
GWT Textbox Encoding and RPC

Let's say I have a TextBox and the user puts some data in it. I then send the data over RPC, with something like this (synchronous version of interface) public void submitText(String userData) { dao.saveText(userData); } My questions are: What is the encoding of the userData? This is a trick question, since Strings in java are sto...

How to Test-drive GWT development?

Just googling 'TDD' and 'GWT' easily lead to this article where the author explained how he can test GWT app without container. However, I think his example is not test-driven as he has all the design first and than write the test afterwards, not 'test-first'. This leads me to think that is it possible to have 'test-first' development o...

XStream in GWT's client side

I want to use XStream to serialize my RPC calls on my GWT application, and I'm hoping to get it done both ways, as I'm sending java objects back and forth. Is it possible to run XStream on the client side? how? Alternatively, can you recommend of any other xml-serializer for the client side? ...

Json <-> Java serialization that works with GWT

I am looking for a simple Json (de)serializer for Java that might work with GWT. I have googled a bit and found some solutions that either require annotate every member or define useless interfaces. Quite a boring. Why don't we have something really simple like class MyBean { ... } new GoodSerializer().makeString(new MyBean()); new...

GWT: How to avoiding calls to dynamicCast and canCastUnsafe in generated JavaScript code?

I'm writing some special purpose data structures in Java, intended for use in the browser, (compiled to JavaScript with GWT). I'm trying to match the performance of some of the built-in JDK classes I'm noticing things run reasonably fast, but when I compare my code trace to some of the emulated JDK code, mine has lots of calls to dynam...

How do you add a row listener to a Flextable in GWT?

How do you add a row listener to a specific row, or all rows in a table? I need to add a type of "onMouseOver" listener to the rows so that when you hover over them, it changes the background color of the row, much like getRowFormatter will allow you to do. ...

GXT KeyListener.componentKeyDown() immediately closes MessageBox.alert()

In GXT, MessageBox methods are asynchronous, meaning that the application does not "lock up" while the message box is displayed. I using a KeyListener to process enter key presses in a form (to increase usability, i.e., allowing the form to be submitted by the enter key) and subsequently disabling the form fields while the application p...

Using SVG in GWT

I was wondering if it is possible to include SVG content inside a panel (or whatever would work in GWT), be able to add more to the SVG (like add a circle or a curve) programmatically , and handle mouse events (would this be in SVG or GWT?). I've tried creating an HTML object adding something along the lines of: <svg xmlns="http://www....

How to disable tabbing in a tab panel in gwt

I have a tab panel in the gwt. I want allow the user to select the tab only by mouse. For this one I have disable the tabindex for all the tab in my tabpanle. I tried with this code: DOM.setElementAttribute(cdrMeseTabPanel.getElement(), "tabIndex", "-1" ); but it is not working. Any ideas please? ...

GWT with JPA

I'm trying to build database application using GWT 1.5.3. I use JPA annotations with my objects. It seems in hosted mode GWT's RPC works fine. But when I try to compile my app using GWT-compiler I get errors like: "The import javax.persistence cannot be resolved", "Entity cannot be resolved to a type". toplink-essentials.jar is already...

Which Java framework works best with Google Web Toolkit?

GWT is the main reason I'm moving into java for web development. Which java framework will work best with it, while also maximizing code reuse for mundane tasks like form validation, database access, pagination, etc? Thanks. ...

How does Google Web Toolkits work with Servlets?

I'm considering building a web app using Java and Google Web Toolkit and I have some questions. I assume that when someone goes to a URL such as, the Signup servlet will be loaded which will perform all the necessary work and forward the request to a JSP that would display the HTML and Javascript code. If there i...

Managing multiple Google Web Toolkit pages in 1 Project

I have a project which will be made up mostly of Java Servlets, JSP/Html pages, and some regular javascript. However, there are some screens which will be too complex to do in just javascript, so I will want to use GWT for that. Is it possible to do this, so there are multiple EntryPoint classes in the same project? Then, depending on w...

What is your experience with GWT?

Do you find the Google Web Toolkit to be a useful project? Are there licensing issues? ...

Serialize Object in GWT

What's the simplest way to serialize a bean to a string using GWT? I prefer not to use GWT.create() invocations. ...

What events can I catch when the user leaves a GXT grid?

I have a web app that uses GXT (version 1.2.2) grids extensively. I'd like to warn the user if they make changes but don't save. When I use the grid in a popup dialog, the only way for the user to leave is via a button (either Close or OK). If I add a SelectionListener to the Close button, I can do my "isDirty()" check and warn the use...

What is the most commonly used Java web framework?

Which of the following frameworks is the most commonly used in Java right now and, if different, which framework is growing in popularity the fastest in terms of adoption? Stripes Spring MVC Struts Struts 2 Tapestry Wicket JSF No Framework - Pure JSP/Servlet Grails Some other framework not mentioned here ...

best way to externalize HTML in GWT apps?

What's the best way to externalize large quantities of HTML in a GWT app? We have a rather complicated GWT app of about 30 "pages"; each page has a sort of guide at the bottom that is several paragraphs of HTML markup. I'd like to externalize the HTML so that it can remain as "unescaped" as possible. I know and understand how to use ...

Does it make sense to use Google Web Toolkit (GWT) as a full-blown Java web framework?

I am interested in the possibility that GWT could serve as the basis for my entire presentation layer. I would be interested to know if anyone has tried this successfully - or unsuccessfully - and could persuade or unpersuade me from attempting this. ...

how to resolve/normalize URLs in GWT/Javascript?

Given two URLs, how can I resolve one of them against the other? I'm trying to emulate Java's URI.resolve(), which does not exist in GWT's emulation library. I've had to implement this manually, which, as you might expect has been very error-prone. Is there a GWT or Javascript library for resolving or normalizing URLs? ...