
Which GWT libraries are fast, mature and good for a desktop feel?

I have read that gwt-ext is slow and it seems too bulky. How does this compare with Ext-GWT? Are there any other libraries out that can easily handle dragging, resizing, minimizing? ...

GWT Themes and Component Libraries

Are there any good themes or component libraries for GWT? The built-in themes are rather plain for my purposes. I've seen gwt-ext and smartgwt, but those aren't that great looking. Are there any others that have a real nice look? I know of vaadin an I really really like the look, but from what I understand that just an entirely new fram...

how do I integrate GWT with taglib?

Hi! I have an app what uses taglib. I would like to update to display a new GWT dialog. Can you get me any hints/links? Thanks! Jusa ...

Best Practices: How to build your UI depending on the logged user

Hi: I m trying to find the best way to build my UI based on whos logged in. The scenario is, there are (at the moment) 2 types of user normal and super-user the super-user will normally see more controls than a normal user I was gonna do some heavy inheritance, ie create by default SomeDialog or if super-user is logged instanciate Som...

Difference between gwt-ext and ext-gwt

Am I taking crazy pills, or are these two things pretty much identical? ...

Gwt-Ext grid inside Gwt-Ext ColumnTree

I need to display a Gwt-Ext grid as a a node of a Gwt-Ext ColumnTree. The idea is that if the user expand an item they would see a grid with headers with items under the headers. Any ideas? ...

md5 hash for password string in GWT/GWT-Ext?

Hi everyone, I am currently trying to modify an existing GWT-Ext application, that is using plain text passwords in its MySql database. My plan was to use md5 hashes, as the existing passwords can be easily altered with the MySql function and I was expecting to find an easy solution for the GWT-Ext side as well. But as I found out, jav...

GWT Incubator Glass Panel not implementing ClickHandler

Hi everyone, I have an app that uses the GWT-Incubator GlassPanel class. I extended it to form a custom one that implemented a ClickListener. I upgraded to GWT1.7 and GWT-Incubator 1.7, and it broke ClickListener. I tried to rewrite my class so that it implemented ClickHandler, but it does not execute my new onClick method when the p...

gwt widget - mutually-exclusive toggle button

I want a hybrid of a ToggleButton and RadioButton. I want the "mutually-exclusive" part of RadioButton, and the gui look and behavior of ToggleButton(up and down states). Does one already exist? ...

GWT-Ext DatePicker.setDisabledDatesRE

Hi, Does anyone have any experience using the GWT-Ext DatePicker.setDisabledDatesRE(String re) method? I have done the following, and the dates specified in the regular expressions are still selectable. I have been able to disable dates using setDisabledDays, but I need to exclude dates based on criteria other than day of week. I'm u...

How can I replace a div with a widget when it is already contained in another widget?

context: I'm using Ext-GWT and I think ListView is the right layout for what I need. My problem is that I have to use a HTML template for all of my items, but I want to build GWT/Ext-GWT widgets instead, so I'm using div placeholders that I will replace with the proper widgets. How can I replace my div with a widget? my first attempt wa...

GWT DateField - 'ExceptionInInitializerError'

Hello, I am new to GWT. I am trying to develop a GWT application. In my project I am using a 'DateField' as follows, DateField dob = new DateField("Birthday", "d/m/y"); When I am trying to run in hosted mode, I am getting the error java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null I am using Google plugin for Eclipse 3.5 (Version - 1.1....

Handle callback for ENTER key in GWT-Ext's NumberField

I use GWT-Ext library for building GUI for a webapp. I'd like to process an ENTER key press inside of the NumberField. It should be like this: final NumberField requiredHeight = new NumberField(); requiredHeight.setValue(125); requiredHeight.setAllowBlank(false); requiredHeight.setAllowNegative(false); requiredHeigh...

Rendering the elements of a GXT RadioGroup or CheckBoxGroup in multiple columns?

I am looking for a way to render the elements of a GXT (GWT-Ext) RadioGroup or CheckBoxGroup in a layout other than a single column (Orientation.VERTICAL) or a single row (Orientation.HORIZONTAL). I see that in ExtJS 3.0, RadioGroups and CheckBoxGroups are easily rendered in multiple columns. However, the configuration doesn't seem to ...

Why does GWT sometimes successfully compile and other times just stall?

I am working on a demo for a client of what's possible with GWT-Ext for GWT. After browsing for the simplest way to get up and running, I decided on installing the Google Plugin for Eclipse and using the New Web Application Wizard. First time around, I followed these steps for create the default application: Selected File > New > Web...

Date updation using Grails and GWT-EXT

I have an editable grid created using GWT-EXT which consists of a date column. The date column is editable and the date can be changed using a date picker. When I get the new date , I would like to send it to a grails service so that the corresponding persistent object can be updated. The data rendering on the grid is using JSON and I d...

upgrading some code from gwt to gwtext

I have a finished project of which i used GWT for, and I would like to change some of the ui to use the gwtext framework. One would think this is simple or maybe I am just the simple one. I cannot even successfully make a gwtext hello world application nevermind upgrade some of the widgets in my existing project. Both situation have dif...

SmartGWT with GWT ?

Greetings , I have been using GWT for few weeks and wanted a rich Table widget.I came across with SmartGWT library. Can I use SmartGWT widgets same way I develop using GWT or is there any special things I need to know ? thanks ...

How to include external java xerces jar files in a gwtext application in eclispe

I am new to gwt and am using the eclipse ide ,I have included the jar files in the libraries folder but when I run my code ,i get an error saying cannot emulate the source code ,can someone help ...

Gwt-ext. Bean to record and record to bean.

I write a RIA application and my JPA beans must be decoded to push it in Store. My decisions are: Brute Force. If I have property 'aProp' in bean (and getter/setter for it) i create RecordDef, then Record, then Recrod.set('aProp', bean.getAProp()) and so on.. (it is terrible) I can write generator for creating a Factory of Records (it...