
"Error Creating Window Handle"

We're working on a very large .NET WinForms composite application - not CAB, but a similar home grown framework. We're running in a Citrix and RDP environment running on Windows Server 2003. We're starting to run into random and difficult to reproduct "Error creating window handle" error that seems to be an old fashion handle leak in...

How do I find where my .Net app is leaking Windows handles?

Hi all, I've got a WinForms .Net app that runs over a lot of XPS documents (thousands) and during this run the number of handles (according sysinternals process monitor and task manager) increases by between 3-10 for each document. I heavily suspect that these are handles that are opened and not closed by the MS .Net XPS framework libra...

GDI handles with icons . l

i have a winforms application. i have a user control with a lot of icons. the user can load this control on a form many times (in a tabbed layout). right now i am loading the icons each time the control is created (could be up to 50 times in teh app). is there any way to cache these icons in the application. if i did this, would tha...

How can you break on handle creation?

I have an application that spawns multiple child processes. Before launching a child, I create stdOut and stdErr handles to a log file (for example, if I am about to launch procA, i create handles to logA.log). I set these handles on the child processes. By looking with ProcExplorer, I can see that each child process has handles to eac...

How to enumerate process' handles?

Is there any way how to enumerate process with given PID in windows, and get list of all his opened handles(locked files, etc.)? EDIT: I dont care about language. If it is in .NET, I'd be glad, if in WinApi (C), it won't hurt. If in something else, I think I can rewrite it :-) ...

Migrating Handles from VB.NET to C#

Hi, I'm migrating some code from VB.NET to C# (3.5). I find structurs like: Public Event DataLoaded(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Protected Sub Mag_Button_Load_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Mag_Button_Load.Click [..] RaiseEvent DataLoaded(Me, EventArgs.Empty) End Sub [..] 'Other C...

Is there a WCF equivalent to RPC context handles?

I'm updating an old c++ service to use WCF instead of RPC and there is an issue as to what type to use when sending and receiving a handle (HANDLE, void*..etc). In the updated service I currently have it using IntPtr, but this does not work when going from a 64 bit version of the service to a 32 bit version. The IntPtr can not deserializ...

Finding the number of USER Objects used by a process.

I'm investigating a possible memory leak which is causing an "Error creating window handle" Win32Exception in my .NET 2.0 WinForms app. This is related to number of Handles and number of USER objects (most likely) so I'm trying to log these metrics the next time the exception is thrown. HandleCount is easy to find: Process.HandleCou...

how to change the window style of a form outside your app?

how to change the window style of a form outside your app?hard question? i am actually trying to move a form witch is topmost and has no border. i have the handle(hWnd) of the window. i can write thousands of lines of code if guaranteed to work. ...

Handles being released corrupted somehow?

Strange problem. Maybe someone can give some insight. Scenario 1. I have a TBitmap in memory that is written to while complex calculations take place to calculate the color of each pixel. Every so often (usually after every horizontal line that the bitmap is filled) the TBitmap is drawn to an image on a form (image1.Canvas.Draw(0, 0...

SWT No More Handles

Windows XP has the limit 10000 user handles for each process and total 32000 for each desktop session. However, when I run 4 or 5 SWT process, each consuming no more than 2000 user handles, the SWT No More handles exception will always be threw. Does anyone know why? ...

get all handles of a window

hello Im looking for a way to get all handles in a specified window, of every button and everything. I tried with EnumDesktopWindows but it doesnt enum every handle, only the window handles. ...

AddHandler vs. Handles - what is the difference?

Understood that Handles is only a way to add in constructor the AddHandler, but in general these two are equivalent. True? ...

Memory/Handle/Gdi leak utility

Hi all, I remember from past having a utility that would allow to leak various system resources, such as memory, handles and gdi. It had a small dialog where one would choose what to leak, it was nice for system stress testing.. I don't remember whether it was part of VC6 or I got it from somewhere else. If you know such tool, please l...

Help converting a VB.NET "Handles" statement to C#

I need help converting a VB.NET handles statement to C#. This is the VB Private Sub ReceiveMessage(ByVal rr As RemoteRequest) Handles AppServer.ReceiveRequest 'Some code in here End Sub ...

Windows handle if a control is set to visible = false (.NET)

Hello, Quick question, do controls in .NET have handles (hWnd) if they are set to invisible? Marlon ...

UI Thread .Invoke() causing handle leak?

In what circumstances would updating a UI control from a non-UI thread could cause the processes' handles to continually increase, when using a delegate and .InvokeRequired? For example: public delegate void DelegateUIUpdate(); private void UIUpdate() { if (someControl.InvokeRequired) { someControl.Invoke(new DelegateUI...

Handles and pointer to object

I have a python Interpreter written in C++, the PyRun_String function from the Python API is said to return a handle, however in my code I have it assigned to pointer to a PyObject? PyObject* presult = PyRun_String(code, parse_mode, dict, dict); Is this actually correct? Can you implicitly cast this handle to this object pointer? S...

Is it safe to "double-close" a handle using CloseHandle?

What are the implications of calling CloseHandle more than once? The docs say "you shouldn't" but I think I have a realistic case with named pipes where a handle might be closed externally (See end of post). CloseHandle throws an exception in debug mode in this case, which suggests to me the developers think this is serious, but the do...

Get specific elements of a website displayed in firefox

Hello, I use a screenshot tool like SnagIt and this tool is able to make a screenshot of a specific element inside a website. I tried this feature with firefox, safari and ie, all runs fine. When I use the mouse pointer to aim an element, SnagIt shows a red box around the hovered element in the browser. For example, this tool knows the ...