
Need to write online circuit builder: please compare/contrast YUI3, GWT, and jQuery... what would YOU use?

I need to write a sophisticated website that does AJax, drag and drop, component re-sizing, with a tree view of all components. If this is controversial, please just close it, but could someone please recommend a good JavaScript Application Framework to use? I know YUI3 is still under development so I'd have to use the tree view from...

JPA and GWT failing.

I'm trying to use JPA with GWT. My serviceImpl calls UserDAO.exists(user); When I run a test case, which calls the same method, with the same parameters, it runs ok. When I do the RPC call, if fails horribly (error at the end). When I rename persistence.xml to someothername.xml, I get the SAME error, so I'm inclined to think that GW...

Using Google Common Collection in GWT

This is a simple problem, but I'm having problems with it... I'm trying to use Google common collection's Objects.equal() method in a GWT client code, but I'm keep getting the error "20:12:10.001 [ERROR] [gwt_regex] Line 39: No source code is available for type; did you forget to inherit a required module...

app engine -web application project error

when i create a new web application project it does not show the datanucleus.core.1.1.5.jar but this jar file should be exist as default. how to rectify this problem. ...

Multiple "pages" in GWT with human friendly URLs

Hi. I'm playing with a GWT/GAE project which will have three different "pages", although it is not really pages in a GWT sense. The top views (one for each page) will have completely different layouts, but some of the widgets will be shared. One of the pages is the main page which is loaded by the default url (, but...

GWT JsonpRequestBuilder Timeout issue

I am getting time out from using JsonpRequestBuilder. The entry point code goes like this: // private static final String SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8094/data/view/"; private static final String SERVER_URL = "[email protected]/public/full?alt=json-in-script&callback=insertAgenda...

Can GWT image sprites using ImageBundle be made to work in IE7 and IE6?

I'm trying to use a ClientBundle in my GWT application to make multiple images get sent as a single file. I declare the bundle like so: public interface MyResources extends ClientBundle { public static final MyResources INSTANCE = GWT.create(MyResources.class); @Source("icon1.png") ImageResource icon1(); @Source("icon2.png") Imag...

Find an element by CSS selector in GWT

I'm trying to grab an arbitrary element using a CSS selector (eg. "#someId .className a") in GWT. I'm building a JS widget that can live on a 3rd party website and want to be able to interact with elements on the page. Searching through the JavaDocs I don't see anything that can find an element by selector. I did come across GQuery, but...

GWT Acegi alternative

I'm starting new project. The client interface is based on GWT (and GXT) I have no say it's predetermined. However I can pick and choose as far as server side so I can have some fun and hopefully learn something new in the process. Some requirements are : Exchange with server will be through use of JSON, most if not all of UI will be g...

When use GWT ensureInjected()

Hello there, I created a few styles into a CSSResource and it works well whether I use GWT.<MyResources>create(MyResources.class).myStyles().ensureInjected(); or not. Could anyone shed a light on this and explain when to use ensureInjected or not? Thank you! Daniel ...

How to scroll a GWT TextArea?

I am calling to set the content. After that I call setCursorPosition(myText.length()) to get the cursor to the end. This works well. When myText has more lines then the text area can display at once, it shows a scroll bar. But it does not scroll to the cursor position. Even worse - ...

Using Vaadin (Java) UI Framework inside Python

What would be the best way to use Vaadin within Python/Django applications? I will be more than satisfied with having access to components/widgets, if the whole UI framework cannot be exposed to me directly. I am aware of Jython, but I am still not sure if it's the way to go about Vaadin in a Python web application. Any positive input/s...

Subclasses of a class that implements a generic interface

I'm working with Google Web Toolkit, and I'm having problems implementing a generic interface. I'm not really familiar with generics, doing an upgrade on someone else's code here. Here's what I want to do: I want to have an implementation of a generic callback interface that does some logging, and then subclass that implementation in or...

GWT + ProcessBuilder

Hi all, Is it possible to use ProcessBuilder with GWT? When I declare an instance of a new ProcessBuilder, I get: java.lang.ProcessBuilder is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment ...

Runtime Exec in GWT

Hi all, Is it possible to use Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe"); in gwt? When I compile it, I get Caused by: access denied ( <<ALL FILES>> execute) Any workarounds / ideas? ...

GWT is crashing my browsers on Debug mode, anybody has a solution?

Following StockWatcher tutorial, When I run the app in debug mode, my Safari or Firefox becomes irresponsive (I can't even switch to them). If I stop the debug mode from Eclipse then everything is back to normal. I have a MacPro with SnowLeopard, and this is my Java. Goo...

Resizing the window playing HTML5 video

I have videos playing on a new window using the video tag in HTML5. I want the size of this new window to change depending on the height and width of the video that is being played. Is there some way to do this? I am using GWT by the way. ...

How do you setup JNDI for GWT (2.0) Hosted Mode?

How do you setup a JNDI server on GWT's hosted mode (they seem to use an embedded Jetty server)? ...

how to get html element id of smartgwt widgets ?

I want get html id of input field & icon field of a TextItem widget, how can i do this ??? (no getId methos is available for TextItem widget & seems that setAttribiute("id", "foo") has no effect) ...

how to create an excel file in google app engine (java)?

A question that seems to have quite a few options for Python, but none for Java after googling for two days. Really really could use some help all I have found so far is a recommendation to use gaeVFS to build an excel file from the xml components and then zip it all together which sounds like a slap in the face. Oh yes and if you were w...