
.Net 2.0 & SQL Server 2008 Hanging Process

I created a simple .Net web service which runs a very simple query (which should normally be very quick). The query is something like this: SELECT v.email FROM dbo.Reporting r INNER JOIN dbo.Reporting_EmailList el ON r.reportID = el.reportID INNER JOIN OtherDB.dbo.V_ActiveDir v ON el.userGUID = v.objectGUID WHERE r.reportID = @repor...

javascript pausing consistently. How do I find what is causing it to pause?

I've got a fairly ajax heavy site and I'm trying to tune the performance. I have a function that runs between 20 & 200 times, depending on the user. I'm outputting the time the function takes to execute via console.time in firefox. The function takes about 4-6ms to complete. The strange thing is that on my larger test with 200 or ...