
How to setup GWT for Tomcat ?

Hi, I am new to GWT and learning it via the the Google documents. How do I setup GWT with Tomcat? I am required to intergrate it with Tomcat for work purposes. ...

Generated java file by Generators in GWT?

Hi, How can I find the java file which is generated during compile time when Generator is being used, for example when we have uiBinder it seems that GWT.create calls some generators and generates a java file, how can I get access to this file? Any idea? ...

problem with storing data in datastore

I am facing a problem with file upload.I have used Apache Commons servlet file upload for uploading the file. Though the file is getting uploaded and the data is getting stored on the local server(http:// but it is not going to the Google App Engine datastore. What I am doing is loading the file as a ...

EventHandling in GWT with LayoutPanels

Hi all I have some questions regarding GWT (2.1) with MVP and events. Got DockLayoutPanel with some components in it. A Tree component to the west and a SimplePanel in center. Each component has a presenter and a view. The problem is that I want to handle the components events in their presenter class, but now they are only catchable ...

using gwt-dnd with new layout panels of gwt 2.0

I'd like to use gwt-dnd within an application that uses the new 2.0 layout panels. however, gwt-dnd only accepts AbsolutePanel as its container for drag and drop. is it possible to use AbsolutePanel within, say, a DockLayoutPanel? ...

Starting with GWT: Creating a site similar to

I want to learn GWT. I have done the tutorial and now I want to create a complete website. My idea is to create a small mock site like My doubts are: How should I do the facts list? Should it be ListView? How should I do the pagination? Does smartgwt help me with the pagination code? Would you recomm...


Reading the GWT Bootstrap on Googles page, i have some question. ( ) Assumptions: Most browsers will allow a maximum of two simultaneous connections for fetching resources. The HTML Page: <html> <body onload='alert("w00t!")'> <img src='bigImageZe...

Java String Comparison: style choice or optimization?

I've been taking a look at some GWT code written by various people and there are different ways of comparing strings. I'm curious if this is just a style choice, or if one is more optimized than another: "".equals(myString); myString.equals(""); myString.isEmpty(); Is there a difference? ...

How to include a external jar in a GWT (Google Web Toolkit) project?

I have a external jar file named "xxx.jar". I use "xxx.jar" in my GWT project. When I attempt to build the JavaScript version of my project in Ant, I get one of the following type of errors at every location in which I use xxx. I get a error of this kind when doing the "gwtc" task in Ant, the javac compilation process proceeds just fine...

Why use the command pattern in GWT (or any web app)?

According to this video here Google is recommending the use of the command pattern on top of its request handling API. There is also a helpful looking project gwt-dispatch that implements that pattern. According to gwt-dispatch documentation I need to create four classes for each command: an action (e.g. command) a result (e.g. respo...

Wrapping processing.js in Google Web Toolkit

Hi All, I was wondering whether anyone has managed to wrap John Resig's processing.js library in Google Web Toolkit (maybe in combination with GWT Canvas) or knows of any resources or sample code out on the web. Processing.js is extremely powerful for generating bespoke data visualisations, custom animations etc (I am aware of the Googl...

GWT compilation on the fly

Is there a way to run Google Web Toolkit compiler directly from Java code to compile the source code made on the fly? In the same manner as for example. ...

Junit GWT error - Cannot find function attachEvent in object [object Window]

I try to create junit test for my GWT application. The application uses MathJax javascript library. I encounter an error that seems to be connected with javascript code. The listing of the full error message is here. I think that the core (main cause) of the error could be the following: TypeError: Cannot find function attachEven...

Help me choose Java web framework

Hi. I was C++ WinForms developer and then I swiched to Java Swing. Now I need to do web application, but I have strong background of GUI development so I want to put it in use. So I was looking for some nice Java-based frameworks, and two of them appear to be the thing what I am searching for : Apache Wicket Google Web Toolkit Here a...

How to use SmartGWT DataSource with heterogenous data

I want to use SmartGWT's TreeGrid object to show hierarchical data. The data is heterogeneous, not all elements are of the same type and have the same fields. For example, I have the following data: Home |-Room 1 |-Room 2 |-Table |-Chair All objects have unique IDs. Home has no fields. Rooms have just a name. Table has a nam...

How to make SmartGWT TreeGrid reparent selectively allowed depending on nodes

I have the following data in a SmartGWT TreeGrid object. Home |-Room 1 |-Room 2 |-Table |-Chair Reparenting is allowed by calling treeGrid.setCanReparentNodes(true); I want to allow selectiv reparenting only: for example, it should be possible to move (drag&drop) the Table to Room 1, but it should not be possible to move t...

A sample application in GWT + Spring + Hibernate

Hi, I've been thinking of using Spring + Hibernate with GWT, read a quite a few links on this topic but I'm not able to get started. So I'm looking for a sample application using GWT + Spring + Hibernate (at least Spring + GWT), could you please suggest any useful links !! Regards ...

Getting individual values from GWT datebox ?

Hi, I'm a newbie so please help me in this. I have a datebox with a default date format and its working and displaying selected date in the box as expected. Now, I need to get individual values from whats being displayed/selected, i.e., month, date, year. I need them to be used to query something in database. Example : Displayed as Ju...

Problem with providing the methods

Hi, I'm using gwt framework called smartgwt (however, problem concerns gwt and java) There, you can find HLayout class which can contain members. You can add them using: addMember(Canvas component) I created RectConainer class which extends HLayout class. Then, I created another class Rect which extends Canvas class indirectly. Right...

GWT MVC + UIBinder

What's the easiest and simplest way to implement an MVC-style pattern using UIBinder for the UIs? ...