
How to use GetHBITMAP method?

I have a gdi+ bitmap, and I want to convert bitmap into HBitmap. I write the following code. HBITMAP temp; Color color; img->GetHBITMAP(color, &temp); But It do not work, How can I get a HBitmap? ...

C++/Win32: How to get the alpha channel from an HBITMAP?

I have an HBITMAP containing alpha channel data. I can successfully render this using the ::AlphaBlend GDI function. However, when I call the ::GetPixel GDI function, I never get back values with an alpha component. The documentation does say that it returns the RGB value of the pixel. Is there a way to retrieve the alpha channel valu...

Strange problem about conversion between GDI+ to GDI: Bitmap and HBitmap

I want to convert gdi+ Bitmap into gdi object HBitmap. I am using the following method: Bitmap* img = new Bitmap(XXX); // lots of codes... HBITMAP temp; Color color; img->GetHBITMAP(color, &temp); the img object is drawing on a dialog. when this part of method is called, strange thing happens! the img displaying in ...

Converting from HBITMAP to Jpeg or Png in C++

Does anyone know how I can use an HBITMAP variable to write a png or jpeg file? I first looked into doing this with GDI+ but it gives me errors telling me min/max haven't been defined (defining them just brings more problems), I then looked into libpng's C++ bindings (png++) and couldn't get the examples to compile. thanks, Mikey ...

A device specific alpha bitmap fails after switching resolutions in remote desktop

All my alpha bitmaps, created using CreateCompatibleBitmap(..), start to receive an error code 87 after someone signs in with Remote Desktop. I am assuming that this is because the resolution changed and I am using a device specific bitmap. I am wondering what the best route is to fix this issue without migrating to a device independen...

How to change the toolbar button's Bitmap in win32 ?

Hi all! I have created a toolbar with some controls on it using ReBar within a window. Can anyone please tell me, How to get the HWND of a buttons/combobox/etc (not normal buttons in a window) if I know (only) the Id of it ? How to obtain the HBITMAP if I know the id of the resource ? How to set the bitmap to the controller ? Send...

Retrieve remote bitmap, using HBITMAP handle in C#

I have a MarshalByRefObject which I needed to serialize and store (in a database), so I could deserialize and reference it later. I have chosen to approach this differently: right now I am running a Windows Service which simply keeps the MarshalByRefObjects "alive" (please note that the RemoteObject is actually a 3rd party object, which ...

Why HBITMAP is inverted

Hello Experts, I am trying to create an avi file for a given jpg images. I am reading jpg's using a library and preparing hbitmap for it. Finally i am adding it to create avi file. But my final avi file contains the inverted images. I kept nagative for hight in bitmapheader. Still my hbitmap is inverted. Can you please help why the erro...