
Json and Gson in Android Application.

Hello Team, Can I have the Information of what is the difference between JSON & GSON. I have read the word GSON at some places while looking for JSON particularly. I don't know the clear difference between the two. Another thing is the Words; "Marshalling" and "Unmarshalling" associated with JSON Parsing, I wonder what they are actual...

Gson from JSon OutOfMemmoryError

I have a web service that returns a image in Base64 format. The body response, as Fiddler says has a Content-Length: 383143. The response is like: {... two strings... and... ImageBase64":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAZAAAAGQCAYAAACAvzbMAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c.....} I request data from the web service and I receive it in a string format. When I t...

Parse simple string JSon in Android

I have the following code: String response = webService.webGet(""); the response of the web service String LargeImage = new Gson().fromJson(response,String.class); byte[] imageByteArray = Base64.decode(LargeImage); response is like: "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAZAAAAGQCA... " a Base64 encoded image having around 400.000 characters. T...

json to java pojo with a map via GSON

My java pojo looks like this public class myPersonTO{ String name; String surname; Map<String, Double> categories; } I am using the gson library, however I an not sure what my json stringn, and the object it is created from should like; I am using json stringify, on a javascript object containing two strings and an array of obj...

Creating classes for use with Gson library.

I am using Gson to parse json files from a website. I am quite new at Java and want to find out the correct way i should be doing this. Everything is working fine but i have a few questions. Since i am getting these Json files from a website i have no control over, some of the values in the json file are null. What is the proper way to ...

GSON doesn't fill the list of object

Hello, I have tried several solutions and the result of parsing JSON with GSON always gets wrong. I have the following JSON: { "account_list": [ { "1": { "id": 1, "name": "test1", "expiry_date": "" }, "2": { "id": 2, ...

Java: Using Gson in an Applet causes SecurityException

I'm trying to use Google Gson in my Java Applet, but when I do I get Exception in thread "Thread-19" access denied (java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission suppressAccessChecks) at at

gson serialization of Date field in MS WCF compatible form

I access a web service in a POST method. I need to send to the server a json serialized object. In my Android class I have some string fields and a Date field. This Date field gets serialized like this: .... TouchDateTime":"Oct 6, 2010 5:55:29 PM"}" but to be compatible with the web service I need to have it like: "TouchDateTime":"\/...

What is the structure of JSON to be read by google-gson

I was wondering, given the following JSON, how I can produce a ResultSet instance, which carry Query valued ppb? package jsontest; import; /** * * @author yccheok */ public class Main { public static class ResultSet { public String Query; } /** * @param args the command line arguments...

Wrong convert Object from JSON.

First, sorry for my poor English. Second, my problem. I trying convert to JSON and back this structure: class Revision{ private String auth; private HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>> rev; public String getAuth(){ return auth; } public HashMap<String, List<HashMap<String, Object>>> getRev(){ ...

gson ignoring map entries with value=null

Gson gson = new Gson(); Map<String,Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("a",1); map.put("b",null); System.out.println(gson.toJson(map));; //prints {"a":1} how do I get it to include all entries? Thank you ...

gson invoking standard deserialization in custom deserializer

Is it possible to write a json deserializer in gson that invokes the default behaviour first and then i can do some post processing on my object. For example: public class FooDeserializer implements JsonDeserializer<Foo> { public Foo deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseExc...

Parsing JSON to Java POJO's using GSON

I have a very straight forward issue here. I need to take JSON coming from the API and convert it to objects I created for them. This far, it will deserialize them into my List but each Metric object has null values JSON COMING IN { "metrics": [ { "metric": { "type": 1, "name": "slide-11-start", ...

How can I deserialize an array inside a JSON object?

I can't work out how to deserialize an array inside a JSON object using Gson. The json object that i'm trying to deserialize looks like this: {"item0":3, "item1":1, "item2":3, "array":[ {"arrayItem1":321779321, "arrayItem2":"asdfafd", "arrayItem3":"asasdfadf"}]} I manage to build a class that looks like this: public...

Android GSon serialize double to .net compatible

I have an pojo like this: public class LocationPoint { protected double la; protected double lo; public double getLat() { return la; } public void setLat(double value) { = value; } public double getLong() { return lo; } public void setLong(double value) { t...

has anyone got xmlbeans to work with GSON?

Basically as above. Gson gson = new Gson(); ErrorsDocument er = ErrorsDocument.Factory.newInstance(); er.setError("monkey escaped"); System.out.println(gson.toJson(er)); craps out with: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: How can the type variable not be present in the class declaration! at com....

How do I provide the following json output using java

I am trying to generate the following json output using the java net.sf.json libs but have been unsuccessful. [ { "data": [ [ 1, 1, "Text" ], [ 2, 2, "Text" ], [ ...