
GWT use of interface instead of widget

Hello, in a définition of a widget, what is a better practice, and why, use the widget himself or the type "higher", example, it's a better practice to do 1) Button myButton; or 2) Hastext myButton; (and set a button later) thanks for your answer. ...

Is a GWT app running on Google App Engine protected from CSRF

I'm developing a GWT app running on the Google App Engine and wondering if I need to worry about Cross-site request forgery or is that automatically taken care of for me? For every RPC request that requires authentication, I have the following code: public class BookServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements BookService { ...

TabLayoutPanel align tab to the right

I am using a TabLayoutPanel in GWT and I want to have the last tab show up on the right side of the page. Is it possible to do this? ...

Java + GWT + GSON on server side

Hi everybody. I already read that there is no possibility to run GSON in GWT client code, but that it is possible to run it in server code. The latter one is which I'm trying to achive, but not getting to work. I thought any class within the com.whatever.server package has access to the whole JRE namespace including reflection. It seem...

What's the best JSF implementation?

Hey everyone, I currently have a medium size Java web application sitting on top of Spring MVC. As much as I like (no sarcasm) coding straight HTML, CSS and JS, it's not possible for me to develop as fast as I'd like. I'm looking at different RAD frameworks to speed up my development. I'm looking at JSF implementations and component l...

Google Web Toolkit Asynchronous Call from a Service Implementation

I'm writing a simple Google Web Toolkit service which acts as a proxy, which will basically exist to allow the client to make a POST to a different server. The client essentially uses this service to request an HTTP call. The service has only one asynchronous method call, called ajax(), which should just forward the server response. My c...

GWT as offline app, to be deployed onto an iPad

I often use GWT for web UIs. I have heard of it being used a fair bit in conjunction with Gears for offline solutions (probably nowadays HTML5 "offline storage" is all the rage) and I'd like to experiment with building a GUI in GWT and use it on my iPad. Tips/tutorials on how to deploy it onto the device to act as much as possible like a...

GWT and Mock the view in MVP pattern

Hello, i dunno if the question is already ask, but i couldn't find it... i'm searching a way to mock my view in order to test my presenter ? i try to use mockito for the view, and set it in the presenter, but in result in presenter, when i call presenter.getDisplay() (the getter for the view) all of my widget is null ? as i believe it's...

json parser empty result

I'm new in gwt and new to using Firebug. MY gwt version is 2.0.0. using eclipse and WAMP. my IIS is stoped to run WAMP apache. I run my program on firefox I have valid json result from tesdb3.php located in "http://localhost/phpmyadmin/tesdb3/datauser.php" {"item": [{"kode":"002","nama":"bambang gentolet"}, {"kode":"012","nama...

Logging iBatis (myBatis) events with GWT

How to turn on logging queries in GWT hosted mode? ...

question on redirecting in gwt

Hello guys, i am using gwt to create a web application. when a user presses the logout button, i want to be able to refresh the page(or basically redirect to the homepage)as my GWT application runs only on one html page. what is the programmatic code to do this? ...

Clean way in GWT/Java to wait for multiple asynchronous events to finish

What is the best way to wait for multiple asynchronous callback functions to finish in Java before continuing. Specifically I'm using GWT with AsyncCallback, but I think this is a generic problem. Here's what I have now, but surely there is cleaner way... AjaxLoader.loadApi("books", "0", new Runnable(){ public void run() { ...

question on GWT and dockpanel , sizing and resizing

Hello guys, question on dock panels within gwt So i want the dockpanel to take up the whole size of the browser window dockPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); if this correct Next Question, i am going to add a north panel , that will be 100px high and take up the whole width of the browser topPanel.setSize("100%", "100px"...

GWT: What is the way to handle Click on GWT FlowPanel

May be a dumb question, but GWT FlowPanel (raw div element) does not provides something to handle a mouseclick/mousemovement on it. Overriding onBrowserEvent do not works either. If setting onclick event using native JavaScript (need to specify positive height before, 'div' have a height of 0 if not specified), then catching these even...

question on regular servlets within GWT (working in dev mode ,not working in deployment in tomcat)

Hello guys, i am having trouble with my web application developed in GWT. the application allows users to upload and download using an upload servlet and a download servlet, the upload servlet was created using the gwtUpload library. the download servlet is using regular HTTPServlet. when i run the application within eclipse the downl...

Question on the MVP within GWT. (General Overview)

Hello guys, Could any of you guys give a good explanation of the MVP pattern with regards to use in a GWT application. any example i have viewed, i found it hard to understand the concept of implementing the pattern. Questions such as what is it? what does it achieve, how is it implemented and how can it be extended for future modific...

What is the preferred way to associate css styles with GWT widgets (using UiBinder)?

From the GWT page (, it mentions 2 ways (for modern application): Using a CssResource contained within a ClientBundle. Using an inline element in a UiBinder template. Modern GWT applications typically use a combination of CssResource and UiBinder....

Why do I have a dependency to gwt?

In a seam-gen generated application the following exception is thrown during deployment: ERROR [LoadMgr3] Not resheduling failed loading task,{classname: org.jboss.seam.remoting.gwt.GWT14Service, requestingThread: Thread[ScannerThread,5,jboss], requestingClassLoader:

Drag and Drop in GWT using gwt dnd

Hi, I have been really struggling to get Drag and Drop working in GWT. Last 3 days, I was trying to create a basic drag and drop application and failed. Currently I can drag it around, but I am unable to drop to any location. How can we solve it? Do we need to modify onDragEnd - I am under the impression that unless I specifically h...

Getting GWT build version (also from Eclipse plugin)

Is there a possiblity to get or generate a version ID on every GWT compile is performed, from ant Build File or using 'Compile' button in Google Eclipse Plugin? ...