
process.WaitForExit() asynchronously

I want to wait for a process to finish, but process.WaitForExit() hangs my GUI. Is there an event-based way, or do I need to spawn a thread to block until exit, then delegate the event myself? ...

Very simple, terse and easy GUI programming “frameworks”

Please list GUI programming libraries, toolkits, frameworks which allow to write GUI apps quickly. I mean in such a way, that GUI is described entirely in a human-readable (and human-writable) plain text file (code) code is terse (1 or 2 lines of code per widget/event pair), suitable for scripting structure and operation of the GUI is ...

Organising a GUI application

This is going to be a generic question. I am struggling in designing a GUI application, esp. with dealing with interactions between different parts. I don't know how I should deal with shared state. On one hand, shared state is bad, and things should be as explicit as possible. On the other hand, not having shared state introduces unwa...

Commandering GTKWindow

Is there a way to easily to have child GTK applications start in a GtkWindow of the parent's application choice? Or would this require changing the Gtk libraries? ...

examples of both good and bad application user interface design?

I'm a blind student who's taking a required UI class. One of the assignments is to take screen shots of both a good and bad application user interface and comment on what's good and bad about it. I'll have a reader help describe the interface to me but would like pointers on applications to check out. They must be windows apps. In answer...

Correct way to use Actions to create menus, toolbars, and other components in Java

The naive way of writing building a menu in a Java Swing app is to do something like: JMenu fileMenu = new JMenu("File"); JMenuItem openItem = new JMenuItem("Open..."); openItem.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { /* action listener stuff */ } ) fileMenu.addMenuItem(openItem); A more experienced developer will recognize that acti...

Any good 2d engines with a GUI system?

I'm trying to develop a simple app ( it will resemble something like a powerpoint presentation) that will require some simple GUI controls: button, textbox, slider and listbox. And i would want to be able to skin the controls. So i'm looking for an easy to learn 2d engine that will aid me in doing what i want. Any recommendation for such...

Using MSHTML for the GUI in C++, is there perhaps a tutorial?

I would like to migrate my app to using MHTML for the GUI since it would be much easier to experiment with layouts without rewriting the C++ every time. Is there a tutorial? What I found is unfortunately not what I need, which is: Feed it HTML from memory Receive events such as onclick, etc., back in my C++ code Manipulate it through ...

What JVM can be run under Mac OS 7.5?

I have a request for a contracting gig and one of the requirements in the first draft of the specs says the software (a GUI application for end-users) should run on Win 2000 and Mac OS 7.5. I have no idea why they would want to support such ancient systems, but I guess it leaves me with Java as the only option other than raw C, or doesn'...

Emulating a Host user interface

Hi! I need a test application which provides a simple host/telnet user interface (like on a IBM S/390 main frame). The application should be accessible by a terminal/host program like "Personal Communications" and provide a simple user interface. Please note that no functionality besides the "GUI" is required. How do I implement such ...

Slow operations in the Model-View-Presenter pattern

How do you handle slow operations in the Model-View-Presenter (or MVC or M-V-VM or whatever variant you are using)? When you have a slow operation in WinForms or SWT/JFace or whatever desktop framework you are using, you have to run it on a background thread to avoid completely locking up the application. Where do you handle this? I ca...

How to filter windows messages from a managed DLL

How can I get UI framework independent (WinForms, WPF, other frameworks) way to filter windows messages? Thank you. ...

How do I get the actual value of a DependancyProperty?

I have a small UserControl and it needs to know the Background Brush of the control on which it's being rendered. However, if I look in the Background property of the UserControl it comes back null. If I call GetValue(UserControl.BackgroundProperty) it also returns null even though up the Visual tree it is definitely being set. Seems...

Guidelines for touchscreens systems

Have you ever heard about an accepted paradigm about how to design those kind of systems? Im not talking about iphones but photo-kiosk or manufacturing systems ...

Help with annotations

Edit--@Uri correctly pointed out that this was an abuse of annotations; trying to actually create the menu data itself in annotations is just silly. They are good for binding however, I think I'll stick with using them to link the text data to the methods (the @Menu ("File") portion) since it's more explicit and flexible than reflecting...

Is there a WPF control I can use to expand/collapse panels (animated)

I have a window that has a lot of content. I'd like to be able to separate the content using panels, and have a separator that the user can click on the toggle between each panel (with an animation that moves the separator from left to right, showing one section and hiding the other). Think of the Microsoft Office (2007) navigation pane....

Variable height items in Win32 ListView

Is it possible to have variable size (owner draw) items in the Win32 ListView, if yes, how? ...

Calling Select() on WPF text box doesn't do anything.

I'm using a WPF TextBox, and I'm calling the Select() method to make a selection. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work unless I select something manually first. Can someone suggest as to why it happens? ...

How do I create a GUI for a windows application using C++?

I am deciding on how to develop a GUI for a small c++/win32 api project (working Visual Studio C++ 2008). The project will only need a few components to start off the main process so it will be very light weight (just 1 button and a text box pretty much...). My question is this: I don't have experience developing GUIs on windows but I c...

Is it safe to construct Swing/AWT widgets NOT on the Event Dispatch Thread?

I've been integrating the Substance look and feel into my application and ran into several problems regarding it's internal EDT (Event Dispatch Thread) checking routines. Substance absolutely refuses to construct UI classes outside of the EDT. I've done plenty of Swing/AWT and I know most of the rules regarding the EDT. I use SwingWorker...