
How to get RGB values from UIColor?

Im creating a color object using the following code. curView.backgroundColor = [[UIColor alloc] initWithHue:229 saturation:40 brightness:75 alpha:1]; How can I retrieve RGB values from the created color object? ...

What does CGColorGetComponents() return?

CGFloat* colors = CGColorGetComponents(hsbaColor.CGColor); Does this return a float, or an array of floats? It looks like the asterisk is shorthand for creating an array. Is that correct? When I call this function on the CGColor property of an HSB UIColor object does it convert the values to RGB? ...

Extracting rgb from UIColor

Seen this asked before but my example does not seem to work. const CGFloat *toCol = CGColorGetComponents([[UIColor greenColor] CGColor]); The array is empty from looking at it with GDB. Any hints? ...

Anomalous results getting color components of some UIColors

I'm trying to extract the rgb components of a UIColor in order to hand-build the pixels in a CGBitmapContext. The following sample code works fine for most of the UIColor constants but, confusingly, not all. To wit: CGColorRef color = [[UIColor yellowColor] CGColor]; const float* rgba = CGColorGetComponents(color); float r = rgba[0]; f...

How to compare UIColors?

I'd like to check the color set for a background on a UIImageView. I've tried: if(myimage.backgroundColor == [UIColor greenColor]){ ...} else{ ...} but that doesn't work, even when I know the color is green, it always falls into the else part. Also, is there a way to output the current color in the debug console. p [myimage backgro...

How to convert colors from one color space to another?

Is there a Cocoa Touch way to convert colors from one color space to another? At the end of this code: UIColor *grey = [UIColor colorWithWhite: 0.5 alpha: 1.0]; CGColorRef greyRef = [grey CGColor]; int x = CGColorGetNumberOfComponents(greyRef); ...x is 2. The reason I need this is I'm trying to copy colors to a list of color compon...

Is Macro Better Than UIColor for Setting RGB Color?

I have this macro in my header file: #define UIColorFromRGB(rgbValue) \ [UIColor colorWithRed:((float)((rgbValue So I want to ask everyone is this better or should I use this approach: cell.textColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:66/255.0 green:33/255.0 blue:33/255....

Gradient trick changed in iPhone 3.0 SDK?

I'm using a trick to get gradient on my table cells. After I upgraded to the iPhone 3.0 SDK i noticed that the gradient highlighting, when I select a cell, no longer works. iPhone 2.2.1 iPhone 3.0 Here's the gradient code: - (void)drawContentView:(CGRect)rect { CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); UIColor *tex...

iPhone Objective C : Saving & Loading UIColor into & from NSUserDefaults

What's the easiest way to save UIColor into NSUserDefaults ? And how to re-create it from NSUserDefaults? Many thanks for reading ...

UIColor colorWithPatternImage uses only one image

I'm trying to give tableviewcell's different backgroundColors with colorwithPatternImage and it is not working as expected. The documentation says nothing about only being able to use one pattern at a time. Say I have 3 rows and I set the background like so: Cell1.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @...

Bad Access error when accessing a UIColor*

In my drawing routine for a custom UITableViewCell, was using the following without any problems: CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(); UIColor* backgroundColor = [UIColor colorForHex:@"FFFEFF"]; [backgroundColor set]; CGContextFillRect(context, rect); Of course, this is quite standard except for my interface on the...

How do i get red green blue and alpha back from a UIColor object?

I am getting a UIColor returned from this method: - (UIColor *)getColor { return [UIColor colorWithRed:redSlider.value green:greenSlider.value blue:blueSlider.value alpha:1.0]; } and getting color like this: SelectedColor=[(ColorPickerView *)alertView getColor]; Now I want to get red, green, blue from SelectedColor, in order to...

How do i change color of letters of sectionIndexTitlesForTableView? is it possible in iphone???

hi I have to change the color of sectionIdexTitle for table view??how to do this? any one knows it ??please tell me?? ...

iPhone: change hex color format to UIColor

hi all, i am creating a application, in which i pick the color of label from XML file.XML file return the color in Hex format(for ex. #00FF00). so how can i change this value to UIColor ...

UIColor Limitations or Bugs on iPhone 3.0

I'm working with some colors, and they don't appear to be correct at all. The attached Images show the expected result, and the actual simulator, and on-device result. As you can see there appears to be quite a difference between what the Gimp thinks RGB(0, 16, 60) is and what the output I'm getting from [UIColor colorWithRed:0.0 green...

iPhone: change Navigation Bar title color and back button title color

hi all, i want to change the NavigationItem title color. Also i want to the change the text color of back button of navigation bar. Please suggest how can i do this task? i am using iPhone Os sdk 3.1.2 ...

Objective C Find closest color (rgb) match

I have a predefined array of rgb values. I want to be able to compare a user defined color to my array and return the closest match in Objective C. Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

How do I make my own custom UIColor's other than the preset ones?

I want to make my own RGB colors that are UIColors and that I could use just like UIColor blackColor or any other. ...

UIColor/RGB Way to go from X Color to Y Color

Hi All I wonder if anyone could suggest the best way to go from one color to another in a gradual process. So - I have a text box which I have a text limit on. I'd like to have the text start at white, but be red by the time it gets to the max text limit. Is there an easy way to do this? I'm unsure really where to start... ...

What is the color of labels in address book?

Does any one know the color of labels in the address book? For example when you open a contact you can observe the color of "phone" or "home" labels. So what is that color? Do you have any idea? Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks Prathap. ...