
Cannot load Rails application with gruff gem

I am trying to load a Ruby on Rails application that uses the Gruff gem. I can load Gruff fine in irb, but whenever I try to load the app (via ruby script/server), it crashes. Here's the full stack trace: /opt/local/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/1.8/rubygems/source_index.rb:303:in `search': undefined method `empty?' for :gruff:Symbol (NoMethodEr...

Gruff Non-conforming drawing primitive

I have a ruby script I've written using Gruff to produce graphs. These are simple bar charts, and they've worked fine many times. Now, for one particular set of points I'm getting c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/gruff-0.3.6/lib/gruff/line.rb:109:in draw': Non-conforming drawing primitive definitionInf' @ draw.c/DrawImage/3140 (Magick::...

Ruby (Gruff) Draw a line

I have two arrays: x = x coordinates and y = y coordinates. I want to use gruff library in ruby to create a line based on the x and y coordinates. How can I do that? ...

Image rendering on browser or temporary images?

I'm trying to make a statistics page where it will show several data and charts. The charts need to be pictures so that the user can save it/drag-and-drop to his/her personal reports. I'm using Gruff Graphs for Ruby to produce the charts but I don't know the best way to display the results safe and protected. Some of my ideas/tries are...

Ruby 1.9 compatible plotting / graphic library?

I feel like I have a simple desire that no one can satisfy: I want to be able to graph a set of points, and I am using Ruby 1.9.2. I would like to use Gruff or Scruffy, since these seem to be the easiest to use. However, they both rely on rmagick, and it seems that many other libraries do to. Rmagick isn't compatible with Ruby 1.9 thoug...