
What content length should I send when I am encoding data with gzip?

I am writing a small web server and would like to send gzipped data. In the http header for the Content-Length field do I set the length of the compressed data or the length of the uncompressed data? ...

tradeoffs of different compression algorithms

What are the tradeoffs of the different compression algorithms? The purpose is backup, transfer & restore. I don't care about popularity, as long as a mature enough tool exists for unix. I care about time cpu memory compression level the algorithms I am considering are zip bzip gzip tar others? ...

How to solve Gzip Magic Number Missing

I have a string that I Gzip on the server and download to a client using the WebClient class. When I try to uncompress it, I get the error message that the Magic Number is missing. I have tried both the GZipStream class and the ICSharpLib methods of solving this, so I'm at a loss. The compression/decompression works if I omit the step o...

Manually gziped js files not working

Hey guys!, Does anyone know what might be causing this to happen? The file is uploaded correctly, it has the right permissions, and the <script> tag points to it correctly. The command I ran on the file was: gzip file.js What could it be? ...

BlackBerry - Problem with GZip decompression

There is a strange problem I've run in using RIM compression API, I can't make it work as it's described in documentation. If I gzip plain text file using win gzip tool, add gz to resources of blackberry project and in app try to decompress it, there will be infinite loop, gzis.read() never return -1... try { InputStream inputStrea...

how to make webpage with gzip?

Yslow and google are recommending gzip for webpages. but I am not able to find how to make web pages with gzip. Can anyone direct me to any tutorials or explain how to do it? Thanks in advance. ...

GZIP compression in PHP

Hi! I have a php script that backup my table in .sql format and I want to save the file in gzip format using PHP. How can I do that. ...

Is there a GZIP J2ME library?

Is there a gzip compression library that will work on J2ME? ...

apache xampp gzip

Hi, I am trying to get the GZIP module working in XAMPP window vista 64 bit. I have added the .dll file for gzip into the module directory and added in httpconf. Once I add it say it cannot start apache since it cannot find the ApacheGZIP module in the directory that is mentioned in httpconf file...(which I can see exist in the directo...

Ruby: Create A Gzipped Tar Archive

What's the best way to create a gzipped tar archive with Ruby? I have a Rails app that needs to create a compressed archive in response to user actions. Ideally, it would be possible to write directly to a compressed file without needing to generate intermediate temp files first. The Ruby Zlib library appears to support direct gzip comp...

How to check if my shared hosting provider has mod_gzip installed?

Is there a way to check if my hosting provider has mod_gzip enabled? It's not mentioned in any info on the web site, nor there is a forum to contact other people about this problem. Thanks. ...

mod_deflate vs Django GZipMiddleware, which one to use for deployment?

We're deploying Django apps with Apache 2.2 + mod_wsgi. Should we enable mod_deflate in Apache or use Django's GZipMiddleware? Which option performs better? ...

How to concat two or more gzip files/streams

Hello, I want to concat two or more gzip streams without recompressing them. I mean I have A compressed to A.gz and B to B.gz, I want to compress them to single gzip (A+B).gz without compressing once again, using C or C++. Several notes: Even you can just concat two files and gunzip would know how to deal with them, most of program...

Caching gzipped css

I've got over some tutorials on how to gzip a css file in which you create a public php file to include css files with compression. The problem is I cannot get it to cache my css files. I'm using firebug for reference and I've actually tried using the same code to compress some javascript and it caches it fine. Here is the code: if(ex...

Can i gzip-compress all my html content(pages)

I am trying to find out if there are any principles in defining which pages should be gzip-compressed and to draw a line when to send plain html content. It would be helpful if you guys can share the decisions you took in gzip-compressing a part of your project. ...

Sending gzipped data in WebRequest?

I have a large amount of data (~100k) that my C# app is sending to my Apache server with mod_gzip installed. I'm attempting to gzip the data first using System.IO.Compression.GZipStream. PHP receives the raw gzipped data, so Apache is not uncompressing it as I would expect. Am I missing something? System.Net.WebRequest req = WebRequest....

php open gzipped xml

Hi, I am struggling to read gzipped xml files in php. I did succeed in reading normal xml files, using XMLReader() like this: $xml = new XMLReader(); $xml->open($linkToXmlFile); However, this does not work when the xml file is gzipped. How can I unzip the file and read it with the XMLReader? ...

GZIP and RemoteObject

Hi, In AIR application, is there any way I can tell a RemoteObject to send headers that will accept Gzipped content back from server ? I'm using Zend Amf, and it's pretty slow. So I'm telling Apache to gzip amf content, but if the client doesn't send headers accepting gzipped content this will never work. Any idea ? ...

Gzipped content expected

Dear folks, I enabled gzip compression on my website, and tested with the following tools: http://www.whatsmyip.org/http_compression/ http://www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php http://web-sniffer.net/ Though, Firefox and all its extensions (Firebug, Yslow and Google Page Speed) say they receive noncompressed content. text/html i...

gzipped Apache response packet analysis

After enabling gzip compression in my Apache server (mod_deflate) I found consistently that end user was being served on average 200 ms slower than uncompressed responses. This was unexpected so I modified the compression directive to ONLY compress text/HTML responses, fired up wireshark and looked at the network dump before and after ...