
Using Java to wrap over C++

Hello, I have a project written in C++ and I'm looking to write a Java GUI as an interface to it. The choice of Java is fixed so I'd need to learn how to be able to call the C++ code from Java. Rewriting the C++ code is not an option. I'd like input on: What tools can I use to achieve this wrapping. How much of the C++ code would I h...

Is it considered bad practice to use a widgets title attribute to refer to it?

Would it be considered bad practice to use a widgets title attribute to refer it? For example I have a number of custom radioBoxCtrls on a panel I only ever need to get/set all the values at once so the container class(a panel) for the radioBoxCtrls objects has the following methods get_options() set_options() To set options for...

Windows Form or WPF, to code or not code

I am planning to develop a UI control suite (open source) on .net because there is hardly such things as free or open source out in the market. But I am not really able to decide the following factors before going into design phase: Should I write it for Winforms only? Should I write it for WPF only? Or, should I write it for both? ...

Android - Get ListView item height?

Hi! Is there a way to get ListViewItem height in code, when there is no actual items in list? My ListViewItem layout: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="?android:attr/listPreferredItemHeight"> ... </LinearLayout> I have tr...

When is it appropriate to use C++ Smart Pointers in GUIs (Programs with main loops)

Hi friends. I am leaning towards using std::tr1::shared_ptr to automatically manage a pointer to a utility class in my GUI program. Basically here's a skeleton of the program: int main () { Allocate dynamic memory for utility class GUI code.. GUI code... GUI Code.. GUI Main Loop } The program finishes when the user ca...

Layout direction for Arabic is not determined based on the locale (Mac and Linux)

Has anyone managed to have the correct layout direction (left-to-right and right-to-left) be inferred from the user’s language settings? I am having trouble localizing my application to the Arabic (Saudi Arabia) locale. Detection of the current locale, and loading and installing the appropriate QTranslators both work fine. (The text loo...

Why does Java GUI component shift when another is not visible?

Here is the issue I am having. I have a JToolBar that contains 3 JPanel's and each panel contains some various components. The panel that contains my JProgressBar is only visible when there is something loading. What happens when it changes from visible to not visible is my other two panels shift by approx 1 pixel. Here is the code: pri...

How to get MFC (using VS 2010) to let me draw my own title, menu, border?

I have a legacy MFC app. I want to modify its look & feel by removing some standard Windows UI elements (caption (aka title) bar, resizable window borders) & replacing them with my own versions. I tried adding: &= ~WS_CAPTION; to the existing CMainframe::PreCreateWindow() method, which is "supposed to" remove the caption, bu...

GUI Using Batch

When you try to do things using Windows Batch, you normally think on a Text Program, but I want to know if there is anyway to use instead of those string inputs at the command window, put on a TextField, and that the messages get displayed at a MsgBox. Also, if it's possible to hide the console window. Don't matter if VBScript is needed...

Anyway to use XML layout files for specific View/ViewGroups?

I have a custom View that I'd like to specify the layout of in an XML file rather than through code, is there anyway I can take an Android XML layout file and use it to flush out my custom View's content? I know it can be done in an Activity via the setContentView method, but there doesn't seem to be a similiar method for Views. Thanks...

JSON GUI creator/editor

Hi, I'm using text files in JSON format as input to my java/perl programs. I would like to allow novice users to generate such JSON files themselves, following some template. Is there some GUI that allows easy, step-by-step creation of a JSON file? It should allow filling in fields with text, choosing file locations etc. Also note the...

What to do with selected rows when user hits the cancel button on a certain action

View Users page lists all users in the system. You can multiselect users via checkboxes and press the 'Remove' button to delete them from the system. We throw a confirmation dialog, to ask if the end user wanted to delete the users. If he presses the 'Ok' button we remove the users, if he presses the 'Cancel' button we don't perform any ...

NetBean 6.9 GUI Designer Source File

I changed a JLabel's text to be "Your Name:" through the Property window. I want to know where this "Your Name: " is stored? Also in the Property window, I changed this JLabel's name to be "lblName" but in the file it is still JLabel1. So weired. ...

Is there a JGraph alternative for Python?

Which library can I use to develop an application for visual modeling with graphs? Is there a library for Python like JGraph for Java? Thank you! ...

[GWT] How to set focus on next component?

How can I set focus on next component in the form? For example: Button button1 = new Button("Button1"); button1.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { button1.??? } }); I dont know what next components are, and I dont want to know. In...

Using BackgroundWorker in an object and updating UI

Edit: Got somewhere, I hope Here is what I've got, but I'm not so sure about how I delegate my bcLoad.ReportProgress(i) to the object created (ie how to make the delegate so it can be passed). I've created the object events which work sort of(I can call my object method and I can see a change triggered when reading in lines). I know w...

How to create a simple GUI lib?

I need to create a simple gui toolkit based on only a raw framebuffer. Are there any examples or papers describing such a thing? Obviously I could implement X but I think that's a little beyond the scope :) ...

Android: How to avoid that clicking on a Notification calls onCreate()

In my application I notify the user with notifications, if something special happens: public void triggerNotification(String msg) { notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); Intent contentIntent = new Intent(this, ABC.class); Notification notification = new Notification(R...

Is there a visual profiler for Python?

I use cProfile now but I find it tedious to write pstats code just to query the statistics data. I'm looking for a visual tool that shows me what my Python code is doing in terms of CPU time and memory allocation. Some examples from the Java world are visualvm and JProfiler. Does something like this exist? Is there an IDE that does t...

Create Explorer.exe's File - Context Menu in WxPython application

I have a WxPython app that, among other things, has a integrated file-browser. I want to be able to create a system-default file context menu (e.g. what you get if you right-click on a file in windows explorer) when a user right clicks on one of the items within my application. Note: I already know how to create my own context menu (e....