
UIBarButtonItem ignoring just about every action, ever.

Hello, I have a toolbar, in which is placed a UIBarButtonItem. The selector is targeted at a custom view of mine; a method with this signature: -(IBAction)pop{code} However, clicking it does not cause any action to occur. The buttonitem doesn't appear to respond to the click either, it just stays gray. Linking a UIButton's TouchUpIn...

Do any visual tools exist for MongoDB (for Windows)?

I'm currently using MongoDB in a reporting system and have to delete a whole bunch of test documents. While I don't have too much trouble using the JSON-based command-line tools, it gets extremely tedious to have to keep searching for documents, copy-and-pasting OIDs, etc., especially from a command prompt window (ever tried to "mark" t...

Changing org.eclipse.swt.widgets background color in Windows

Right now I am trying to change the background color of a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button with the following code: Button sceneButton = new Button(border, SWT.TOGGLE | SWT.FLAT); sceneButton.setBackground(Color.RED); This works fine when I run the program in Solaris, but does nothing when I run the code in Windows. Is this...

C# window form not showing up at all.

I have a program that displays and runs C# GUI by Application.Run(new Dialog()); But it shows absolutely nothing. It used to work as intended, but after I made some changes and my computer crashed, it shows nothing, but it's running. What I mean by it's running is that when I run debugger, it steps into constructors and behave as i...

Interactive TextArea (collapsible bullet points)

I don't work with Graphical interfaces very much, most of my experience has been with Java. I realize the operating system provides some "native" controls that allow you to do things. What if I want to do things that are a little more fancy but feel like the native control? What I'm thinking is having the simplicity of editing in a Text...

Updating WPF GUI from a DLL

This seems like it would be pretty common task, but I'm not having any luck searching for an answer. I have a WPF/C# application that relies heavily on a dll for database routines. I would like the dll to update some GUI elements, i.e. a progress bar. So far, it seems that the answer lies somewhere in System.ComponentModel and creating...

Desktop app noob question: best cross-platform library that can listen for window-change events (focus, lose focus, etc)?

Hello, I've only ever done server, web, and database programming, never any desktop programming. I now want to learn and have a small project I want to attempt, but am not sure which library/framework to use. I'd like to create a small cross-platform app that runs in the system tray (and whatever the OSX equivalent is), and listens for...

Displaying form errors with HTML5's new input types

Hello, Currently, HTML5's new input types, <input type="number"...> <input type="email"...> <input type="url"...> simply focus on any offending text-boxes with mismatching user input upon form submission. Problem: Focusing is fine. However it's a very subtle way of telling the user why the form is not submitting. Which of these is...

mixing flex 4 gui components with papervision3d

I'd like to mix papervision rendering (either "fullscreen" or constrained in some area) with flex gui components laying over that rendering.. how could this be achieved? For now I can design .mxml templates at hand and do some papervision rendering in a separate .as file (definig [SWF ...]), but I'm still very new at as3/flex, so don't ...

can i store result directly as .txt file without getting displayed on GUI in python?

my programme gives me very large results containg huge number of symbols, that GUI often becomes 'non responding'.also takes so much time to display there any way to store result as .txt file without getting displayed on GUI? ...

jQuery UI without HTML

Is there a project (open source) that takes the widgets and plugins for jQuery UI but allows us to use them without setting up any HTML? Kinda like Ext-js and Sproutcore, but without the acidental complexity and lack of fluidity, and more like Cappuccino, but without requiring a Mac and the horrible load times from Objective-j (which al...

GUI in Scala/Groovy/Clojure

Last time I had to deal with Java was 2005 and I forgot almost everything about it since then. Today I need to build a GUI app on the top of Java. I guess it is better to use one of Scala/Groovy/Clojure languages. The question is: which of them is better for desktop GUI programming? My program will transform and display a series of jpe...

How can i apply my own interface design on iPad ?

I tried to look for a tutorial that tell me how to apply my own interface design on iPad application in (Xcode or interface builder don't know!) such as background images, overriding default button look and feel, but couldn't find anything, don't know may be i was trying the wrong keywords, Can anyone give me some good links ? Thanks ...

Showing Keyboard with Android Dialog

Hello, I want to show the Android version of a Model Dialog with text input however I think the keyboard will be behind the actual activity since dialogs weren't made to have inputs. Is there any way I can get the keyboard to show in an actual dialog. I did see this SO question -- however I'd rather not use an Theme.Dialog'ed activity...

Hide window in Perl/Tk and show again incl. all widgets

I want to hide the mainwindow for a certain amount of time then show it again. Example: use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow; my $lblMsg = $mw -> Label(-text=>"blabla")-> grid(); my $btnPostpone = $mw -> Button(-text=>"Postpone for (min): ", -command =>\&postpone)-> grid(); MainLoop; sub postpone{ $mw-> withdraw(); sleep(1);...

GUI: radio button group without selection?

Image a couple of objects for which one property can have 3 possible values. To edit them I want to use a radio button group with 3 buttons. If you have one object selected, it's obvious which radio button to select. But which what to select if multiple objects with different values of this property are selected? A radio button group wit...

Can I customize the Android searchable.xml layout?

I was the Android Developer article on Search: and was wondering if I could add other UI Elements to the searchable.xml file? Here is what I want to do: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <searchable xmlns:android="" android:lab...

Calculation of required display space for different subclasses of JComponent

Hello. For my current project i am writing a JTable based GUI. One of the main features is the ability to adjust the sizes of all cells at runtime, depending on the contents (which change over time). Currently all cells have the same height and width, when the application is started. I would like to change that to a more sophisticated a...

Getting the handle of the currently focused control inside another application

Hi, How would one retrieve the handle of the control that currently has focus ? I am using WH_KEYBOARD_LL to capture all keypresses in, and I should be able to determine in which textbox the user is typing in. The code capturing the events has no direct access to the controls in the other application. I know the win32 function GetFocus...

smooth gradient on different devices

Hi all, In my app i have gradient as drawable which i am using as background and i wan't it to make it look as smooth as possible. After googling and trying by myself i came up with the following. On nexus one if you call only setDither(true) your gradient is still banding so you have to set PixelFormat like this Window.setFormat(PixelF...