

I'm writing a Greasemonkey script, and I wanted to change the text of a forum post on a phpBB2 forum by using XPath to select the body of the post that occurs after a certain username, but the whole thing is a giant mess of tables. <tr> <td> <span class="name"> <a> <b>username</b> </span> <span></span> </td> ...

How can I hide an id from its contents in Javascript/jQuery ?

I have a bunch of this videos on this website with this source: <li id="vidLink-1498229769" class="videoContainer vidLink"> <a href="/p/watch/1498229769:GM1ryG4eoTA6sMZV9wtDEpocuehpzDni"> <span class="content-video-thumb-hover"></span> <img src="

How change the videos max of page with jQuery ?

I have one website here that contains videos to see, like youtube, and the videos are divided in pages, and in the source of this page I got this part of the source: <input type="hidden" value="12" id="vid_count"> <input type="hidden" value="422" id="vid_max"> <input type="hidden" value="12" id="vids_per_page"> The site contains 422 v...

Hype Machine Fluid Greasemonkey script broken help fixing it.

Hi, There is a greasemonkey script here that is suppose to work with a standalone fluid app. I just tried it out and it doesn't but I can't figure out what is wrong with it. Anybody wanna take a look at the code for me see if I am doing something wrong. Alot to ask but worth trying. Source: Sc...

Disable page redirects using Greasemonkey

A website I wish to tweak is using window.location in order to redirect specific users to a blocking page. That website is doing it in plain <script> tag, so it is impossible to bypass it by overriding the onload event using document.body.setAttribute('onload','');. Is there another way to inject my code to the page without using Firef...

Cancel page forward/back hotkeys in Firefox with Greasemonkey

First the background: In Firefox 3.6.3 on Mac OS X 10.5.8 when entering text into a standard the hotkey combination of Command+LeftArrow and Command+RightArrow jump the cursor to the start/end of the current line, respectively. However, when using CKEditor, FCKEditor and YUI Editor, Firefox does not seem to completely recognize that it...