
gwt define-property doesn't generate new compilation permutation

I added the following to myModule.gwt.xml. I expected it would generate 6*2 permutations when compile. However, it still only generated six permutation. Did I miss anything there? <define-property name="mobile.user.agent" values="mobile, not_mobile" /> <property-provider name="mobile.user.agent"><![CDATA[ { var ua = window.navigator.u...

GWT-Google web Toolkit-DialogBox

I have doubt regarding GWT .In Gwt if i click one button than it shows one dialog box at th same time the form outside the dialog box disabled.What component can be used for this task? Thanks in advance ...

How do I add a click handler to a TreePanel in GXT 2.11?

There is a similar question to this for ExtJS but not for GXT. I wish to simply add an onclick handler to a TreePanel in GXT. That is, I wish to perform an operation when a user clicks on a node in the tree. The showcase does not seem to cover this most basic usecase. Thanks, ...

Does Spring Roo GWT integration support RDBMS database

We are planning to use Spring Roo to generate GWT artifacts, would it be possible to use our RDBMS database or should the application rely on the app engine datastore if we eventually deploy the application on google app engine. ...

image converted but not opening after downloading

Hello, I first made a simple java app to convert an image to user desired format using JAI. eg. the code to convert to jpeg format is:- outputFile="C:\\eclipse\\" + outputFile + ".bmp"; // Load the input image. RenderedOp src = JAI.create("fileload", inputFile); // Encode the file as a BMP image. OutputStream o...

Uploading to Blobstore gives a Java heap OutOfMemoryError

I'm doing a very simple upload form to my Google App Engine application. In the client GWT code I have something like: final FormPanel uploadForm = new FormPanel(); uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); uploadForm.setMethod(FormPanel.METHOD_POST); uploadBtn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override ...

In GWT how to know all the styles applied to a given element (by id or class name)

I have the following problem : in my GWT project there is a "main" css file for the application, inline css in the DOM that come from the application computation and a css file that is bundled in an archive uploaded to the application and dynamically loaded. Now I need for an Element to find which CSS rules are applied, coming from eith...

Maven properties in gwt.xml

How do I use a Maven properties from pom.xml in my.gwt.xml? ...

to GWT or not to GWT

I'm a Java developer. To be honest, I'm a little intimidated about writing lots of javascript, so the idea of writing a web app completely in Java with GWT appeals to me! I'm planning a new web app and one of my considerations is that I want it to run well on mobile browsers (for android and iphone). I've also used a few GWT apps that ...

GWT RPC: Use same DB connection across multiple requests

I'm working on a web front-end to a database. The purpose is to create a tool that students can use to learn SQL, issue queries, and see the results. Prior to now I've been using the CLI. Its primary disadvantages are a) students these days are more used to GUIs; and b) when the query returns a very wide table, it's hard to read because ...

Eclipse: which files to store in version control for GWT project

I'm working on a GWT project in Eclipse with Mercurial for revision control. Which files should I store under version control? Or, perhaps more succinctly, which files should I not store since they are either part of GWT or are artifacts of the build process? I'm using Eclipse Helios and GWT 2.0.4. This question would apply to any vers...

Does GWT support php ?

does GWT support php ? ...

GWT eventbus handle multiple modules

Hi, I am working on a gwt project and we are using eventbus for communicating events between widgets. I have 2 modules and when i raise an event in one module, the other module is unable to receive it. How can i solve this.Any help?? ...

Instant value change handler on a GWT textbox.

I would like to update a text field instantly when typing in a GWT TextBox. My problem is that ValueChangeEvent and ChangeEvent handlers only fire when the TextBox loses focus. I thought about using the KeyPressEvent but then nothing would happen when performing a copy paste with the mouse. What's the simplest way to do that ? ...

Design patterns for enabling user interface elements based on user permissions?

We have a web application and its front end is implemented with GWT/GXT. Users can belong to various groups and these groups can then have various permissions. The permissions are quite fine grained, for example comment_create, comment_edit, comment_delete and comment_read. What would be the best way to enable and disable user interface...

GWT : print button

Hi, I am trying to create a button that prints the current browser window. This is my current code, that uses (or at least it tries to use) JSNI: private Button print = new Button(constants.print(), new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { /*-{ if ($wnd.print) { ...

NTLM authentication with GWT but getThreadRequest() is null

Hello, I am trying to get NTLM authentication to work with GWT. Unfortunately the getThreadRequest doesn't seem to be returning anything useful. I am doing this: I have a suspicion that it won't work if I am testing locally? Will IE still send NTLM headers if I am testing...

GWT 2.0.3 on IE8 image LoadHandler Not Called intermittently

Hi, has anyone encountered a problem where you register a LoadHandler on the image, and when the image is loaded the LoadHandler doesn't get called sometimes? Is there some voodoo to make it work? Like some ridiculous order of initialization? This is driving me nuts. The code works on Firefox, Chrome, IE6 and IE7. The image is attac...

Using VLC media Player in GWT

Hi, I have a video in .avi format which needs to be rendered in a UI developed using GWT.The video does not play in Windows Media Player but opens up smoothly in VLC media player.Is there some way to use VLC media player to render the video in the GUI without changing video format(or any other processing on the video). Thanks, ...

Resizing a GWT DockLayoutPanel's North/South/East/West components

Does anybody know how to resize a GWT DockLayoutPanel's child panels? When I add a directional panel I have to give it a size ie: panel.addSouth(new HTML("south"), 2); How can I then resize this south panel after the fact? ...