
Having several file pointers open simultaneaously alright?

I'm reading from certain offsets in several hundred and possibly thousands files. Because I need only certain data from certain offsets at that particular time, I must either keep the file handle open for later use OR I can write the parts I need into seperate files. I figured keeping all these file handles open rather than doing a sign...

Anonymous Pipes

I've written a two short programs that use anonymous pipes to communicate. The parent process shares the pipe handles by setting the standard IO handles for the child: // -- Set STARTUPINFO for the spawned process ------------------------- ZeroMemory(&m_ChildSI, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); GetStartupInfo(&m_ChildSI); m_ChildSI.dwFlags ...

How to determine why is Java app slow

Hi! We have an Java ERP type of application. Communication between server an client is via RMI. In peak hours there can be up to 250 users logged in and about 20 of them are working at the same time. This means that about 20 threads are live at any given time in peak hours. The server can run for hours without any problems, but all of a...

Testing for an invalid windows handle: should I compare with 'NULL', '0' or even 'nullptr'?

I'm coming from a background whereby pointers should generally be compared with 'NULL' and integers with '0'. Since I didn't perceive Windows handles to be 'pointers' in the pure sense (being 'handles'), I'd got into the habit of comparing them with 0 rather than 'NULL'. Clearly they're implemented internally as pointers nowadays, but ...