
Why is the word "modal" used to describe forms?

We all know what "modal" forms are in windowed programming environments: forms that must be closed before the rest of the application GUI can be accessed again. Why is the word "modal" used to describe this concept? ...

How do you prevent problems with a button being pressed more than once?

In a windowed programming environment, a user may click a button more than once if they do not immediately see something happen. How do you stop the code behind the button being executed more than once in this situation? ...

Java/Swing GUI programming with NetBeans 6.X framework.

I am using NetBeans 6.1. When I am trying to create a "Java Desktop Application"-project, a skeleton application is created with lots of WTF code. How can I understand those code? Can anyone suggest me any web-link? In this SO question, some links are provided. But they are not answering to my problem. Suppose, what is a SingleFrame...

swing: is there a way to make a button/checkbox clickable only if SHIFT or CTRL is pressed?

Is there a way to detect whether Ctrl or Shift has been pressed during a click event on a button or checkbox? I want to make a checkbox that you have to hold down a modifier key in order to change the state (with appropriate visual labeling) so that it's more difficult to accidentally click it. ...

swing: is there a way to change the color of a checkbox/radiobutton?

I would like to add some visual emphasis to a particular checkbox or radiobutton, and it seems like the simplest would be to change the color to green or red. Is there a way to do this? I know it's possible to define the bitmaps for these elements from scratch, but I would like them to look identical to the base look/feel, except for c...

CLI for Eclipse RCP application

I am building an Eclipse RCP application and want to add a command line interface into one of the tabular views. What would be the best approach to accomplish this? ...

C# mdi does not work properly

Hi, I have a C# mdi app. My problem appears whenever i open a child window: that child window somehow slides under the menu strip of the main form(mdi container) but only for the first time; when that window is back in foreground it arranges itself ok. The app is coded something like this, this is the main form(mdi container) which has...

Using AIR to add desktop GUIs

Suppose I develop an application with the logic as a CLI program that can be compiled to various platforms. To add a GUI, I could develop native versions separately for each platform or I could use a cross-platform tool like Tcl/Tk, wxLua, or PyGTK. Some people, like Bruce Eckel and James Ward, promote Flash/Flex on Adobe AIR for this. ...

PyQt4 Threading: Sending data back to a thread

I'm writing a program, with a PyQt frontend. To ensure that the UI doesn't freeze up, I use QThreads to emit signals back to the parent. Now, I have reached a point where I need my thread to stop running, emit a signal back to the parent, then wait on the parent to return an approval for the thread to continue (after the user interacts...

Looking for the optimal way to use custom font definitions in WinForms application.

Hi, I have a Windows Forms application where I need to make all fonts of all UI elements configurable from a separate file. I.e. I want to be able to specify that a label has a font "TitleBarBoldFont" which would resolve to a real font, depending on the current locale. The configuration file may contain a corresponding section like thi...

Stories and Scenarios that implies UI

I am trying to learn how to use BDD for our development process and I sometimes end-up writing things that implies a UI design, so for brand new development or new features, the UI does not always exists. For example, if I say this in a scenario "When a column header is clicked" it implies that this feature is based on some sort of tabl...

C++ and graphics

I have searched the web for information on creating GUIs(Games, Forms etc) in c++, I have found that OpenGL, Direct X and .Net framework can do this. The question I ask is which one is better to learn, what library for GUI in c++ is the most popular in industry. I know this is a newbie question, but if some on could lead me to the correc...

Qt4: Read Default mimeData from QAbstractItemModel

What I want to do is very similar to this. Except that I am working with a QAbstractItemModel that has a tree structure and am interested in more than just the row and column. In fact, in my model, column is always 0. But in order to implement drag and drop, I need to get the parent, children, and the opaque pointer that internalPoint...

[GTK+ Builder] Trouble Updating Label Text

Environment: Built interface using Glade3. Backend is written in Python using the GTK+ Builder library. - Although I know the method I need to use to update a label's text (label.set_text("string")), I'm having trouble obtaining the label object in the python code. Here's what my code looks like: #!/usr/bin/python # Filename: Hel...

mfc directory picker?

I did see this to modify CFileDialog ( but it looks like a lot more than I need. I'm using the CFileDialog to pick files, is there a simple way to use it to just select a directory? Any other suggestions? (I also saw this but is for XP only?

Java/Swing: Trying to get BorderLayout to play nice with GridBagLayout.

I'd like to have a window that has 3 menus, one tied to the left, another tied to the center and the last one tied to the right. Like this: -------------------------------------------- -toolbar1---------toolbar2---------toolbar3- -------------------------------------------- - - - rest of the win...

How to make installer pack of Java swing Application Project?

I've created a java project using swing application with JMF. I've tried to convert it into package but it failed. The jar can be created but it won't work in other computer (Windows). Can someone know the answer? Please tell me. I need to package the project as installer and it would work in other system. Guide me for this. ...

How to do design list view like SharePoint 2010 Custom List or Document Library?

I am generation Recent Activity list from SharePoint 2010 site, What i need is ,i have to display the list in a particular page,The UI must be like a SharePoint 2010 Custom List or Document Library, How to design it, Is there any way to do this. ...

Changing GUI of Windows Application based on the MSI filename

We are developing a Windows application using C#. We would like to change the GUI (background images and other control images and text) based on brandname. The typical installer of the application will be having the name brandname_programname.msi. We have to take the brandname from the MSI and allocate the GUI based on that. Please note...

created sorted table in gtk

What's the easieest way to create a sorted table view in gtk? I'm not sure if that's the right term, but you know the one: Is there a built-in widget for this? If not, how would I go about making those columns that look slightly different, click to change sorting, etc. Note I don't need multi-column sorting at the moment. ...