
Groovy - create file issue: The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect

I'm running a script made in Groovy from Soap UI and the script needs to generate lots of files. Those files have also in the name two numbers from a list (all the combinations in that list are different), and there are 1303 combinations available and the script generates just 1235 files. A part of the code is: filename = groovyUtils....

As a language how stable is Groovy?

As a language how stable is Groovy? Do any big names use it? ...

How do I loop through a list and remove an item in groovy?

I'm trying to figure out how to remove an item from a list in groovy from within a loop. static main(args) { def list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] for(num in list1){ if(num == 2) list1.remove(num) } println(list1) } ...

How to prevent groovy from creating lowercase (meta) property names?

Hi folks, I've a problem. I want to have nice dynamic groovy classes to represent an ugly XML structure (unfortunately JAXB, XmlBeans etc. is not possible). For this goal I need case-sensitive properties to map the element values from XML to my classes. But Groovy generates automatically lowercase property names due to the JavaBeans sp...

How do I inject new tags into a TagLib?

Lets assume that I have the following configuration in my conf/InjectionConfig.groovy file: x { a = { attrs, body -> out << "hello" } b = { attrs, body -> out << "goodbye" } } and that I have a simple taglib such as class XTagLib { static namespace = "x" } What I want to do is that when I type <x:a /> to any of my view...

Groovy not compiling properly in Eclipse

I'm trying to write my first groovy class. When I do so, Eclipse complains about syntax errors as though it's parsing a Java file. It wants semicolons on the end of each line, it doesn't recognize the "def" keyword, etc. I have both Groovy 1.7.5 and the latest Groovy Eclipse plugin installed. I have also converted the project to a Gr...

Event Registry design pattern ?

I have a list of events that i need to fire when a user takes an action and an event manager that fires these events. Originally i used to fire the events explicitly in this way EventManager.publish(new SendNotificationEvent()) Then i wanted to change that to something like EventManager.publishSendNotificationEvent() To do that,...

Groovy (File IO): find all files and return all files - the Groovy way

Ok, this should be easy... I'm new to groovy and I'm looking to implement the following logic: def testFiles = findAllTestFiles(); So far, I've come up with the code below which successfully prints all files names. However, instead of printing, I just need to put them into a collection. Of course, I could do this the old java way: ...

How do you mock out a static method of a domain object in Grails?

have a Grails domain object that has a custom static function to grab data from the database class Foo { /* member variables, mapping, constraints, etc. */ static findByCustomCriteria(someParameter, List listParameter) { /* code to get stuff from the database... */ /* Return value is a map ...

Java Regex/run on groovy: how to extract all the captured blocks?

Hi, I'm trying to extract two blocks of code from a text file using Java regex. However, I can only extract the last block. Could some one point out what is is wrong with mycode? thanks. here it is import java.util.regex.*; INPUT_START_OR_BLANK_LINE = /(?:\A|\n\n)/ FOUR_SPACES_OR_TAB = /(?:[ ]{4}|\t)/ CODE = /.*\n+/ CODE_LINES = /(...

Does it make sense to use ant build with a grails application?

If I understand correctly, the purpose of groovy and grails are to execute without (visible) compilation. However, I have inherited some old grails code that I can't build any more. I can see the advantages of having a build.xml file for special purposes, but, considering that the programming nature of Grails is to run on the fly, does...

componentdef error with ant

I have an relatively old Grails app that uses ant to build the application. In the test server it build without any problems, but when I try to run it on my PC, I get a consistent error: Caused by: jar:file:/C:/ant/apache-ant-1.8.0/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml:37: Problem: failed to create task or type componentdef C...

Safe dereferencing in Python

Groovy has a nice operator for safe dereferencing, which helps to avoid NullPointerExceptions: variable?.method() The method will only be called, if variable is not null. Is there a way to do the same in Python? Or do I have to write if variable: variable.method()? ...