
GWT Image setUrl()

i am using - and new to - GWT and i made an Image Widget to view an image. This image is found on my file system i wrote. String src = "file:///D:/myfolder/myfile.jpg"; Image image = new Image(); image.setUrl(src); but image doesn't appear! ...

jaas authentication using jetty and gwt

Hello, I am trying to use JAAS to authenticate my users. My project is in GWT v2, which runs jetty. I use eclipse for development. From I found out that jetty doesn't like any realm definitions in web.xml, so I moved them to jetty-web.xml. I keep getting ClassNotFound ...

How to make the Image black and white

I have created Image. How to convert color Image to black&white. For example, on mouse over it. ...

Problem in IE in displaying some widgets in GWT.. !!

Hi all, I have a strange issue in my gwt app.. my application is working fine and looking good in Google chrome and firefox. But in IE i am facing some issues in visual display of widgets. The issues are : ListGrid is having some extraspaces (with dark black spaces)between each columns and misalignments of entire grid In Listgrid i h...

Referring to a non-final variable data inside an inner class

Im doing a program in GWT. Here is the snippet where Im having problem private String[] populateRSSData() { 1==>> String[] data = null; try { new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, "../database.php?action=populaterss").sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() { @Override public void onResponseReceived(Reque...

gwt - Using List<Serializable> in a RPC call?

I have a RPC service with the following method: public List<Serializable> myMethod(TransactionCall call) {...} But I get a warning when this method is analyzed, and then the rpc call fails Analyzing 'my.project.package.myService' for serializable types Analyzing methods: public abstract java.util.List<> myMet...

How to debug a GWT application running on OSGi?

I'm developing a web UI using GWT. While working only with the widgets I could debug from Eclipse using the Firefox extension, but now that I'm integrating the UI with other OSGi bundles I cannot use this solution. For deploying the GWT application I create the .war and convert it to an OSGi bundle using BND. Then I launch the OSGi cont...

Send an Array with an HTTP Get

How can i send an Array with a HTTP Get request? I'm Using GWT client to send the request. ...

Servlet NOT_FOUND (GWT+AppEngine)

I want to develop my first AppEngine application, that will also use GWT. Since I don't have any experience with GWT and AppEngine, I started with tutorials on GWT site, and after succefully completing Getting Started, I started working on But I ran into a problem, and...

How to set attribs in GWT?

I'm not getting any effect out of DOM.setElementAttribute, am I doing something wrong? class MyListBox extends { .... protected void setHoverAutoWidth() { addDomHandler(new MouseOverHandler() { public void onMouseOver(MouseOverEvent event) { DOM.setElementAttribute(getElement()...

how to export a file in GWT?

Hello. I am beginner in GWT. My web-application need to save information, that user was typed, to txt file - how to implement this? Thanks in advance. ...

Browser version detect using GWT?

Is there GWT api that will tell me which browser version it detected? I've found a flaw with IE7's regex handling and need to code around some tricky String.matches() expressions. ...

What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism)

What is the purpose of the IsSerializable interface in GWT (regarding the RPC mechanism). I have never been able to find a good explanation as to why it is the way it is and why the default Java Serializable tagging interface does not work. ...

How do you add a key handler to a GWT FlexTable?

I'm trying to change the row highlighting in my FlexTable using KeyCodes.KEY_UP/DOWN. This doesn't seem to work (based on 1809155): public class KeyAwareFlexTable extends FlexTable implements KeyDownHandler, HasKeyDownHandlers { public KeyAwareFlexTable() { this.addKeyDownHandler(this); } @Override public void ...

Any tutorials on the official GWT MVP framework?

Has anyone found/written any tutorials on the official GWT MVP framework that's found in the GWT 2.1 RC? ...

Basic arithmatic in GWT CssResource

I'm looking for a way to do something like this: // style.css @def borderSize '2px'; .style { width: borderSize + 2; height: borderSize + 2; } where the width and height attributes would end up having values of 4px. ...

GWT - Catching arrow key events in TextBox

Language: Java/GWT Platform: Ubuntu/Firefox I need to listen for arrow keys pressed in a TextBox. It seems that pressing up and down does not generate keypressevents for some reason. Instead I tried giving focus to a focus panel, handling the arrow keys and passing any other events to the TextBox, but the delegation has no effect. I've ...

How do I get all of the values from a GWT multiselect ListBox on a post?

I have a multiselect ListBox in a FormPanel in GWT. I have set the name of the listbox to "foo" via ListBox.setName(). When I post the form, I see that all of the selected values get posted, but all are bound to the same name "foo". So I seemingly cannot get each of the posted values (I am using Django/Python server-side to handle the po...

gwt-maven-plugin soyc flags

Hi, I've been having some problems with GWT and SOYC. Using the maven pluging for gwt: gwt-maven-plugin, how can I pass extra flags to the GWT compiler. I'm trying to set the XsoycDetailed flag, so that I can get a detailed SOYC report. Thanks. ...

gwt base64 image

Hi I am getting a base64 byte[] from an xml file via jaxb and I am not sure how to convert this back to an gwt image (which is basically an underlying html img if I understood that correctly). How do I convert into the proper string? My first instinct was to public void onSuccess(final byte[] icon) { img.setUrl("data:image/png;base64,...