
Reading/Sending From/To a Console Application

I'm using Delphi 2010, and I need to run a console application and automate the tasks that would normally require the user to enter information (for example a password). So basically I need some way to pipe all the text and read the lines so I know when the application is read for some kind of input, then automatically have my program s...

Qt Table and Tree View with the same model

I have a neat Model based off QAbstractItemModel. This has a simple hierarchical tree structure which works perfectly for QTreeView. However, I want the QTableView/QListView to access and display only the leaf nodes( ALL leaf nodes ). What is the best way to do this? I don't want to rebuild the model( because it will be expensive ) and I...

controll browser tab index

I'm building a window widget using Javascript, when the window is focused, I want the tab control only stay inside the window widget not jump back to the browser. is there any tab index which I can use use to control it? ...

GUI in Qt OR GUI in Android

Embedded Application (GUI) written in QT and communicating (Via IPC, SPI some other mechanism) with an Android based application (the primary application). Would like to know 1. The overall pros and cons of such design 2. Re usability of the GUI (would it be better to write your GUI on Android?) 3. Consider the two apps will be running...

Using the ttk (tk 8.5) Notebook widget effectively (scrolling of tabs)

I'm working on a project using Tkinter and Python. In order to have native theming and to take advantage of the new widgets I'm using ttk in Python 2.6. My problem is how to allow the user to scroll through the tabs in the notebook widget (a la firefox). Plus, I need a part in the right edge of the tabs for a close button. The frame for ...

How to write a wxRuby program that will just drawText and setPixel without going into main_loop?

I want to write a program that will constantly compute numbers, and draw on the window canvas, including drawing text and setting pixels. So the program probably cannot go into an event loop (the main_loop), because that will stop the computation of numbers. Is there a way just to draw the items without an event loop? Or, should a thr...

Suggestions for *nix framework to write a menu interface

I am going to write a full-screen menu interface to run on Linux and *BSD which is controllable primarily by a game pad and wanted suggestions for a language/framework that is well suited to this problem. Each menu item will launch an external program. It would preferably be easily theme-able, and load menu data from text files, perhap...

Sliding viewport over a JPanel

I'm using drawLine() and friends to paint a graph onto a JPanel. There are tens of thousands of points to graph, so it takes 3-5 seconds. I want to have a viewport, like the blue one illustrated below, over the graph. I would like this viewport to be updatable, as I have a MouseMotionListener on the JPanel that the graph is on. The pr...

SWT ExpandListener executes before collapse occurs on Linux

This is a simple executable snippet that shows the issue. When using the ExpandBar the desired outcome is to resize the window when there is a collapse or expand. It works properly on Mac but does not on Linux. It looks like the ExpandListener is called before the collapse/expand actually occurs and therefore the pack() resizes inco...

JRUBY GUI Toolkits

I have been looking for a GUI library for a while now. I had tried Monkeybars and Glimmer, both of which appealed the most to me, but I didn't manage to get them running (Glimmer is very old, won't load the gem properly) and Monkeybars seems quite dead, can't even run the Hello World examples in the video presentations. So I am wonderin...

Trouble with BufferedImage & ImageObserver in Clojure/Swing/Java

I've been trying for hours to get my drawing method to work by drawing in a BufferedImage stored in a Clojure ref, and then to have that painted onto the component (in this case a JPanel) in order to display it. Unfortunately, this isn't working well at all. My code is this (pared down, but showing the relevant parts: (defn create-gra...

Vibrate window in wxPython.

How would I vibrate a window in wxPython. I'd like some way of specifying how long to do it for and distance and stuff like that. Is there a builtin function I'm not noticing or would I have to code it myself? (I'm thinking of moving the window sideways a few times but I'd rather have a builtin function that might be faster.) ...

Android easy switch color-scheme of application

Hi! How would you implement different color themes in your app? All I can see now is plain set color onCreate every activity and control... Also, how would you store different color schemes in xml? Just an entries of with different names? Thank you! ...

File Downloader with GUI progress display?

I am trying to write a file downloader that has a GUI and displays the progress of the file being downloaded. I would like it to either display a text percentage, a progress bar or both. I am sure this can be done in Python, but I'm just not sure how. I am using Python 2.6 on MS Windows XP. ...

High-Performance UI Framework for .NET

My current task is to develop a software for measurement and testing purposes which will communicate with various devices. Because i have to assume that there will be a high amount of data transferred from the devices that needs to be displayed in some plotting component or similar, the UI framework used should be as fast and responsive ...

Custom Views take forever to inflate; inflate before show next screen possible?

I have some custom views that load when I start an activity with an XML layout containing them. They can be found in another thread, here: . The custom views take forever to load, and the Logcat is throwing a million warnings. I am considering just using a text button ...

Manual Compile of Netbeans Java Swing Application Created Multiple Classes

Hi. I created a Swing GUI using netbeans, and when I try to manually do the following: # ls myProg.form # javac # ls myProg$1.class myProg$2.class myProg$3.class myProg$4.class myProg$5.class myProg$6.class myProg.class myProg.form It created those extra classes. Why is this happening? Is th...

How do you create an application with a unique GUI like Valve's Steam?

Valve's game manager application, Steam, has a very unique user interface, with custom buttons and windows. How would you create a Win32 application that has such a look? ...

How does Qt only use C++ to make custom GUIs for some many platforms?

I don't see how Qt does the low level graphics work, in order to create its own custom GUI look/feel for each platform. Does it utilize each of the platforms APIs or something? I ask because I am really wondering how I could go about creating my own framework in order to make a custom GUI application with a unique graphical look. ...

Gtkuimanager popup submenu

Hello, Where can i find example: popup menu with sub-menus made with GtkUiManager. Thank you ...