
GSON on Google App Engine throws a Security Exception

I am trying to convert an object into JSON using the GSON library on Google App Engine. For some reason, it throws this exception and I don't understand how to solve this. Any suggestions? java.lang.SecurityException: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Reflection is not allowed on private static final int java.util.BitSet.ADDRESS_BITS_PE...

Gson module not found Blackberry Java application

Hi. I'm developing a simple application for Blackberry and i'm using Google's gson to retrieve some data from a server. The UI was working fine but when I added the gson part it started failing, it wont run. When I run the application in the simulator it show this error: "Uncaught: RuntimeException" on that annoying white screen of de...

Strict JSON parsing with Google's Gson?

Suppose I am using Google's Gson library to parse JSON into Java data structures. Is there an easy way to throw an exception if there is a Java field that has no corresponding JSON? That is, I wish to require the JSON to have all the fields in the Java structure. ...

Deserializing ArrayList of non-generic type using GSON

EDIT: the null pointer was due to a badly formed json. Hi, I'm trying to deserialize json data to an ArrayList of Restaurant object as follows (inpsired by what I found in Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<Restaurant>>() {}.getType(); ArrayList<Restaur...

Determine generic type parameters at run-time in Java

class Json<T> { @SerializedName( "T's type here" ) private final ArrayList<T> _bucket = new ArrayList<T>( 5 ); ... } I'd like to know how (if possible) the generic parameters of a class can be determined at run-time. From what I've read this is possible with sub-classes of generic types, but I haven't been able to find out how ...

android: gson performance

I am trying to use gson to do my object mapping on the android emulator. It has been ridiculously slow when processing json data around 208 kb. I do not have any hierarchies in my json. After the object mapping is done, i can see it that gson created around 500 records. It is taking it over 3 minutes on the android emulator to map the...

Not able to deserialize an object with with List using Gson api

Getting the following exception while deserializing an object: The JsonDeserializer$CollectionTypeAdapter@1e2befa failed to deserialized json object {"":[{"id":"3680231","longTitle":"Graco SnugRide In...

Java reading JSON null

OK, I am getting null for whatever reason I cannot fathom. Here is my code: import java.util.*; import*; import*; public class readGoogle { public static String MapTitle; public static Data data; public static Item item; public static String dan; public static FileReader fr; pu... Failed parsing JSON source: to Json - perplexed with this problem

Hi group, I am trying to parse a json object using gson in Android application ,the test passed quite gracefully in emulator ,while i used the actual device ,the problems started I am getting the exception as follows .....: Failed parsing JSON source: to Json ......: p...

json: references

Hi, I'm using JSON with Gson package for java. I have an object where there are some inner references from object in one field to object in another field. For example: { "loci": [ { "id": "loc1", "length": 10000, "start": 2 }, { "id": "loc2", "length": 100, "start": 50000 } ], "scenarios": [ { "id": "s...

Generic JSON object conversion

Hi I am de-serializing a JSON object with the ObjectMapper class in java. I am getting objects of different types (? extends Something) and wanted to know if there is any way to de-serialize them in some generic way. The readValue method gets some Class type object of the type of the output object so it is somehow strongly typed. ...

Deserializing json array using gson

Continuing from this question. I'm having trouble deserializing the following json array (Sorry for the size): "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ 771230.894373, 4422896.962001 ], [ 804804.852796, 4451159.130080 ], [ 876828.563339, 4417873.954498 ], [ 959794.979827, 4430944.287708 ], [ 910992.515063, 4372980.866944 ...

gson to POJO object, not working properly

I am developing an Android application and I access a RESTfull web service that returns a JSON. This JSON I want to put it in POJOs but I think I am missing something as it doesn't work. The JSON retuned is as follow: [{"CategoryName":"Food","Id":1},{"CategoryName":"Car","Id":2},{"CategoryName":"House","Id":3},{"CategoryName":"Work","I...

Deserializing an abstract class in Gson

I have a tree object in JSON format I'm trying to deserialize with Gson. Each node contains its child nodes as fields of object type Node. Node is an interface, which has several concrete class implementations. During the deserialization process, how can I communicate to Gson which concrete class to implement when deserializing the no...

Gson and the argonauts - problem converting javascript array, to json string, to java pojo using gson. Trying to get my structures correct

Here is my json string, that I am acessing in java: json = [ {"id":"123456","Data":"skill2","dmlcrud":false}, {"id":"123456","Data":"skill3","dmlcrud":true}, {"id":"123456","Data":"skill14","dmlcrud":true}, {"id":"123321","Data":"skill1","dmlcrud":false}, {"id":"123321","Data":"skill14","dmlcrud":false} ] I now wa...

check if file is json, java

Using Java is there an easy way to check whether a given file conforms to json format? Using gson, the best i can do is: private final JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); jsonElement = parser.parse(new FileReader(fileName)); if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) { return true; } else { return false; } Any cle...

Gson.toJson() and inheriting from a generic class

I have the following class: public static class TestSomething { Integer test; public TestSomething(Integer test) { this.test = test; } // getter and setter for test } Ok, now create a collection of this class and serialize it with Gson: Collection<TestSomething> tests = Arrays.asList( new TestSomething(...

Spring MVC mappping view for Google-GSON?

Does anyone know if there is a Spring MVC mapping view for Gson? I'm looking for something similar to org.springframework.web.servlet.view.json.MappingJacksonJsonView. Ideally it would take my ModelMap and render it as JSON, respecting my renderedAttributes set in the ContentNegotiatingViewResolver declaration We plan to use Gson exte...

Gson and deserializing an array of objects with arrays in it.

I am trying to use Gson to deserialize a json string returned from my webservice The structure would be returned as TypeDTO[]. where TypeDTO is like int id; String name; ArrayList<ItemDTO> items[] and ItemDTO is like int id; String name; Boolean valid; When I call the code as follows Gson gson = new Gson(); TypeDTO[] mytypes =...

What is the easiest way to parse json using gson when the element to parse is an element of a json string?

I am using gson to parse json into java beans. For the API I am using, a large number of the json results include the result as the first property of a json object. The "gson way" seems to be to create an equivalent wrapper java object, which has one property for the target output type - but this results in unnecessary throwaway classes....