
How can I get the Tomcat JSESSIONID on the client side?

Hi Guys I want to get the JSESSIONID of Tomcat on the client side. Is that possible? If yes, how? Thanks ...

Enabling and Disabling Save button on a GWT page

The application I am working on has pages of setup data with lots of textboxes; each page having a save button. I have defined most of the pages as a *.ui.xml file and used the GWT 2.0 UI binding. I would like to add a save button which is disabled onload and is only enabled after a user modifies the data into one of the textboxes. I ...

Does Eclipse upload 3rd-party GWT libraries to GAE?

One of the tips for lowering your app's cold-start latency is to use/upload as few JARs as possible. I'm wondering what can I do to prevent 3rd-party GWT libraries (like gwtquery.jar etc.) from being uploaded to GAE? (Once the app gets compiled these become useless, so it would be quite unfortunate should they attribute to the latency.) ...

GWT :- Developing a CRUD Screen

Hi, I am planning to use GWT for a small Reporting Tool and I am learning GWT now. As a first learning Project I am trying to build a CRUD screen. I've successfully built the form and learnt about layout and the necessary widgets. However, I have 2 queries. (1) I am unable to find a widget that is similar to a spreadsheet like table th...

Eclipse autocompletion for GWT UiBinder (+ UiBinder documentation)

I am using UiBinder xml files in a GWT project. The problem is that Eclipse doesn't give me any info about what attribute I can use with the widgets For example I know I can set width or style this way : <g:HorizontalPanel width="100%" addStyleNames="{style.mainPanel}"> But they are not mentioned in the list that appears after clicki...

Partial vs. Ajax

Hi there, I have some content (a flash widget, to be precise) on a page that I want to be static, I have been using full coverage GWT on the entire page, which allows user to never have to reload the page. But I am thinking about switching to app engine and django, is there a way so that the user won't reload the widget? or do I have to ...

Puzzling behaviour (Java instances, arrays & GWT)

I am not sure if this is Java behaviour or rogue GWT behaviour. But here goes. I have a class for 2D vectors, called Vector2. In my program I do some simulation of 2D particles represented by instances of this class. I have two arrays of Vector2, m_x and m_oldx that are members of another class, with a function that does some processing...

Is it possible to reuse GWT UIBinder panels?

I have a layout in Google Web Toolkit using UIBinder involving a TabLayoutPanel. This layout has the superset of all tabs that will be used by my app (think of it as an admin view). I now need to create a new layout, using a subset of these tabs (eg, for regular users). Is it possible to import panels from my admin layout in my user...

How to create multiline tooltip text in GWT

I need to show tool tip text in multiple lines, but setTitle() method in GWT is simply ignoring the '\n' character? Is this possible to achieve? ...

How to disable SuggestBox in GWT

I am using SuggestBox to let user to select values. But however when there is only one value in the list, I am setting the value in the SuggestBox and I want this field to be non-editable. I am trying below things, but now the component is not visible on UI. sgstBox.getTextBox().setEnabled(false); this is not working either sgstBox...

What purpose do the collection classes defined under* serve?

I accidentally used HashSet and HashMap defined under the package in the client side code. Found out the package does not have a module xml file and hence these collection classes are not meant to be used on the client side. What is the purpose of having these classes in the GWT SDK, if these aren't suppo...

Open a page will all features in a new window in GWT or Javascript

When I run the following code in GWT I get the url I specified opening in a window with no menubar and no toolbar. What I need to do is pro grammatically create the same behaviour of this link via GWT/Javascript... new Anchor(projectHistoryInfoDto.getJiraId(), false, projectHistoryInfoDto.getJiraProjectURL(), "_blank") ...

How do I write combined selectors in CssResource?

Suppose I have a css style like this: .foo a, .foo a:visited .foo a:hover { /* some styles here */ } .bar table tr td{ /* other style here */ } How do I identify them them in CSS resource? Specifically, what style name should I refer to in my own CssResource interface? ...

On client, how do I download an image, then send as POST request to third party server?

We're using GWT and want to download an image to the client, then send this image to another server using a POST request... A JavaScript/AJAX solution would be helpful too. Is this plausible? Can a web app access cached images from the client's browser? We're rookies, if this is futile please let us know. Thanks! UPDATE: We abandoned...

jQuery TextBox type over text?

I am looking for code/plug-in/whatever that will make a textbox behave similar to what happens when you press the Insert button in a text editor and anything you type is typed over existing text. I am new to web dev, please be little specific. Thanks. ...

How to get a Tab's name in a GWT TabPanel

I have a tab panel where I add tabs dynamically. At a given point it can look like: tabPanel.add(new HTML("Dashboard"), new Hyperlink("Dashboard", "dashboard")); tabPanel.add(new CashGameTabPage(this), new Hyperlink("Cash Games", "cash")); tabPanel.add(new TournamentTabPage(this), new Hyperlink("Tournament", "tournament")); I...

How do I mask the current page behind a modal dialog box in vanilla GWT?

Hi, I've built a log-in composite that I am displaying in my application entry-point to the user. Upon entry of the username and password, I am sending the username and password to the server via a RemoteService and will receive back an object containing the ClientSession. If the ClientSession is a valid object (recognised username and ...

Error when payment processing using Realex

Hi Guys I am working on payment processing using Realex with GWT But at the last step it gives me error message that " Using test system. Please use pre-approved test cards ONLY " Please help me... Thanks ...

scrollabe Img smartgwt

i wrote a code to zoom in, and zoom out an image using smartGWT. but the problem is that the including canvas can't show it's scroll bars how to solve that public class ImageViewer implements EntryPoint { static int counter = 0; int widths[] = new int[5]; int hights[] = new int[5]; int originalW=0; int originalH=0; public void onModu...

gwt HTML question

hell,i want to know how to view a picture in a HTML? EXAMPLE: HTML htmlS = new HTML(picture resource+"[加载中...]"); how to write "picture resource" gwt code? i'm a new gwt programmer.come from china. thank you! ...