
SQL Select Count(person_id) > 3 From...

Can someone convert this english to SQL I have tried several things but no luck. SELECT CASE WHEN COUNT(person_id) > 3 THEN person_id end FROM table I am trying to only get the person_id(s) that occur > 3 times in the table. ...

use mysql SUM() in a WHERE clause

suppose I have this table id | cash 1 200 2 301 3 101 4 700 and I want to return the first row in which the sum of all the previous cash is greater than a certain value: So for instance, if I want to return the first row in which the sum of all the previous cash is greater than 500, is should return to row 3 How do I d...

I'm having problem with SUM() in MySQL

Hi All, I want to fetch the BalanceAmt of a particular Customer attended by a particular attender. The criteria is that a customer may buy more than one items. Each bought items has been recorded individually. At some cases 'attender' value would be NULL. Here's my query: SELECT Customer, AttendedBy, SUM(BalanceAmt) FROM billing GROU...

Querying on count value having ()

I'm having difficulty with a query which displays records according to their fill rate. For instance, a vacancy can have no bookings or some bookings. If a vacancy has bookings, they can be in the form of 'active [1]', 'pending [0]'. The query I have written so far works if the vacancy has booking records but I can't get it to work if ...

Django: How do I explicitly make a query with a HAVING clause?

I need to execute some SQL that looks like this: select approve_firm_id,approve_dt,approve_result from main_approve group by approve_firm_id having MAX(approve_dt) and approve_result=0; it runs (mysql-5.1), but if I try in the Django model like this: Approve.objects.annotate(max_dt=Max('approve_dt')). filter(max_dt__gt=0).filte...

MySQL Query Problem with Alias and Aggregate Functions

I have a troublesome MySQL query as follows: SELECT camera_id, ((avg(low_price) + avg(high_price)) / 2) as avg_price FROM camera_general, camera_products WHERE camera_id = ir_camera_id AND dp_post_dt IS NOT NULL AND dp_post_dt NOT LIKE '0000%' AND currently_manufactured = 'Yes' AND ((no_of_sellers >= 0) OR ((TO_DAYS(CURRENT_DATE) - TO_D...

How to use having on un-aggregate field in MySQL?

select xx as fieldA from ... group by xxx having fieldA is not null I found that having has no effect ...

Sql - struggling with count/having query based on several joins

Hi, I'm struggling to get my query working. Basically, what it should do is only return vacancies that haven't been filled. For example, a vacancy can have a pre-determined limit of 5. To fill this, it will need to have a mixture of 5 active or pending bookings or simply 5 active or 5 pending bookings. A pending booking is changed to a...

NHibernate HQL - select count(*) with having - can't get it to work

Trying to run the following HQL with NHibernate: select count(distinct t) as TweetCount from Tweet t join t.Tweeter u left join t.Votes v left join t.Tags tag where t.App = :app having count(distinct v) > 0 But for some reason the having clause is being ignored and it's counting all tweets when only 2 tweets have a vote. I...