
Is heap memory a common memory location shared by different processes?

Every process can use heap memory to store and share data within the process. We have a rule in programming whenever we take some space in heap memory, we need to release it once job is done, else it leads to memory leaks. int *pIntPtr = new int; . . . delete pIntPtr; My question is, will the heap memory exist when the application/pro...

android emulator ==> change heapSize ???

I am trying to change the heap size of the emulator, to make sure that my app doesn't run out of memory with 16 mb available? How can i change the heap size on the emulator? I run the emulator through Eclipe. ...

Android ==> Eclipse Heap tool question ???

Ok so from my understanding each application normally gets 16 mb memory to work with. This is what is shown on the heap tool for eclipse: Heap Size: 4.5 mb Allocated: 3.2 mb Free : 1.5 mb Used : 66.7% Which one is the total memory being used? Heap size, or Allocated? ...

How can I get the occupied space by a java object in the memory heap?

Hi there. I'm in the process of learning Java, I'm reading the Head First Java book and I think it's great so far... However, one thing I really like to know is how much space does an object takes from the memory heap, you know... bits, bytes, kb, etc. How can this be done? This is my first question here... I hope isn't a stupid questi...

java.lang.outofmemoryError: java heap space problem

hello, I have to create a RMI program,when i run this program it will run only few minutes then show "java.lang.outofmemoryError: java heap space" problem. I have to use Window 7 with 1.5 GB RAM and JDK1.6 Thanks, ...

Java heap size: error when setting it too large

I have a program that fundamentally requires a lot of memory. However, for some reason java gives me an error when I try to set the max heap space above 1.5GB. That is, running java -Xmx1582m [my program] is okay, but java -Xmx1583m [my program] gives the error Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough sp...

Question about unions and heap allocated memory.

I was trying to use a union to so I could update the fields in one thread and then read allfields in another thread. In the actual system, I have mutexes to make sure everything is safe. The problem is with fieldB, before I had to change it fieldB was declared like field A and C. However, due to a third party driver, fieldB must be allig...

unable to set more than 544mb heap size in eclipse

i'm confused, i have 4gb ram machine - 64bit win7 if i try to set -Xmx more than 544m in eclipse.ini i get the error "Could not create the Jave virtual machine". i use 32bit eclipse helios and 32bit vm ...

Jboss Deployment and Java Heap Issues

My application was running fine without issues but from last week I am getting one error during jboss start. I have used almost all work around to solve this problem but could not make it. I am using following options: JBOSS_HOME="/usr/jboss-5.1.0.GA" JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx850m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m" Log file: 2010-09-03 00:53:35,5...

java heap memory issue in IBM AIX server

getting below error in IBM AIX server "JVMJ9VM015W Initialization error for library j9gc23(2): Failed to instantiate heap. 3584M requested" how to resolve the proble ? i want to increase the heap menmory up to 10gb ...

How do you find out who created a private heap?

I have an Windows C++ application which has a memory leak. I am pretty sure the leak is in one of our (many) linked libraries. I have instrumented the global new and delete function in our app and the app calls to allocate memory seem fine. They account for about 10% of the process working set though. When I walk the heaps // http://...

Scala - High heap usage when performed XML.loadFile on large number of files in local scope

I am trying to create an object tree from large number of xmls. However, when I run the following code on about 2000 xml files(ranging from 100KB to 200MB) (note that I have commented out the code that creates object tree), I get a large memory footprint of 8-9GB. I expect memory footprint to be minimum in the following example because t...

Dynamic Memory Handling Java vs C++

I am a C++ programmer currently trying to work on Java. Working on C++ I have an habit of keeping track of dynamic memory allocations and employing various techniques like RAII to avoid memory leak. Java as we know provides a Garbage Collector(GC) to take care of memory leaks.So while programing in Java should one just let go all the who...