
Getting matlab timer to update matlab GUIDE gui?

I have a matlab timer object. It is updating a global variable FOO once per second. I have a matlab GUIDE GUI, with a couple of controls, and a single plot frame. The plot frame gets updated by some of the GUI controls, and it gets updated by the timer object. Basically, there are two global variable FOO and BAR. The timer updates F...

UI design - Include a Cancel button or not?

We are designing the UI for a new line of business application. We have no real constraints and are free to design the UI as we see fit. The UI will be done in WPF and targeted for Windows 7, Vista, and XP Pro users. Many dialog boxes contain OK and Cancel buttons in their lower right corner. Do you feel it is necessary to have this Can...

Image not displaying in JTable (Java Swing)

Hi I have created the following code. The problem is the image is not displaying in the JTable column. I extend the DefaultTableModel and override the method getColumnClass. It was suggested this was one way to do it. Any clues? the code is below. //package javaapplication12; import javax.swing.*; public class NewJFrame2 extends...

Get the area of a PictureBox which is covered by a panel

I have two controls which are both contained within a user control. Panel location: 49, 400 Panel size: 787, 70 Picturebox location: 25, 0 Picturebox Size: 737, 700 Picturebox is seen underneath panel. I could use some advice on the best way to determine the area of the PictureBox image covered by the panel, so I can copy the...

MATLAB: calling GUI/GUIDE functions from outside

When I try to invoke a subfunction in a GUI/GUIDE file (using a function handle which has been exposed as a global variable), a new axes is always created even if I set the axes to a specific axes in the GUIDE figure. Does anyone know why this is happening? GUIDE code is: ############################################################### f...

How to embed some application window in my application using any Python GUI framework.

I want some application to look like widget inside my Python application. That's all. I dont need any interaction between them. I'm interested in solutions in any GUI toolkit for both windows and x windows. It would be nice to have a solution with Tkinter but it's not crucial. ...

Close modal dialog from external thread - C#

Hello, I am struggling to find a way to create the Forms functionality that I want using C#. Basically, I want to have a modal dialog box that has a specified timeout period. It seems like this should be easy to do, but I can't seem to get it to work. Once I call this.ShowDialog(parent), the program flow stops, and I have no way of c...

key events

hi... i m using the keyboard event on Robot Objects.... but each time i have to specify the keys Robot r=new Robot(); r.KeyPress(KeyEvent.VK_A); r.KeyPress(KeyEvent.VK_B); r.KeyPress(KeyEvent.VK_C); r.KeyPress(KeyEvent.VK_D); is there any technique to get/recognize eachand every keys....not by specifying them ind...

Highlight Win32 Edit control to indicate that it is the one to fill now

I have a Win32 GUI application that has several edit controls (plain old "EDIT" classname). The logic is that the user is to fill the edit box selected by the application. To make it clearer which one is to be filled now I want to somehow highlight the "current" edit box. Then, when the user has done input and asked the application to p...

UISpec4J: Returning a Trigger from a Combobox selection?

This question is for the UISpec4J testing framework, for testing Java GUIs... I'm trying to test an error message pop-up window (modal) that results from making a selection from a ComboBox, but I'm not sure how to return a Trigger object from the select action. Here's a snippet: WindowInterceptor .init(window.getComboBox("ComboBox...

Flex Popup Window: Stack Overflow?

I'm somehow creating a stack overflow in Flex 3...I'm trying to get data out of a modal dialogue window as such: Main application: var myPopup:MyPopup; function buttonClick( event:MouseEvent ):void { myPopup = MyPopup( PopUpManager.createPopUp( this, MyPopUp, true ) ); myPopup.addEventListener( CloseEvent.CLOSE, handler, false, 0, tru...

Why is my animation leaving a trail?

I'm animating a an ImageView from the left to the right of the screen using a translate animation. The ImageView is place inside a RelativeLayout over the top of my main layout using FrameLayout. When I run the animation on the emulator everything works pretty well but when I use run it on my G1 it leaves visual artifacts behind and ef...

Perl module(s) for creating a simple Microsoft Windows GUI?

I'd like to create a simple Windows GUI for my Perl program. It basically needs to spawn a window, write log information to a text box, and have an input box and a couple of start/stop buttons. Does anyone have any tips as to which Perl modules I use? The people I work with like Qt, so that may be a preference, but I'm not bothered. ...

Alternative for Windows Task Scheduler

hi, I need a Task Scheduler for Windows. Unfortunately the builtin scheduler doesn't meet my needs, which are: can run tasks every minute/hour runs on Linux and Windows 32 and 64 bit versions GUI interface free Nice to haves: supports CRON files open source status reports of execution times thanks! ...

.NET GUI - C# vs C++/CLI

Hi guys, I'm writing a small app that requires a few listboxes, buttons, textboxes. It'll be linked with Boost, MySQL, etc. C++ static libs. The project requires win32 functions. I figure Winforms will be fine (MFC and CodeJock require too much time). So C++/CLI seems perfect for the job. Just use standard C++ along side the GUI. Then ...

Save icon: Still a floppy disk?

Bear with me because this question doesn't pertain to an algorithm or any block of code. Rather, it deals with designing forms and applications. I'm working on a project where the user is able to save their work (most likely to the HDD but also possibly any other media, including floppy disks). Sure, the popular File > Save option is th...

C# prevent Delete key on custom widget from triggering short-cut on menu

In a C# desktop application, I have a customer widget which contains a text box. I also have a menu item on a menu strip that has the Delete key as its short-cut key. The behaviour I'm finding is that pressing delete in the text box, which the user will expect to delete a character, is actually triggering the menu item and deleting the...

Getting Images and bindingSource.Filter working together in a DataGridView

I populate a DataGridView from a collection serialized to a string of XML (example code: *). My requirements are (1) to get images into the DataGridView and (2) the ability to set the bindingSource.Filter string and dynamically filter the table based on strings in the columns (for possibly thousands of entries). My weird XML to string h...

Handcoded GUI application Design & Visualization

We've tools like Netbeans/Visual studio to do the GUI app for our project in java/C#. But when we're creating apps by writing code on Text-editor/IDE without using components. then how to visualize the GUI app project ? I mean let's say i want to build a contact manager app in C#/java. now with GUI builder tools i can manage multiple fil...

How do I set a ComboBox default *not in the drop down* when a list item begins with the same text as a drop down item?

Using C#, say you have a ComboBox that has a DropDownStyle set to DropDown (there are items in the drop down but the user can manually enter a value as well). How do you set a default value for the ComboBox that is not in the list of values in the drop down, but begins with text from a possible selection? Normally setting ComboBox.Text w...