
Extension method output in Container.DataItem?

So I have an IList of business entities that I loop through in a ListView into an unordered list. I created an extension method on this Entity in my presentation layer. In code behind, I can Response.Write the result of this extension method, but when I try to access it through the ListView I get an error. The method is called IsCurrent ...

Is there any other strongly-integrated presentation layer tool other than JSF/JSP for Java EE?

Hello, I'm teaching Java EE at the university, and this was a question a student asked. I said "no", but I wasn't really sure, so I thought I might ask you mighty developers. :) Basically, what I'd like to do is to use entities if they were in my context: cat getters, setters, etc, so like normal POJOs. if I use an EJB using its remote...

CSS: Fixed or Float Layout?

My question revolves around CSS Fixed Layout vs a Float Layout that extends to fill the width of the browser. Right now the issue I'm running into is to have the masthead resize depending on the width of the page (something that I understand isn't possible given current browser implementation of CSS3's background-image: size;). At this...

Best way to separate Business from Presentation Logic?

I want to create a game that will work both locally and online. My first thought was to create an interface that would have all the methods that will be needed by the GUI for the business logic and then have a network implementation and a local implementation. This works fine for request-response messages. But what about messages that ...

ASP.Net MVC and N-Tier

Greetings, Apologies in advance that I have not researched this toughly enough to answer the question myself, but I imagine it would take me some time and I would rather know now before I invest more time in learning it. I couldn't find anything in my initial research.. Why use ASP.Net MVC if your already using a multi-tier architectu...

Pros and Cons of Various Java Web Presentation Layer Technologies

I'm currently working on a web app that makes heavy use of JSF and IceFaces. We've had some discussions of moving to another presentation layer, and I thought I'd take the discussion out into SO and see what the experts think. I'm curious if anyone could weigh in on the pros and cons of the various Java presentation layer technologies....

Simple Elegant pattern to separate Data Access, Business logic and presentation

I need a simple pattern to do the above. Few things to note: 1) I have a class that I am obliged to use that does the actual data retrieving and it return DataTable 2) I am not concerned with the generic interfaces that support all possible database types, we are sticking with one database type. 3) How do I elegantly trap the error a...

Why should I isolate my domain entities from my presentation layer?

One part of domain-driven design that there doesn't seem to be a lot of detail on, is how and why you should isolate your domain model from your interface. I'm trying to convince my colleagues that this is a good practice, but I don't seem to be making much headway... They use domain entities where ever they please in the presentation a...

When to use @ in a Rails View and when to use a symbol?

<% form_tag(:action=>'update', :id=> do %> Title: <%= text_field(:album, :title) %><br> Artist: <%= text_field(:album, :artist) %><br> Genre: <%= text_field(:album, :genre) %><br> Release Date: <%= datetime_select(:album, :release_date, :start_year=>1960) %><br> <%= submit_tag("Update") %> <% end %> In the...

Presentation Layer Objects

Should a Presentation Layer be split into presenting and receiving objects Or single objects that handle data in both directions? ...

What WinForm Control To Bind List(Of T)?

I have been working on keeping things object oriented for my project. Currently, I'm using a .DLL which supplies all of the app's classes to the WinForms project acting as the presentation layer. My .DLL will, for example, return a SortableBindingList(Of T) to code in a form. The SortableBindingList(Of T) comes from here. Let's assume a...

Framework Recommendation request: spring, struts, j2ee?

The last time I looked at web applications, the consensus seemed to be Struts/J2EE. Now, it looks like Spring MVC/J2EE or Struts/J2EE are both viable solutions. Is this generally correct? Or is Spring MVC now the consensus choice over Struts? We have at least one guy who has worked with Struts before and wants to go with that. I'm more f...

Refactoring a legacy WebForms app to better separation of concerns.

i.e. Is MVP still the next best choice when MVC is not an option? I thought I'd ask this here as I'm sure there are others like me who don't have the luxury of being on a green-field project and want to refactor a webforms UI to better separation of presentation from business objects... I'm working on a legacy application tasked with a...

Presentation technology for multiple devices

Our application is supposed to serve multiple devices, from simple to smart-phones, IPhones, touch-screens to normal browsers. Application is layered, so we can reuse the business and persistence layer. However, we would like to program single presentation layer as well. I know for example that ASP .NET generates different html output ...

Passing Business Validation Error from Service layer to presentation layer

Hello All, We are using MVP pattern in our Presentation Layer(PL) and a WCF based service layer(SL). PL calls operation contracts on the SL and internally it does some business validations. If the validation passes, we return an obect (exposed as a data contract) to the PL. But if the validation fails, what is the best practice we not...

New Presentation Layer for Webapplication

Hi, we've got an existing webapplication written in magic. But now we eventually want to exchange the existing web-presentation layer (maybe also rich client) to a server side presentation layer. What do you think I should look first (ASP.Net MVC, Silverlight, something in PHP). With which technology is the effort relativly small to ex...

How best to implement support for multiple devices in a web application.

Hello. My client would like a business application to support 'every possible device'. The application in question is essentially a web application and 'every possible device', I believe encompasses mobile phones, netbooks, ipad, other browser supporting devices, etc. The application is somewhat complex w.r.t. the data it captures and ot...

best way to reference business objects from presentation layer..?

I want to develop an enterprise app that includes a WindowsForms presentation layer, middle-tier components for business logic and data access, and a MsSQL Server database. Middle-tier components should contain some business objects and will be called from presentation layer using .NET Remoting. Whitch is the best way (and why) to refere...

presentationLayer position property yielding bad values on iPad, no problem with iPhone

I have a game with several small objects animated using CAKeyframeAnimation. Objects animate perfectly for BOTH iPhone and iPad. However, the value of the position property of the animated CALayers' presentationLayers only yield reasonable values on the iPhone. I use the current position of the animating objects for hit testing. Any ...

What is the suggested way to show exception messages on UI which were produced in Business Layer?

Hi, Is there a pattern OR 'a best practice' on creating user's friendly messages in the presentation layer by using exceptions which were thrown from the Business Layer? Actually in many cases I prefer to throw Application Exceptions and this is forcing me to catch them on UI (aspx.cs pages). And if the process is complex which may pro...