
wxPython: A foldable panel widget

I have my main program window, and I would like to make a foldable panel. What I mean is, a panel which is aligned to one of the sides of the window, with a fold/unfold button. It's important that when the panel gets folded/unfolded, the other widgets change their size accordingly to take advantage of the space they have. How do I do th...

Automate interaction with a GUI interface

I am interested in writing a script that can automatically operate a program in Windows XP. I figure that I can use something like AutoHotkey to do the clicking. The obstacle I am encountering is that I need the script to be able to interpret information from the GUI interface of the program. There are only a few possible things that ...

Looking for easy script based gui framework that the output is closed exe

Hello all i need windows ( and linux latter on .. ) GUI framework that is based on scripting language ( doesn't matter which ) that the end result will be compiled native exe ( not relayed on installed script engine ) is there such beast ? ...

Open Source MFC Addins

Does anyone know of any websites that feature open source MFC addins for things around UI? ...

Automated GUI Testing: Meeting Us Halfway

I've been tasked with developing a system for automated GUI testing and I could use some advice. As luck would have it, we are in the midst of a major redesign of our GUI and the developers doing the work are open to making their code more friendly to automation. My problem is that I'm not sure what to ask them to add. Whatever hooks are...

Creating a Java GUI in Swing for form input

Well, I've looked all over the internet (including good ol' StackOverflow) and just haven't been able to find an answer to this question, so maybe someone can provide some insight. I'm working on developing a relatively simple Java app that will replace a Word doc currently used for system access requests. It's designed to allow form e...

HSQLDB Manager?

I have tried SQLite in Java, but the speed is slow due to the JDBC driver. Then I tried HSQLDB and thought the speed is good, but I cannot find a good management tool for HSQLDB such as phpMyAdmin for MySQL or SQLite Manager for SQLite. I'd like to use the manager tool to prepare the test data for unit tests, or use the manager tool to ...

Buttons not rendering as XP style

I have a .net WinForms app with buttons that are displaying as XP style (rounded corners) at design time, but Windows 2000 style (square corners) at runtime. My desktop theme is set to XP style. I'm guessing there's an obvious setting that I'm overlooking. Thanks. ...

How to limit NSTextField text length and keep it always upper case?

Need to have an NSTextField with a text limit of 4 characters maximum and show always in upper case but can't figure out a good way of achieving that. I've tried to do it through a binding with a validation method but the validation only gets called when the control loses first responder and that's no good. Temporarly I made it work by ...

How do you set the default font for Tk widgets

I have Tcl/Tk app that generates many forms, and would like to be able to configure the default widget fonts from a central location without having to configure each widget with the -font switch. #!/wish button .hello -text "Hello, World!" -command { exit } pack .hello puts "--- i would like to set this thing: [.hello configure -font...

WPF for FTP interface

I'm creating a program using WPF that has an FTP like interface with 2 list views and 2 buttons between them. The problem I have is that I don't know how to set the 2 list views to fill up the available space without getting the buttons to do so as well. ...

WPF doesn't honor Textbox.MinLines for Auto height calculation

I want to have a TextBox which Height grows as Iam entering lines of Text. I've set the Height property to "Auto", and so far the growing works. Now I want that the TextBox's Height should be at least 5 lines. Now I've set the MinLines property to "5" but if I start the app the TextBox's height is still one line. ...

Good examples of GUI design for business-oriented, heavy data-entry (CRUD) applications

Where can I find examples of very well produced enterprise-y software that have: Good, consistent use of keyboard shortcuts. Good keyboard form navigation Standarized form validation Standarized use of lookup/search screens. (User gets asked for Client ID, doesn't know it but can look it up from a popup window that returns it) Standari...

Good CSS for flashes (aka info messages in Rails, growls in OSX)

I'm having difficulty getting CSS to work like I want it to for flashes (those little messages that show when you log in or do something or whatnot to confirm your action, eg in Rails). I want it to: live within any arbitrary div look like a centered box with text in it be only as big as needed to fit the text (if less than specified ...

Is Adobe AIR a good engine as GUI to develop Windows application

I want to develop a photo browser application in Windows platfrom, the UI should be very cool and has 3D effects,Adobe AIR is a good engine as GUI, but I don't know how to integrate my C and C++ engines which I worte before into Adobe AIR, it seems the engine can't hold ActiveX? What can I do? Thanks. ...

Scrolling problem in Blackberry application

Hello, I am not able to scroll through the application screen using trackball. I am using Blackberry Pearl 8100 simulator. Please help. Thanks in advance. ...

UI design tools

Hi, I need to find some good tools for designing UI. I need only the design part, I don't need any code generation or anything like that... It would be nice to find some freeware ;) tia ...

Large fields on ScrolledComposite results in too much scrolling

I have a ScrolledComposite which is a bit like an spreadsheet. It works mostly without problems, but I sometimes have a large field that fills almost an entire row (the rightmost part). When focus is on this field, and setShowFocusedControl(true) has been called, swt insists on showing the rightmost part of the field, which has the sam...

Minimal theme for Eclipse

I've just been setting up a new 10" netbook and have just installed Eclipse for some development. Even on large screens I've found Eclipse's GUI to be very bulky and awkward to work with, and now on a small screen, the real estate left for actual coding is ludicrously small. Is it possible to apply a theme or skin to Eclipse to make it s...

Seeking good examples of Find and Replace user interfaces in text editors and IDEs

I'm working on a Windows application with an integrated text editor, like an IDE. The current Find and Replace features use the standard Windows dialogs, which are showing their age and aren't very powerful. What great examples do you know of Find and Replace functionality, in text editors or IDEs? I'm looking for inspiration for look...