
Stack trace emulation for web mode in GWT

In my development module, I have set the following properties: <set-property name="compiler.emulatedStack" value="true"/> <set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordLineNumbers" value="true"/> <set-configuration-property name="compiler.emulatedStack.recordFileNames" value="true"/> but when running against the compi...

Want to install yahoo Boomerang in GWT project

Hi Guys I want to install yahoo Boomerang in my project .. and also want to see the performance of my site using Boomerang ...... Please suggest me ... Thanks ...

GWT / GIN: Adding user class to all presenters

I have a hazy understanding of GIN, but have it working for injecting presenters, etc. I'm trying to inject a self-made "User" class into all my presenters in order to get the currently logged-in user. I've added @Inject to the constructor on my User class, and added User to my GIN module ... but apart from that, I'm totally lost. Do ...

GWT and templating engine

I want to design a website using GWT. This is my understanding of how GWT pages will be delivered to the client browser - When the user puts in the URL into her browser she receives all the static HTML + GWT javascript, and then the javascript queries the server for the dynamic page content and adds it to the DOM. eg - For a blog page th...

Can I get result of a GWT async call before the page is rendered?

I have a GWT page with a listing (from the datastore) on it. I understand how I can get this listing after the page is loaded, with an async call, but I want to make sure that when the page is loaded initially, it has valid data in it. Otherwise, the page loads most of the way, and then the listing is filled in, which leads to a choppy...

How to keep business logic seperate within GWT Composites?

Hi, I'm currently building a GWT login screen and I managed to get a basic version of the login structure working. I created the following pieces: An entry point class (actually it was given). A main application screen composite. A login-screen composite. I have the following logic in my entry point method: MyApplication mainWindo...

How do I run Google Web Toolkit applications from the command line?

At the moment I'm running the demo StockWatcher in Eclipse. This uses the embedded servlet container which is fine for my purposes. The only change I would like to make is running from the command line instead of inside Eclipse. Does anyone know what command I use and what classpath this requires? Edit - I have not used maven I have ...

Want to load .cache.html file of GWT application on client side

Hi Guys I want to load .cache.html file of GWT application on client side ( Browser ) but now when I load my application on browser each time .cache.html file is downloaded from the server I don't want it to be downloaded on each request , because it's too heavy Please suggest me solution Thanks ...

Creating widgets in GWT and using them in My existing website

Hello everyone!! I have just started learning GWT. My question is pretty simple: If I create some widgets in GWT, lets say a Calculator widget and I want to use that widget in my existing PHP or JSP web app, then how can I do that ? I am referring the book GWT in Action for learning GWT. ...

Making Google Web Toolkit applications accessible externally

I've noticed when I start my application from within eclipse (Run -> Run as Web Application) I can access my application externally by using the machine's public IP address. However when I run from the command line (ant devmode) I can only access from localhost. What changes do I need to make so that I can run from the command line and...

Really strange GWT RPC behavior + display

So essentially this project builds a portal of testing results from various test types. The fetching and display of results is fine; however, the resulting tables are not being displayed in the correct order. The order they're displayed in is random, but it's clearly specified the order in which the RPC calls are dispatched and I even ...

How to pass server flag to GWT presenter / view?

In my GWT app, I have an anchor that links to an external URL. I would like to make that URL configurable by a server flag. So my question is, how can I make the server flag accessible to the GWT presenter / view? I can create a servlet that returns the value of that flag so that the GWT side can make an RPC call to get the value, but I'...

new gwt interface automation testing

So our front end GUI is getting a large overhaul to a new GWT based application. I have been working on creating the automation scripts for the old front end using cURL in some tcl/expect scripts. As I have looking at the new app I am starting to realize more and more that cURL is out of the question for performing these web interactions...

GWT confirmation dialog box

I'm trying to create a modal confirmation dialog box. I'd like it to work like Window.confirm(""), where I can just call it, and get a boolean response. My trouble is I'm not sure how to do it. I'm trying to use MVP in my application. Here is the code I have so far: public class DialogBoxPresenter implements Presenter { public...

modal dialog in gwt with clicklistener

I've a huge panel with drop-down lists and checkboxes. To manage them I have to implement the ClickListener interface so that on expanding the drop-down list or clicking on the checkbox some actions are executed. Then I have to show the dialog box with just one 'OK' button and this dialog should be modal. I create it using via the follo...

GWT Spring security - Client

Hi Again, I have managed to integrate spring security to my GWT application using the following approach: Note that I used the gwtrpcspring library for basic spring integration with GWT and it works well (non-invasive and efficient). My question for which I can't seem to find t...

Detecting mobile browser in GWT

Hi All, I want to implement a web application with separate user interface for mobile and pc. Do you know how can I detect whether it's mobile or not? And in general, Do you have any suggestion for implementing such application in gwt? Thanks Marjan ...

GWT Handlers: is better to have many or a single one? Is it better to keep them inactive or unregister them?

Let's assume that I have a GWT application with many instances of Label (let's say hundreds of them), and a Button. When the user click on the Button, my application does the following: highlights every Label by making its background color green; when the user moves the mouse on an highlighted Label, its background becomes dark green, ...

How do I center a widget in the middle of the screen in vanilla GWT?

Hi, I wish to center a widget in the middle of the browser window (horizontally and vertically). I do not wish to stretch the widget to fill the root pane nor do I wish to use a popup window. Is there a simple way this can be achieved? Thanks, ...

GWT JUnit test in NetBeans

I have written application in GWT using NetBeans. Now I want to test my application with JUnit. I have never used JUnit before but I have basic concept of how it works. Now the question is how do I setup basic Unit test to test some of my GWT Widgets. I found THIS simple example but don't know how it can be ran in NetBeans. ...