
AsyncListViewAdapter + SimplePager, why is inactive pager clearing the table?

EDIT: This seems to be a bug. I'm trying to make CellTable work together with AsyncListViewAdapter<T> and SimplePager<T>. The data gets displayed, but when the pager should be 'deaf' (meaning when all existing data are displayed) it still receives clicks and, more importantly, makes the displayed data go away. Instead of my data 'loadin...

GWT in IE8 - Exception thrown and not caught

Hi all, I have posted this on the Google Web Toolkit Discussion Group but hopefully you guys can help me. I have built a GWT application which runs perfectly in Firefox and Chrome. When attempting to load it up in Internet Explorer 8 I get the error from one of my generated cache.html files: Line: 408 Char: 12 Error: Exception thrown ...

GXT - link two components height

Hi! I want to have a panel, with two columns. The first column will contain a list of beans, and the right one a form panel for editing those beans. What I want to do, is that list height is the same as height of the form panel on the right. My list of beans will be larger and larger over time, so it's height will probably exceed form h...

How to create new instance from class name in gwt

I have a class int the following name com.test.TestClass At one point in my code I have to get instance of this class by only having the class name string. I have tried using GWT.create() But it is working only in dev mode. Can any one tell me how to get instance in gwt from class name. ...

gwt get array button value

My gwt project have flexTable show data of image and button on each row and coll. But my button won't work properly. this is my current code: private Button[] b = new Button[]{new Button("a"),...,new Button("j")}; private int z=0; ... public void UpdateTabelGallery(JsArray str){ for(int i=0; i str.length(); i++){ b[i].setText(s...

GWT complex app, many screens. Architecture?

I'm making a GWT application which will have many screens. There will be a menu on the left and clicking a menu option will open the relevant module in the right side content area. Clicking on items in the content area will link to other modules that open in the same content area. How do I implement this architecture? How do I pass obj...

gwt-graphics show existing svg

can i import and show the content of an existing svg file with the gwt-graphics library? or exist a possibility to do this? ps: i don't have the svg file but i recive the code in a stream ...

Classloader issue (GWT)

I'm currently working on a gwt app where the server uses a few third party libs. Recently I discovered that one of these libs isn't being properly loaded when running my app in deployed mode, and I just can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. In my build script I have the following classpath declaration: <path id="project.cla...

ListBox GWT using Uibinder

How to add the listbox items using UiBinder? ...

GWT form upload using BlobstoreService App Engine

I am using GWT and Google App Engine Java for my application. I have a profile screen where user enters profile information like name, age and address, saves it and gets success or failure message. I developed this initial application using GWT-RPC and it worked fine. I had a new requirement where I have to store image of the user. I am ...

Make DialogBox wait for user action and return boolean in GWT

How can I make DialogBox (confirmation message and OK & Cancel buttons) wait for user action and return boolean result (true is OK was clicked, false otherwise)? Thanks in advance. ...

SuggestBox GWT showing all options on Enter key

I need to create a SuggestBox that will show all options on pressing the Enter key. I have written the following implementation, and it seems to be working fine. I would like someone to review my implementation and let me know if it will cause problems in any particular scenario. Also, the SuggestOracle to be passed to this Suggest...

Spring Roo from WSDL?

Hi folks, Spring Roo + GWT is very exciting but I'd like to use an existing Web Service as a backend so I was wondering if there is any way to configure Roo to use a WSDL as the starting point rather than the entity description (and have it wire in the Jax-WS calls to the service). Thanks! ...

IE7/IE8 Facebook connect : access denied

Hi friends, I am developing project in GWT, in which I am using a facebook connect functionality so user can login using facebook Id. Its working fine on all other browsers(FF, Safari, or Chrome) except IE7/8. I searched on net, I think its a cross domain issue. But don't know how to solve this. Following is the error I am getting in I...

Refresh Button in java

I need to make a simple refresh button for a gui java program I have the button made but its not working properly. I just am not sure what the code needs to be to make the button work. Any help would be really appreciated.I figured the code below ` refeshButton.addListener(new ButtonListenerAdapter() { @Override ...

GWT Query fails second time -only.

HI, I have a visualization function in GWT which calls for two instances of the same panels - two queries. Now, suppose one url is A and the other url is B. Here, I am facing an issue in that if A is called first, then both A and B works. If B is called first, then only B works, A - times out. If I call both times A, only the first time...

authentication of webapps when passwords are hashed with bcrypt

I created a GWT project which requires authentication. Initially, the users' passwords were in plain text, but now I would like to hash them with BCrypt. I searched but I cannot find a place describing how to make Jetty authenticate against a BCrypt hashed password. I'm sending the password to the server using a FORM in plain text and...

How to apply custom styles to a jasper html report

How does one apply custom CSS to a HTML report generated using Jasper. I need to include this report as an iFrame into a GWT window. ...

open/save file in smartGWT

Hi All, I have implemented RPCService, RPCServiceAsync & RPCServieImpl. On clicking a button a service in server side will be called and it will fetch data from DB and file is created. Once the file is created, then i need to open that file in client side and need to prompt a dialog box with open/save options. how can i implement t...

GWT time/string formatting

How can I easily do the following in GWT? (The code below is illegal since String.format is not emulated.) long lTime = System.currentTimeMillis() % (24*60*60*1000); long lHour = lTime/(60*60*1000); long lMin = lTime/(60*1000)%60; long lSec = lTime/1000%60; long lMilli = lTime%1000; return String.format("%d.%.2d:%.2d.%.4d", lHour, lMin,...