
How to have Android tabs coexisting with other views?

I need to have a layout that has a view above a set of tabs. I've gotten the tabs working fine, but as soon as I try to add a view outside of them I'm left with that view and no visible tabs. This works fine: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layo...

How to create UI and Model based on some business logic

I had following business logic. In this Op1 and Op2 represents some operation. And param1,param2,... represents parameters required for executing these operations Op1=param1, param2 Op2=param1, param2, param3 Now in UI I had a drop down list containing "Op1" and "Op2". Following should happen based on my business logic 1) If I select o...

toggle button vs image changing button

Hey All, When to use this functionality and when to use the other? I personally thing that to switch between two different modes one should use a toggle button but i need to convince some people at work. any formal UI literature on the subject? thanks ...

Is there any framework that allows me to develop applications for Qt and GTK?

I am thinking about something that would allow to develop applications independent of the GUI library, but allow Qt and GTK being plugged in as needed. ...

What equivalent in MIDP programing to the JButton of swing-application?

In swing(GUI) application I used JButtons. Now I need the same application in MIDP and I'm conuse... I need Idea for what to use with and an example of how to use it and what kind of listener might possible fits.(Because I need to refresh the shown screen after every click on a button) And one more question: I use Netbins with the s...

How to draw an incomplete Polygon using Java

What I am looking to do is to draw an incomplete polygon using Java. I have figured out how to draw only the polygon in one shot, or even fill the polygon. I can also draw the incomplete polygon by using line segments but the problem with this is the BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL does not apply to line segments. Here is how I do it with the lin...

Building a GUI for a Sudoku Solver (Complete with ASCII Example)

. OVERVIEW, SAMPLE Hello everyone, I have created a basic Sudoku solver that can solve most problems fairly quickly. I still have a lot of work ahead of me to make it solve even the hardest problems, but I'd like to try to implement a basic JFrame GUI first. I have worked with internet applets in the past, but never before with JFram...

Eclipse RCP: Add project to CNF-based Navigator

Hi, I am working on an RCP application. Currently, I am stuck on trying to get the project created from my custom wizard to open the files in my CNF-based navigator. I am not really sure whether it needs to be done on the navigator-side or the wizard-side. ...

problem with finish() :Android

In an if statement, I have a finish() because I don't want the control to go any further. But, the app exits, but as I see from the logcat, the control goes beyond finish(). Maybe that's also the reason why a toast supposed to be displayed and some other GUI actions before finish() are not taking place? Please advice. ...

How to set GridLayout for WinForms control i.e. Panel

How can one set GridLayout known from Java or Wpf in WinForms control? Is it available by default or does it require writing some code (custom LayoutEngine implementation)? ...

GUI for PHP in NetBeans?

Hi there I would kindly like to ask if NetBeans has any sort of GUI builder like the ones they offered for Java programming? Sorry for the noob Questions. If so, how do I install or use them? Thanks. ...

Android: ExpandableListView if isChildSelectable is set to false dividers get all messed up.

Hi, I am trying to figure out why i cant set the child views of an ExpandableListView to not selectable. The moment i do so through the adapter not only do all the children lose their dividers but also if i expand a grouped view the parent loses its divider as well. Has anyone found a way to solve this issue? Thanks, ...

PEXPECT with HOWIE (pyaiml chat bot) to make OBJECTIVE C gui to replace terminal

So I want to make a nice objective c GUI for HOWIE. Can someone show me how to use PEXPECT to communicate with howie? I don't want to use terminal, I want to use my gui as the interface. ...

Xt (X Tools Intrinsic) Toolkit. What is an application context?

Hi. I found a GTK-Xt wrapper from SourceForge, that basically allows the creation of an XtAppContext app_context variable from GTK+. What is the purpsoe of this app_context? Will I be able to use Xt functions in conjunction with GTK+ ? Thanks, friends. ...

How to get WPF controls to size correctly?

I'm just starting out with WPF and I'm trying to layout a UI. I have a StackPanel and within it's bounds I want two listboxes stacked vertically, each covering half of the container panel - regardless of what contents are in them. So far, the listboxes are resizing depending in the items in them, so when they are empty, they don't cove...

Should one inherit GUI JFrames?

I've a JFrame 'A' and I'd like to provide a very similar one, but with extra buttons, and different functionality. I was wondering if I should inherit 'A' and then overwrite the handler methods, and add components, or whether a different approach is recommended. ...

PHP DOTNET(): Capturing System.Windows.Forms control events to create a usable WIN gui

I made a Windows GUI through PHP's DOTNET class and System.Windows.Forms. But, I'm stuck on handling button clicks, field updates, form open/close events, etc. I cannot get com_event_sink() working with any events whatsoever. I know of no method to get PHP to fake or sink control event "delegates". The best I can do is hackish - cons...

What aspects/practices of WPF could be most useful outside of WPF?

What aspects and practices specific to WPF could be most useful (and not inconceivable to implement) in non-WPF GUI programming? ...

Visual Studio 2010 UI Rendering Issue

Recently I have been having an issue with my installation of Visual Studio 2010. On starting up, the menu items aren't being displayed correctly and are kind of clipping each other. Also, the start up page isn't displayed correctly either. Here is a video of what is happening: You can see me...

iphone tab bar design dilemma

Hi, I have to make an app for client where there are functionalities best defined by tab bar interface. I am no UI designer but I have done some basic research and read the Human Interface Guidelines by Apple. Another point is that app deals extensively with Web Services and user has to login before using any of the features of the app....