
User Interface with ASP.NET

I have just started web development.I want to make a screen to do basic add modify and delete operation. The screen I've designed will have 3 tabs which will be add , display and delete.When I click on any of this tab a sub-screen should open for doing the operation accordingly. Another I thing I want to do is , I've a text field when I ...

What is the best framework for web application without using web/app server?

I want to deploy an web application without using web server(Tomcat,Jboss etc.) like sonar/hudson does. What presentation framework is suitable for it which has JSP/Struts like capabilites? ...

JMenu and JMenuItems have thin orange border that I cannot change

Hey all, I have been using the UIManager to change the coloring scheme on my GUI. For example I use this for JMenuItems: UIManager.put("MenuItem.foreground", new ColorUIResource(255, 255, 255)); UIManager.put("MenuItem.background", new ColorUIResource(51, 51, 51)); UIManager.put("MenuItem.selectionBackground", new ColorUIResource(232, ...

Netbeans GUI Builder with Java Swing; What's the easiest way to organize Widgets?

I'm developing a GUI application rapidly using a GUI buidler (Netbeans). I am frustrated with the Swing widgets... when I resize one the rest seem to "reorganize" themselves in the wrong places. What do you guys use to tame such chaos? I was thinking of tables.... but couldn't find any in the Netbeans Palette. Regards ...

JScrollPane in a popup window does not scroll up programmatically

I have a popup menu that displays dynamically created custom JPanel objects in a JPanel in a JScrollPane. The popup menu displays recommendations to the user and the topmost element is the most relevant recommendation. I am using JPopupMenu to display the window: JPanelTemplatePopup jptep = new JPanelTemplatePopup(); JPopupMenu popup = ...

Scrolling panel using horizontal scroll bar.

How can I apply a horizontal scroll bar to a Panel? I'm working on 2d tiled map editor and I'm using a Panel to hold the contents. When my map is bigger than my panel it just goes off and becomes invisible, would it be possible to apply custom scroll bars? Edit: Its for Windows forms application project. ...

Windows: Check if a window has focus?

Possible Duplicate: How can I tell if a Window has focus? (Win32 API) I have a HWND in a C++ windows app. How can I tell if it has focus or not? UPDATE Looks like this is a dupe. Sorry. ...

Java GUI building tips?

Hello, I'm building a Java GUI for some code, and I'm not quite sure about some design aspects. As some background - The GUI will be used only for one stream of activity The user loads a file, the file appears on the screen and the user is shown the effects of mathematical transformation 1, transformation 2, and transformation 3 e...

Java tabs in GUI

Hello, I am hoping someone can spoon feed me this solution. It is part of my major lab for the class, and it really isn't giving me too much since I just don understand how to make a GUI with tabs. I can make a regular program with some sort of GUI, but I've been searching and reading and can't put 2 and 2 because of the whole class part...

Netbeans building GUI; how do I disable Netbeans from disallowing me to edit text?

I find it annoying that Netbeans tries to disable editing the source code whenever I use the GUI builder utility. I have searched in Google but could not find an answer: How do I disable Netbeans from disallowing me to edit my source code? Is this a bug because whenever I right click the .java file, I am able to edit again. ...

UI elements for "safety lockout" to choose normal/abnormal operation

I have a GUI which has a couple of checkboxes that control "special" modes of system operation. I want these to always be displayed, and easily edited when the operator intends to edit them, but this condition is infrequent, and most of the time I want the checkboxes to be disabled. What I'm looking for, is what UI element(s) to use to ...

JTable very slow

Hello, I have a JTable in a swing application. I wrote a quick and dirty un-dock operation where the JTable is removed from its default parent and gets added to a seperate JFrame. When the JTable is undocked and placed on a seperate JPane it is REALLY slow at moving around in the JTable... as soon as I dock it back into its original pl...

GUI: Decoupled view and design patterns for RIA

I made some GUI desktop applications on my first years of development, but my experience and practice have changed, so now I'd like to retake this subject with better knowledge. Most of my experience has been web since then. I've been reading about GUI Architectures, and several related questions here on S.O.. I know I'm still not in ...

JFace ApplicationWindow white line at top of Window

I've created the most basic JFace ApplicationWindow I can think of and I get this 1 pixel white border at the top of the screen: And the code to create it: import org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import...

Netbeans Matisse GUI Builder ... separate GUI containers in more than one class?

Hi. By default, Netbeans will create all of your drag and drop components into a single class file. I am using a JPanel with 3 tabs. I would like to separate each tab as a separate class in Netbeans Matisse. Is there such a way of doing that, or am I stuck with a one class implementation under this GUI builder? ...

Java - Swing GUI renders incorrectly in Windows 7

Hello! I'm building a Tic Tac Toe game in Java with a Swing GUI, and it renders correctly in Ubuntu 10.4 and Windows XP. This is how it looks like in Ubuntu: When I copied the bin-folder with all the class files and tried to run the program in Windows 7 it looked like this instead: I just can't understand what's wrong. As I said,...

insert a bash like widget into gtk

Hi, When you write a program in c which has a lot of printf for a lot purpose: debuggin, information, etc. I would like to do something like that in gtk, having some widget that would display all the printf messages I usually would do in a normal c program Thanks, ---UPDATE--- I'm using vte as ptomato advised. Although some problems ...

MATLAB GUIDE gui listbox intermittently disappears with seemingly obsolete error

I am building a straightforward MATLAB gui using GUIDE. I have a listbox of items. Most of the time, it works as expected, but sometimes (usually after I edit the figure with GUIDE) populating the listbox causes it to disappear, along with this message: Warning: single-selection listbox control requires a scalar Value Control will not b...

How to keep code behind UI organized?

In my experience code behind UI can easily get ugly, and inorganized, e.g. long functions, lots of variables etc. How do you manage the code behind UI? ...

Flex: How to keep code away from MXML

Can you recommend articles,books and best practices on designing Flex applications? (both AIR and web). I've read Creating components and enforcing separation of concerns with Flex and Building components by using code behind. Does the application always have to start on the Main MXML? Can't I instantiate the first view from an Action...