This question is related to ruby on rails ActiveRecord associations and how to generate those migrations.
I'm trying to build a web-app for a documentation/data management system and I have two models - Arg and Descriptor. (The reason for making a descriptor an object rather than an attribute is for multiple Args to share the same descr...
If i have
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :books
class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
When i save an instance of Book, will it call save on its associated User as well?
In my code base im finding that when i call, 'User's after_save callbacks are being executed.
I have two models I want to connect with an m-to-m relationship, but I want the relationship to have some data of its own, such as a date due or a count or something like that...
Suppose I have Users, Groups, and some UsersInGroups object, where users and groups both have a has_many X, :through Y relationship. UsersInGroups belongs_to a...
My problem is the following:
I have the models events and music_types, connect via hmabtm join table.
If I call now MusicType.all in my event controller I get a complicated query for each music_type I have.
Similar to:
FROM music_types
INNER JOIN join_events_music_types
ON = join_event...
Hi there,
I'm sorry the title is kinda vague :-)
I have a User model with associated Answers. Each of these answers is an answer to a Question:
class User
has_many :answers
class Question
has_many :answers
class Answer
belongs_to :question
belongs_to :user
The questions are the same for all users, but their...
I'm a bit of a newb to ruby and I am having a heck of a problem with the has_many :through associations. My system is currently set up with Authlogic and Declarative_auth. At the moment when I file a user it creates everything correctly except it doesnt insert the role_id in the users table even though it shows its being passed on submit...
I have a Coach Model which:
has_many :qualifications
I want to find all coaches whose some attribute_id is nil and they have some qualifications. Something which is like.
def requirement
legal_coaches = []
coaches = find_all_by_attribute_id(nil)
coaches.each do |coach|
legal_coaches << coach if coach.qualification...
Hello, sorry for my english,
I have worked in a helper to create an objects tree based in :has_many associations and it's working fine, but I have a problem with links: some objects don't have an edit action to create a link (edit_object_path object_id).
How can I to know, if an object has edit action?
Hay fellow developer,
When I invoke @chapter.articles, rails yields the following error:
uninitialized constant Sommaire::Chapter::Article
Event if I specify *:class_name => "Sommaire::Article"*,
it yields:
uninitialized constant Sommaire::Chapter::Sommaire::Article
Since I'm relatively new to rails (3.0.0), this has lost me !
I'm getting a very odd error when I attempt to access the find method of a has_many relationship.
What am I doing wrong syntactically?
# Instructor model
class Instructor < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :events
# Event model
class Event < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :instructor
# Controller snip-it
i = Instructor.first
I would like to have a named_scope for blogs with zero posts.
The following does not work.
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :blog
class Blog < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
named_scope :has_no_posts, :conditions => " NOT IN (SELECT blog_id FROM posts)"
given the fact that a user has many credit cards and a credit card has many addresses, I am trying to create a form that creates a user and credit card with address all at once
relavent model code:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :credit_cards
accepts_nested_attributes_for :credit_cards
class CreditCard < ActiveRecord...
Trying to write a basic "blog-like" app in rails 3, I'm stuck with associations. I need the create method save the post_id as well as the user_id in the comment table (which I need in order to retrive all comments written by a user in order to display it)
The app has users (authentication - devise), posts (posted by users - but I'm...
In my project I have a Forum that has many Topics, and each Topic has many Posts. When I add a Post to a Topic, I would like to update a timestamp column in the Topic model to record when the last Post was added to the Topic. How can I do this?
Thank you for looking!
I have a model called Contacts.
Contacts can have different status "bad, positive, wrong..."
These status may need to be changed over time, but across all contacts, they are the same options.
Should I model it this way:
belongs_to :status_contact
has_many :contacts
Then I manually populate the types ...
Hey folks,
I have following models:
class App::Module::Object < AR::Base
has_many :objects, :class_name => 'App::OtherModule::Object'
class App::OtherModule::Object < AR::Base
belongs_to :object, :class_name => 'App::Module::Object'
Using Rails 3.0.0 and Ruby 1.9.2, I get following error after accessing App::Module...
I have a: has_and_belongs_to_many :friends, :join_table => "friends_peoples".
To add a friend I do: @people.followers << @friend which create the relationship and a new person profile.
Now I'd like to delete the relationship ONLY and not the person profile.
I tried @people.friends.delete( but it deletes the person pro...
The central problem: How do you merge attribute collections by a key during mass assignment from a nested form.
The details: I am using the following models:
class Location < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :containers,
:dependent => :destroy,
:order => "container_type ASC"
validates_associated :containers
I've defined these relationships in my models:
Lead hasMany Job
Job HABTM Employee
Job HABTM Truck
I'm trying to do a find('all') from my Truck model, and limit the results to:
All Trucks,
all jobs associated with those trucks that have a certain pickup date,
the employees assigned to those jobs,
and the lead associated with the jo...
I'm new to testing and rails but i'm trying to get my TDD process down properly.
I was wondering if you use any sort of paradigm for testing has_many :through relationships? (or just has_many in general i suppose).
For example, i find that in my model specs i'm definitely writing simple tests to check both ends of a relationship for r...