
SWT composite - redraw problem

I have a composite element, that initially has a Label. Now I call dispose on the it (the label) and create another label in the same container (composite elm), but I don't see the new text. It brings me to question how do I enable redraw on the composite, so that the new label (or any other component I might create) will render in place...

In what way do many graphical components affect the performance of a Swing GUI?

I've creating a Java Swing application and I realized that I have many many components on a form. It's not that my interface is cluttered, but nevertheless the total amount can be quite high (hundreds) because the user can enable additional parts of the interface and there have to be list-like repeating panels on the form. Additionally...

Know any unobstrusive, simple GUI guidelines or design recommendations for notifications?

Hello again. I'm in the process of designing and testing various ideas for an application whose main functionality will be to notify users of occurring events and offer them with a choice of actions for each. The standard choice would be to create a queue of events showing a popup in the taskbar with the events and actions, but I want ...

Good Gui editors for win C programming

Hey! I am trying to get back to C programming in windows. I normally use codeblocks for the code and for the gui I used Resource Editor from radasm, but it seems it's no longer available. Anyone know of a simple program that will let me create dialogs, edit existing resource files and such easily? Thanks ...

Toggling between WPF controls

Is there an easy way in WPF/XAML to toggle between two types of controls in the same position in a panel? I'm wondering if there are alternatives to toggling visibilities. In my application I have several checkboxes that are used to configure a bit field (the checkboxes toggle individual bits on or off). Sometimes it is easier for the u...

Detect if X11 is available (python)

Firstly, what is the best/simplest way to detect if X11 is running and available for a python script. parent process? session leader? X environment variables? other? Secondly, I would like to have a utility (python script) to present a gui if available, otherwise use a command line backed tool. Off the top of my head I thought of th...

Blackberry -- Updating screen changes drawing order of manager its field elements

Scenario In a screen I have 2 managers: 1) menu manager at the top and 2) body manager that has info/button elements. The menu manager does custom drawing so that its menu elements (LabelFields) are properly spaced. Core Issue - Manager and subfield drawing order The screen draws fine except when the user preforms an action (clicks a b...

How important is mirroring the _entire_ user interface for Arabic speakers?

I've been researching about adding Arabic localisation into our software. I understand that mirroring of some controls is essential, such as the relationship of labels and textboxes: any labels that are to the left of textboxes in left-to-right languages need to be to the right of the textboxes in Arabic and other right-to-left language...

Swing: What is a good way to implement fully-scalable components?

I am creating an application which has a scrollable and scalable (zoomable) view. Inside this view I want to place other components (most of them customized JPanels and JInternalFrames). Things such as fonts and borders, and sub-elements such as buttons don't need to be scalable. Only dimensions and position of container components shou...

wxPython: Good way to overlay a wx.Panel on an existing wx.Panel

I have a wx.Frame, in which there is a main wx.Panel with several widgets inside of it. I want one button in there to cause a "help panel" to come up. This help panel would probably be a wx.Panel, and I want it to overlay the entire main wx.Panel (not including the menu bar of the wx.Frame). There should be some sort of close button on t...

How to set the equivalent of Region on a ToolStripItem

Is there a way in Winforms to change the shape of a ToolStrip item. If it were a panel, I could set the Region to my GraphicPath object. But for ToolStripItem, I don't know how to do this, since it isn't derived from Control. ...

Render a View dynamically with UI-related attributes defined in the business entity

I'm using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations to give codesmith (using reflection to parse the field-attributes on BE) UI-hints to build my views. But I find DataAnnotations is limited enough. I like something richest, building new custom attributes where one could have more settings to build also complex user interface. I'm too lazy t...

Swing: How can I prevent flickering and "vibrating" of a component, when restricting its movement?

Hello! I need to restrict movement of a component (JInternalFrame) inside a JPanel. More exact: a component should only move along one axis when dragged by the user. I tried to do it by adding a component listener and reset the position of one axis everytime the component moves. But it "vibrates" (moves rapidly during dragging). I eve...

wxPython: Making something expand

How do I make any wxPython widget (like wx.Panel or wx.Button) automatically expand to fill its parent window? ...

Active Caption Text Color — detect change (in .Net)

On Vista, with Aero enabled, the window in normal mode looks like this: But maximized it looks like: Notice that in normal mode the caption is black and when the window is maximized it is white. How can I determine the current color of the window title ? P.S. I wrote a program to watch after SystemColors.ActiveCaptionTextColor, b...

How do I dynamically change color in C# to a hex value?

I know how to set a control's BackColor dynamically in C# to a named color with a statement such as Label1.BackColor = Color.LightSteelBlue; ( using System.Drawing; ) But how do I convert a hex value into a System.Color , ie Label1.BackColor = "#B5C7DE ...

BlackBerry - TreeField with Checkboxes ?

Hi , Is it possible to add checkboxes to a treefield in Blackberry? If yes, how do I do it? Thanks in advance. Please help ...

How should I use a QGraphicsScene with layouts and widgets

I'm creating some graphic data displaying widget in Qt4 and I was tempted to use the QGraphicsScene for it, create QGraphicsItems for the data items etc. However, I wanted to add some layer of controls (eg. scrollbars, zoom+other buttons - I want to make it in a similar style as eg. Google Maps, that is, the data would be displayed all ...

Java GUI creation framework

Do you know any decent framework for creating Swing screens? I need to extend my application for implementors that will have to add their own screens. Possible options: Netbeans platform with Matisse editor Bean builder (very old and unsupported) Eclipse VEP (beta) Any other option? Update: I am not looking for design time tool t...

Windows XP Style: Why do we get dark grey background on static text widgets?

We're writing Windows desktop apps using C++ and Win32. Our dialog boxes have an ugly appearance with "Windows XP style": the background to the static text is grey. Where the dialog box background is also grey, this is not a problem, but inside a tab control, where the background is white, the grey background to the text is very notic...