
What UI is used on this pictures? (node based ui)

Hi I'm wondering what UI library is used on the images below (it's from CityEngine). Does anyone know other UI libraries with similar capabilities (free floating, connected nodes with arbitrary UI elements)? I think it might be a part of Eclipse/JFace/SWT toolkit. or: ...

GUI Design: Hide/Show controls at run time

what is the best idea/technique to do this and I prefer not to create all these at run time and not using the Tabs control: let's say we have three radio buttons on the form and based on the user selection we want to show him different GUI stuff ( checkbox, listbox, etc ... ) on the same form. How to do that? ...

How to update a spinner dynamically in Android?

I've been trying to update my spinner in android dynamically but nothing I try has been working. This is the following code I'm using to update the spinner. typeList = dbAdapter.getList(); //array list with the values adapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); groupSpinner.postInvalidate(); groupSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); The values of type...

Java Swing - JLabel Location

Hi, I have problem while setting the Jlabel location. I set the content pane to some JPanel, I created and tried to add my JLabel. JLabel mainTitle = new JLabel("SomeApp"); mainTitle.setFont(new Font("Arial",2 , 28)); mainTitle.setBounds(0,0, 115, 130); getContentPane().add(mainTitle); I want that my JPanel will be on...

Why is this gap showing up in my ListView?

I have a C# WinForm application where I am using a ListView to show what files have been uploaded to my database. I use the same code each time, calling LoadFileAttachments() when the form loads, and again any time I refresh the list, or add or remove additional attachments from the database. (This part works great) Where I am having an...

How to gradually retrieve data from NSTask?

I am working on a GUI (Cocoa) for a command-line tool to make it more accessible to people. Despite it being a GUI, I would like to display the output to an NSTextView. The problem is that the output is large and the analysis the tool carries out can take hours/days. Normally, when working with NSTask and NSPipe, the output is displayed...

Help with a custom GUI in wxpython

I'm new to wxPython, so bear with me. I'm creating a custom GUI set up and need to get two attributes. Firstly I want to create an inner boarder of a different color (The single dark boarder looks too plain). Secondly, I need to bind the dragging attribute so that only the label will allow dragging as opposed to the whole frame. Also ...

how to use MFC for real work in VC2008

hello forks, my backgrounds are C/python/pyqt, and I was forced to use MFC for GUI programming(by my boss, in the consideration that he can assign this job to others in the future). and I encountered this problems: how to create a tab control (found one solution on internet) how to create a table view how to use json, sqlite or other t...

the best way to process event in nested user controls

I'm novice in the GUI development, in particular with WPF, and don't know related patterns. So I want to ask you about a problem which arises from time to time and I'm not sure about the best solution for it. Let we have three user controls A, B, C and control A include control B, control B include control C. Let control C has a button....

How would you use Aero glass in UI design

I have a number of utilities that were written in the days of yore and look very dated. So I recently set out to make them use Windows themes and wanted to incorporate some Aero glass effects. Thing is, I'm not quite sure what the appropriate use is. IE7 and now Firefox 4 glass the top part of the window including the toolbar, but that ...

Segmented (multi color) progress bar / chart for Javascript

I'm looking for a segmented Javascript progress bar similar to the one in the upper right corner on this screenshot: Preferably a jQuery plugin. ...

How to design windows forms that have the same structure?

In web programming you have one or more master pages and some content pages that in which you add some content to the placeholders or access elements of the master. My question is how to handle windows forms that kinda have the same format, let's say header, content and footer. The footer is always the same, the header may slightly diffe...

How do I get a windows border like this in Tkinter?

Is there any way to get a border like this in Tkinter? Notice how it lacks the buttons on the top right. Also I don't want this program to show in the task bar. This is in windows 7, btw. ...

How do you call the GUI thread in Silverlight from the BackgroundWorker method ?

Hi, I am using a BackgroundWorker thread to do some work outside of the GUI thread in Silverlight 4. I would like to update widgets in the GUI context from the background thread, but have read warnings about doing so from Microsoft documentation. I understand that communicating from one thread to another throws an exception as only th...

How do I get the paintable area in a CFrameWnd with dialog bars?

I have a CFrameWnd with a dialog bar, and I'd like to determine the paintable area (excluding the space used by the dialog bar) so I can draw in it without being overlapped by the dialog bar. How can I do this? GetClientRect() seems to cover the client rect area as well, and I don't see any other obvious candiates in the doucumentation. ...

Is there a way to make the generated GUI code from IDEA visible ?

I have made an extremely simple project in IntelliJ's IDEA, basically just a form with a JToolBar containing a JButton, and when I try to launch it, I get an NPE in form.$$$setupUI$$$ - but no such thing is reflected in the actual, so I have no way to debug it or track down the bug. Is there a way to make IDEA show (and maybe ...

creating a SIMPLE ui framework for small app

hi, Ok so long time ago I thought of using CAB on one of my small apps I realized quickly it was a HUGE overkill. I'm building a new app now, to give you an idea after the first release it will only go upto 15,000 lines MAX. The problem is its a slightly complicated system for a bank, half of the software is on the server and the it ha...

best GUI Development tool/software

Hi, I am working on a Automotive project, where i need to build a GUI(A Tool) to collect Automotive data (like Vehicle Speed, RPM, sensors etc). I am quite confused as which software/tool i should go for, the requirement is to create a rich UI (Graphics and simulators) which allows user to do operations like to move a fuel gauge / speed...

Give two linea input fields the same fixed width, 50% of screen

I have two EditTexts within a LinearLayout. I want these to take half of the screen width each. I have been playing with layout weight but and layout width to wrap content but the fields resize based on their inputs length. Any ideas? ...

.NET Label.TextAlign seems not to work

I have a label that I want to right align to be able to place aligned to a text box. The Designer in Visual Studio 2010 Express have generated this code for me this.lblAddData.AutoSize = true; this.lblAddData.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(167, 452); this.lblAddData.Name = "lblAddData"; this.lblAddData.Size = new System.Dra...