
Sharepoint SPGridview multiple grouping with code (object model)

Hi all, I'm using a spgridview to show data on a custom page. I want to show data in two groups to users. One: Year and Second: Month I can set SPGridview.GroupField with a column name and it works, but i can't set the second one. Do you have any idea about this issue. İlker Çakır wss/moss developer ...

Grouping commited files together (as a single commit) after you've already committed them to the repository in Svn?

Is it possible to group a number of commited files together (as a single commit) after you've already committed them to the repository in Svn? It seems I always forget a file or two after I've committed a bunch them (when not using subeclipse) and I was just wondering if anyone knew if this was possible or not. ...

LINQ to pull back object graph

Is it possible to group by more than one group in LINQ? For instance, I have this query (obviously incomplete) from lxr in LOCATION_XREFs join l in LOCATIONs on lxr.LOCATION_SKEY equals l.LOCATION_SKEY join c in COMPANies on l.COMPANY_SKEY equals c.COMPANY_SKEY join prlx in PeopleRoleLocationXrefs on lxr.LOCATION_XREF_SKEY ...

XSLT 3-level grouping on attributes

OK, I KNOW that variations on this have been asked and answered; I've been reading them all day, but I'm still stuck. So, here goes: I need to create a summary list in HTML from some XML. Given this XML: <Root><!-- yes, I know I don't need a 'Root' element! Legacy code... --> <Plans> <Plan AreaID="1" UnitID="83"> <Part ID=...

SQL - Problem with SQL Query ; group by and join

Suppose I have a table named [ProductPriceHistory] like the following: HistoryID..ProductCode..EffectDate.... Price.... IsActive...ProductName 1----------11-----------1 Jan 09-------100-------true-------AAA 2----------11-----------1 Feb 09-------150-------true-------AAA 3----------11-----------1 Mar 09-------200-------false------AAA 4-...

How to aggregate several rows into one

I asked a similar question a few days ago, but there's no harm in posing a more challenging one. To make a long story short, I'm getting back a data set from SQL Server and I don't know how to group it correctly on the report. Here's some sample data: SELECT companyID = 106, userID = 71152, productID = 11,taxID = 216, quantity = 78, to...

Can I group appseting keys?

I'm creating a little console application that creates a Lucene index from an Sql Database. This application will be run with a single parameter. This parameter will define what connection string it will use and where the destination file should be placed. I would like to store the connection strings and the target paths in the app.conf...

Grouping arrays in PHP

I have an array of 200 items. I would like to output the array but group the items with a common value. Similar to SQL's GROUP BY method. This should be relatively easy to do but I also need a count for the group items. Does anyone have an efficient way of doing this? This will happen on every page load so I need it to be fast and scala...

Count in Crystal Report

How can I count the items inside a group? ...

Grouping in t-sql with latest dates

I have a table like this Event ID | Contract ID | Event date | Amount | ---------------------------------------------- 1 | 1 | 2009-01-01 | 100 | 2 | 1 | 2009-01-02 | 20 | 3 | 1 | 2009-01-03 | 50 | 4 | 2 | 2009-01-01 | 80 | 5 | 2 | 2009-...

Reporting Services: Two Tables One Sum

My report is as follows: One table provides financial information with sums at the group footer (Grouping is called "StockTable_Shipped"). The group is controlled by a boolean value (1=shows shipped data, 0 = shows received data) The second table is a variance report for data that has been shipped (boolean value of 1) and has a sum at ...

SQL Grouping: Most recent record between users.

Maybe I'm having a really bad day, but could someone possibly help me to turn this: MessageID | SendingUserID | ReceivingUserID ------------------------------------------- 1073 | 1002 | 1001 1065 | 1001 | 1002 1076 | 1008 | 1002 Into: MessageID | SendingUserID | ReceivingUserID --------------...

How do I create a text file so when it is opened in Excel, rows are grouped together?

I'm collecting some data via a Perl script. The data needs to be reviewed and processed by others using Excel. Currently, I'm writing the data out as a tab-delimited text file, and Excel can open this just fine. There's a hierarchy to the data, however, and it would be easier for the reviewers to see a tree rather than a flat list. ...

Grouping and count with LinqToSQL

I have an artist table and a style table. artist table: id name styleid style table id name An artist has a style id I'm trying to return a style summary which includes style id, style name and number of artists belonging to that style. I've got the following statement which gets me the id and number of artists but I cant see how...

K- Means algorithm

Hi, I'm trying to programm a k-means algorithm in Java. I have calculated a number of arrays, each of them containing a number of coeficients. I need to use a k-means algorithm in order to group all this data. Do you know any implementation of this algorithm? Thanks ...

ASP:Chart method FilterTopN, How can I also keep "Other" as aggregate value?

I have a pie chart that I'm using to show the top sales per manufacturer. I would like to show the top N manufacturers, and have the remainder show on the chart as "Other". If I do FilterTopN, it displays the chart so Area(manufacturer 1, 2, ..., N) is 100%, rather than showing them as a percent of the total. So if I have 5 companies:...

XSLT: extracting unique attribute values

Please help, I’m an XSLT newbie and I’m trying to transform one XML format into another. I need to extract unique attribute values and transform the values into a new format. The example XML below shows the original and new/target format. I've spent ages trying to do this without any enjoy. Can anyone help out or give me some pointer...

TSQL Group By with an "OR" ?

This query for creating a list of Candidate duplicates is easy enough: SELECT Count(*), Can_FName, Can_HPhone, Can_EMail FROM Can GROUP BY Can_FName, Can_HPhone, Can_EMail HAVING Count(*) > 1 But if the actual rule I want to check against is FName and (HPhone OR Email) - how can I adjust the GROUP BY to work with this? I'm fairly ce...

Modify sharepoint view to group recursively (subgroup)

Hello. When creating a view and setting group by value some field, it groups only 1 level deep, like this A --A.1 --A.2 A.2 --A.2.1 --A.2.2 B --B.1 However i would like to group it to make a tree, a hierarchy. A --A.1 --A.2 ----A.2.1 ----A.2.2 B --B.1 A flawless solution would be if i could just make my custom views to view a recu...

SSRS Grouping on a field, even when there are duplicates

I have a report in Reporting Services and there is a group that is based around a field value. I want the group to repeat itself on the report as many times as there are rows with that field. The problem is that using Field!field.Value seems to only pull distinct values. Since my dataset has rows that have duplicate values, they are n...