gridview - gridview validation - repeating validation messages issue

I have a gridview that contains one to many rows (like most do) - each with an input textbox. Each row has a requiredfieldvalidator against that textbox. When the form is submitted the gridview is validated it is entirely possible that more than one row has an empty textbox. This results in repeating validation messages e.g. Please pro...

Can you set the value for the selecteddatakey of a gridview from codebehind?

Currently I am highlighting the rows on my gridview through code behind. The problem is when I inserted a new data through formview, I put the highlight on the new data but if you click edit or delete if would go for either the first data on the grid if you have not selected anything yet or the last data you have selected. Thanks. ...

Dropdowns filled with same list item

I have a Gridview in which i have two templatefields of dropdownlist. I bound them on runtime with same list item. li = new listitem ("1","1"); dl1.items.add(li); dl2.items.add(li); li = new listitem ("2","2"); dl1.items.add(li); dl2.items.add(li); li = new listitem ("3","3"); dl1.items.add(li); dl2.items.add(li); dl1.selectedvalue =...

Working with GridView and ItemTemplates (

I have a GridView that is populated via a database, inside the GridView tags I have: <Columns> <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate><asp:Panel ID="bar" runat="server" /></ItemTemplate> </TemplateField> </Columns> Now, I want to be able to (in the code) apply a width attribute to the "bar" panel for each row that is generated. How...

GridView with Pager TopAndBottom

Hi I have extended the standard GridView control in ASP.NET. Basically it is just the same, but paging and sorting is done using callbacks. I have successfully created my own PagerTemplate, but it only works when PagerSettings.Position is set to Top. I want to have the pager at both the top and the bottom. I get an HttpException sayin...

New line in GridView cell

I'm binding a GridView to an LINQ query. Some of the fields in the objects created by the LINQ statement are strings, and need to contain new lines. Apparently, GridView HTML-encodes everything in each cell, so I can't insert a <br /> to create a new line within a cell. How do I tell GridView not to HTML encode the contents of cells? ...

How add Gridview Column Values

Dear Team, I have Three columns in gridview like this: Exam Attendance Internal Total 45 (textbox) 5(textbox) 50(textbox) 95(textbox) Here Exam ,Attendance,Internal are entry , I want Total will calculate auotmatically using javascipt after Click event fired from internal ...

Ajax refresh/update sum from a GridView Column to a TextBox

Hi there everyone, I have a GridView A that have many columns, one of those contains price for each row. so the cue is how or in wich way, can i update/refresh the total price that will be showed in a Label or TextBox (not in GridView Footer) Thanks in advance ! Im using C# 3.0 / ASP.Net ...

Can't get values from rows/cells in GridView

Hi there, I'm trying get values from a GridView using the following code: foreach (GridViewRow row in this.dgvEstudios.Rows) { var xy = row.Cells[1].Text; } Always get a an empty string ("") as the value returned from .Text, why does this happen? I have set EnableViewState to true ...

ASP.Net Gridview, How to activate Edit Mode based on ID (DataKey)

I have a page, lets call it SourceTypes.aspx, that has a a GridView that is displaying a list of Source Types. Part of the GridView is a DataKey, SourceTypeID. If source TypeID is passed to the page via a query sting, how to I put the Gridview into Edit mode for the appropriate row based on the SourceTypeID? The GridView is bound to a S...

ASP.NET Events not firing in page containing large GridView control

I have a GridView control on an ASP page, which I've bound to a large(ish) datasource (about 10k rows, with 24 varchar(50) columns). The page also has a seperate (i.e. not in the GridView) button control. The problem is; clicking on the button doesn't appear to fire either the PageLoad or the Button___click events, all I get is a 'Canno...

ASP.Net: How to add rows to a repeater using DOM/Javascript?

Hi Guys, I know that the repeater doesnt have a Client side object model, and we are stuck with improving the performance of many pages which have repeater/gridview with the functionality of adding rows to them by server-side code. We have used updatepanels to ajaxify the functionality adding the rows to the repeater/gridview, ...

ASP.NET & JSON: Function to convert GridView and Repeater in a JSON string.

Hi Guys, I need a JavaScript function which will take the Repeater as input. The function must then parse through the object and return the data in the the rows of the object as JSON. I can them send the JSON back to the server to be interpreted/parsed and saved to the db. ...

How do I count checked checkboxes across all pages of a gridview using jquery?

I want to instantly update a status line indicating the number of checked checkboxes across all pages of an gridview. Right now I am only ably to count the number of checkboxes that are checked on the current gridview page. Here is my code. $(document).ready(initAll); function initAll(){ countChecked(); $(".activeBoxe...

Binding to ASP.NET GridView

I have the following code: var emp = new List<Employee> { new Employee{ID=1, EmpFname="matt", EmpLName="Cook"}, new Employee{ID=2, EmpFname="mary", EmpLname="John"} }; How do I sort emp by EmpLName and bind it to a GridView? How do I specify asc or desc? ...

GridView Sorting on List

I have the following code: var emp = new List<Employee> { new Employee{ID=1, EmpFname="matt", EmpLName="Cook"}, new Employee{ID=2, EmpFname="mary", EmpLname="John"} // and so on }; How do I sort emp by EmpLName and bind it to a GridView? How do I specify asc or desc? If anyone could explain it using LINQ/Lambda express...

How do you determine when a button is clicked in the child on the parent - ASP.NET

In my child user control I have a gridview with an OnRowCommand eventhandler that is executed when Edit button is click. I want to set the visibility of an ASP.NET placeholder control in the parent to true when the Edit button is clicked in child control. What would be the best way to accomplish this task? Update: After a little bit m...

ASP.NET: Can GridView be used to create a hierarchy?

Hi, We are using the GridView controls in some pages of our project which we dont want to change drastically, would it be possible to create a hierarchy in a gridview? Can this be achieved by using a GridView inside a Gridview to get the parent - child relation? ...

Equivalent of CType in C# to convert Dropdownlist which is in EditItemTemplate of Gridview

Hi, I am using a Gridview to display some data. In EditItemTemplate of gridview I am using DropDownList for one of the column of gridview. DataSource of gridview is a table "UserEntries". And Datasource of Dropdown is another table "TypeEntries". Columns of TypeEntries are - Guid and TypeName. Guid is DataValueField of dropdown and TypeN...

style on GridView gets lost on paging

Hi, I am using GridView bound to sqldatasrc (with paging). On a button click I apply styles on a few rows using jquery, when I go to page 2 and reurn to page 1, i see the styles are no more there. This is due to postback. How can i retain these styles when i move between pages. Please support answer with code. ...