
how to get rid of double-scrollbars on internal frame of GWT app

As part of porting a legacy application to GWT, we need to embed our existing JSPs inside of our GWT app. Many of these pages are quite long, resulting in a double scrollbar- one for window of the main app, and a second one for the content of the frame. I'd like to get rid of the internal scrollbar, and just have the normal browser scr...

jquery/ GWT for JSP, Java back-end?

Which front-end tool/framework is suitable/practical if you have a JSP, Java back-end? Jquery or GWT? just got confusion. some of my jquery ajax calls won't output a response in the front end. thanks ...

do you know where to download GWT components and widgets?

do you know where to download GWT components and widgets? thanks. by the way, where do i need to put the GWT components & widgets in my project? ...

GWT Framework

As I use more and more the GWT framework, I face the need to create a custom code for some basic GUI tasks like screen transition, code organization and transmission of data between widgets. Some GUI frameworks, as the JSR-292 for Swing, resolves theses issues for specific plataforms. Do exist any framework like that for GWT? ...

SmartGWT Live Grid (with iBATIS)

I didn't find any docs about how to convert a SmartGWT ListGrid in a Live Grid. How can I do it? Is the ListGrid a Live Grid by default? If so, how can I disable this feature? Finally: I have to provide a DataSource for the Grid. My app uses iBATIS in the server-side, using GWT-RPC. How can I provide the data to the Live Grid and let it...

Convert JavaScript Overlays back to JSON?

I'm having trouble converting a an object from JSON into a JavaScript Overlay object, and back again. I have the following in the class now: public class Aff extends JavaScriptObject { protected Aff() {}; public static native Aff fromJSONString(String jsonString) /*-{ return eval('(' + jsonString + ')'); }-*/; public final...

GWT / Comet: any experience?

Hello fellow developers, Is there any way to "subscribe" from GWT to JSON objects stream and listen to incoming events on keep-alive connection, without trying to fetch them all at once? I believe that the buzzword-du-jour for this technology is "Comet". Let's assume that I have HTTP service which opens keep-alive connection and put J...

GMail like file upload progress bar with GWT?

All Gmail users should have already noticed that file upload progress bar has been updated recently. I'm wondering such effect is possible to implement with GWT. I'm fairly new with GWT, so if any GWT source code that can help me test out the function would be very helpful. Update I ended up going with SWFUpload. However, other suggest...

GWT Hosted mode : Connecting to

I've recently started to see a hang when testing GWT apps running in hosted mode. It hangs with the message "Connecting to" The only solution is to stop and restart a few times. Has anyone else seen this? If so, any ideas about the cause? I wondered if it was a firewall block. I'm using Zonealarm. If you are also seeing this,...

How to prevent a GWT Flash/ActionScript component from reloading when visibility is toggled?

I have a Google Web Toolkit (GWT) application that utilizes a Flash/PaperVision3D component that I have created. The GWT app places instances of the Flash component on different tabs in a tab panel. During execution of the app, everything works great until the user starts clicking in between tabs. At the GWT level, the JavaScript is chan...

GWT-DnD (drag and drop) layout question

The following is when using the drag and drop library from here: When placing an absolute panel inside a relative panel, it appears to disable the drag ability. A simple example: private AbsolutePanel leftPanelTree = new AbsolutePanel(); private HorizontalPanel drawingAppPanel = new Horizonta...

gwt fileupload

I would like to trigger a click on the browse button on a hidden FileUpload widget. The following code works fine on IE 6+, but doesn't work in FireFox. final FileUpload upload = new FileUpload(); upload.setVisible(false); upload.setName("uploadFormElement"); panel.add(upload); panel.add( new Button("Select File", new ClickListener(...

gwt ext tooltip and panel

hi, i am adding the tooltip to the panels.i have to check weather the tooltip is added to the panel or not. Thanks Usman ...

GWT to get value from date field

Hi, I am using GWT ext and trying to get the values from page and setting it in pojo class. Except date field all the values are obtained using (TimeField) ComponentMgr.getComponent(id[2])).getText()).... But while using the same snippet for date field it fails to perform. Can any one help me with this issue please...... ...

Anyone use Pyjamas (pyjs) python to javascript compiler (like GWT..)

Has any one used this? I don't have a large background in Javascript and this lib looks like it may speed things along. ...

send request with gwt to a different domain

Is there a way I can make a request to a different server than the one that's being used for development using a RequestBuilder? I keep getting The URL is invalid or violates the same-origin security restriction while I am sending request from 12...

How do I select only visible elements using XPath?

I have a GWT application for which I'm trying to write some tests using Selenium. I'm using XPath to identify the elements on the page for the tests. Using id won't work as the id values are auto-generated by GWT and can change. Things started going well when I realised I could find buttons by their labels as follows: //button[.='OK'...

Why Haven't GWT- and Script#-style Frameworks Become Dominant?

With GWT, we can write code in Java and have it translated to JavaScript code. With Script#, we can write code in C# and have it translated to JavaScript code. It sounds GWT and Script# will save web developers from suffering javascript pains. Then, why these tools haven't been dominant? Why still people dedicated to write javascript cod...

Compare GWT and Django ?

both seems to be pretty cool which is to be in used in what scenario ? ...

Change CSS of GWT tabBar Items

Update: I got the first part working, but the corners are not. See part 2 below. How do you apply a style to a tabBar (in GWT) so that you can a single tabBar at a time? I have a few different tabPanels that need to have different styles but I can't figure out how to correctly apply the style to the bar and then how to add that style...